A purebred cat, a cat of a rare breed ... Who are these beauties? Where did they come from and why are they called that? How to determine the breed of a cat? Such a question, very often beginners are asked "koshovodov". Let's try to figure out what a "breed" is.
Of course, conditionally, depending on the origin, all cat breeds are divided into three main groups:
- natural - those that are created under the influence of certain geographical and climatic conditions;
- developing - breeds obtained as a result of purposeful breeding work;
- mutant hybrids - breeds that are obtained either by chance or as a result of human activity, but have not yet settled down. Recognizing them takes time.
Cat breeds are mainly formed as a result of selection, which is based on purposeful human activity and related infrastructure. When creating a breed, a large amount of breeding material is required, i.e. cats. The work goes in two directions: selection of animals for breeding and the formation of breeding pairs. In the process of selection, a lot of cats are rejected for some reason, but as a result they get an animal that meets certain qualities.
The breed is a rather large group of domestic animals, in this case, cats, which was created by humans, having a common origin and general physiological and morphological features.
We can say that this is an ideal animal, an animal - a dream that man created!
How to determine the breed of a cat? There is a standard for this - a brief description of the ideal animal. It gives characteristics for determining the breed: head, coat structure, limbs, color, skeleton and other parameters. You can find a description of the standards in the literature. But the Internet can become the first assistant in this matter! There is always the latest information about cats and their breeds.
Here you can find the most beautiful cat breeds, rare and quite vulnerable, curly, bald and tailless. In general, different! The most popular of them formed the world top ten most unusual cats.
And the American Wirehaired cat leads this world-class group of beauties. Outside the United States, it is almost never found, but the unusual curly hair and a rather small number of specimens (only 22 of these cats) make it one of the most beautiful and rare leaders.
In the UK, as a result of crossing a chinchilla and a Burmese breed, another unique Burmilla cat was obtained. With a beautiful silky fur of various colors and shades: bluish, red, chocolate brown, purple or black, such a beauty is characterized as an extremely social cat.
A completely new and rare cat breed - Brilliant California - differs from other beauties in its leopard color. Although not a single leopard gene is in it! To date , a cat of this breed is fighting for survival, because despite its short life, it has already gone out of fashion.
An elf cat is the rarest cat on the planet. Officially, this breed does not exist at all , it is the “unrecognized leader” of our charts. The elf cat has, like a sphinx, a bald head and extraordinary twisted ears. Maybe she can’t be called a beauty, but that is the rarest breed, that's for sure!
The Turkish Van closes the top five - the cat of the oldest breed, which is now on the verge of extinction. A bathing lover who loves bathtubs with white hair and a red tail - this extraordinary beauty also has multi-colored eyes - one amber, the other blue.
This cat breed can boast of its ancient roots - Khao-mani, which means “diamond eye” in Thai. At home, a cat of this breed is valued at its weight in gold; its ancestors were bred specifically for royal families. It will be very disappointing if this oldest breed disappears.
The number of representatives of the Singapore cat breed is relatively small. A cat with an unusual appearance - green eyes, short hair, light brown tones, with a darker color on the head and back - has a soft character. Maybe this trait will help her relatives spread throughout the world?
Very beautiful, having Siamese origin, a Snow Shu cat. The name itself - Snow shoes - speaks of her appearance. In the last half century, this cat breed has either increased in number of representatives or has fallen. But lately, it seems, it again has a positive trend, as it is known throughout the world.
How to determine the cat breed Manx? Yes, very easy! She has no tail! Yes, some individual representatives have a short one, but it is almost invisible. And the breed of the Manx cat, bred on the Isle of Man, is the oldest.
And curly kitten Curly, who appeared in America, closes the top ten most interesting cat breeds. He became the ancestor of the Laperm breed, long-haired handsome men, recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Although today there are also short-haired lapermi.
But in principle, what's the difference, how to determine the breed of a cat, what breed is it? The main thing is that she should be loved in the family!