"PenStrap": instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

Sometimes domestic or farm animals encounter infectious diseases. In such cases, the modern drug PenStrep (PenStrep-400) comes to the rescue. The instructions for this antibacterial agent indicate that the composition contains effective components that cope with many infections. The drug is widely used in veterinary practice. Below we’ll talk more about PenStrep, indications for use and rules of use.

What it is

According to the instructions, PenStrep is a comprehensive antibacterial drug. The tool is suitable for the treatment of farm animals, as well as pets. The main active ingredients that make up the drug are actively fighting infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and respiratory tracts and a number of other pathologies caused by pathogens that are sensitive to the active components of PepStrep.

Composition and form of release

injections for animals

The drug is a sterile suspension for intramuscular use. The instructions to "PepStrep" indicate that it is forbidden to enter intravenously. This tool is a whitish solution. If stored for a long time, sediment may occur. The drug is sold in veterinary pharmacies. Release form - 100 ml glass jars.

The composition includes the following components:

  • dihydrostreptomycin sulfate - 200,000 IU;
  • benzylpenicillin procaine - 200 mg;
  • Excipients.

Basic properties

pig treatment

According to the instructions for the use of PenStrep in veterinary medicine, the composition is selected in such a way that the substances included in it enhance the beneficial effect of each other. This helps to expand the spectrum of antimicrobial effects.

Procaine - characterized by its well-defined bactericidal properties, especially to gram-positive bacteria. The substance acts as follows: it blocks the production of peptidoglycan (one of the main components of the cell membrane of a pathogen), which ultimately leads to the death of the bacterium. A distinctive feature of procaine is slow absorption and prolonged action with intramuscular injections. After a single use, the substance remains in the blood until 18-24 hours. Penicillin is concentrated in the kidneys, lungs, reproductive organs, intestinal mucosa, bones, peritoneal and pleural fluid, passes through the placenta in small amounts and passes into milk.

Dihydrostreptomycin sulfate - an antimicrobial component, belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. Effective against gram-negative bacteria. Its action is based on blocking the processes of protein production in the ribosomes of pathogenic cells. With intramuscular injections, the substance is rapidly absorbed and slightly binds to serum proteins. The maximum concentration of streptomycin is observed a couple of hours after the administration of the drug, and the therapeutic dose remains in the body for 8-12 hours. Unlike procaine, streptomycin affects microbes that are both in the reproductive and dormant stages. Resistance acquired by bacteria develops very slowly.

dog in vetclinic

The combination of both substances has a greater bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic microorganisms than if each substance was administered separately.

According to the instructions, "PenStrep" after the injection enters the bloodstream of the animal and disperses throughout all body tissues. The highest concentration is reached after 1 hour, and the therapeutic dosage is maintained for 8-24 hours. The bulk of the drug is excreted by the liver and kidneys (along with bile and urine), in lactating animals a certain amount of the drug is excreted in breast milk.

The instructions for use with "PenStrep" indicate that after a course of treatment with the drug it is necessary to withstand 28 days before slaughtering cattle and 1 week to get safe milk.

How to use

The drug PenStrep is effective for the treatment of various animal diseases.

  1. Cattle, goats and sheep: colibacillosis, leptospirosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, infectious enteritis, salmonella abortion in sheep, respiratory and urological infections, arthritis, mastitis, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal infections.
  2. Pigs: colibacillosis, leptospirosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, respiratory and urological infections, rubella, infectious enteritis, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal infections.
  3. Dogs and cats: respiratory and urogenital infections, streptococci, bacterial infections, staphylococci, infectious enteritis.
    animal diseases

Before treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the recommended dosage, which is indicated in the instructions to "PenStrep". For animals, the recommendations are as follows:

  • cattle: 5 milliliters per 100 kilograms;
  • pigs and sheep: one milliliter per 20 kilograms;
  • dogs and cats: one milliliter per 10 kilograms.

The drug is administered intramuscularly once every 24 hours, for a period of three to five days.

In the event that after the treatment course the condition of the animal has not changed, you should contact your veterinarian to reassess the diagnosis.

Contraindications and side effects

As mentioned above, the drug can not be administered intravenously. It is not recommended to treat Penstrip-sensitive penicillin-sensitive pets. The drug is contraindicated in animals with renal and heart diseases.

Penicillin is one of the safest antibiotics. Nevertheless, in animals sensitive to this substance, allergic or anaphylactic manifestations may develop.

cattle treatment

Dihydrostreptomycin can cause dermatitis, as well as chronic or acute reactions. The substance should not be used for horses whose meat is intended for human consumption.

The instructions for the use of PenStrep for animals indicate that it is recommended to use the drug for pregnant and lactating females only in extreme cases.

You should know that aminoglycoside antibiotics lead to a decrease in the pulse in dogs. In case of allergy, the drug is stopped and antihistamines are administered to the animal. With prolonged use of PenStrep, vestibular apparatus and hearing impairment are possible, since the drug has nephrotoxicity.

It is forbidden to take the drug together with other antibiotics! Despite the possible side effects, this drug is considered effective and quite safe.

Storage conditions

cat treatment

According to the instructions, PenStrep is stored in a dry place inaccessible to children, protected from daylight. Storage temperature is from 5 to 25 º. The expiration date declared by the manufacturer is two years. Shelf life after opening the package is 28 days.


Owners of animals leave a variety of reviews on the drug "PenStrep". In most cases, they are positive. Negative opinions are most often based on individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug, or on the occurrence of allergic reactions.

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