Jailbreak: how to remove correctly?

Quite often, the problem, due to which something either stops working or refuses to function, as expected, becomes a jailbreak. How to remove it from the device? It is very important not to harm the gadget. Actually, this is not very easy to do, as there is no such magic button in the device menu, by clicking on which everything will be deleted, and the smartphone or tablet will return to the default settings.


Do not do a normal reset. This will lead to complete inoperability of the device. It just hangs on the image of the company logo. Therefore, it is a bad idea to delete the jailbreak by means of an ordinary reset. How to remove it? About it - further.

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jailbreak how to remove

, . Apple, . - , .


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  • iOS, .
  • iPod Touch .

? :

  1. , « iPhone».
  2. Cydia.
  3. Cydia Impactor .
  4. . , 15 .

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: ?

jailbreak application

iTunes. :

  1. , iTunes. , .
  2. .
  3. «» .
  4. .

. , . , . , , . ?

untethered jailbreak

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