Recently, the number of people suffering from a particular type of allergy has been growing steadily. Unfortunately, pregnant women also face this problem. Moreover, statistics indicate that approximately 35% of women first experience allergies just during pregnancy.
An allergy during pregnancy is a completely unsurprising fact, as a woman’s body becomes much more vulnerable during this crucial period. Although the symptoms of allergies during pregnancy manifest themselves much more strongly, the allergy itself does not affect pregnancy and the course of childbirth. Allergies during pregnancy are associated with impaired immune systems and, as a result, can lead to various kinds of viral diseases.
Factors that can cause allergies during pregnancy.
A lot of factors influence the appearance of allergies in pregnant women: an unfavorable environmental situation, constant stress, and too fast a pace of life. In addition, allergies during pregnancy can occur due to the changed nature of nutrition, uncontrolled intake of drugs, the use of a large number of cosmetics, etc.
Allergies during pregnancy can also occur due to hormonal malfunction in the body or due to the appearance of any allergens in the environment, for example, dust, animal hair or pollen. Try not to breathe tobacco smoke and, of course, do not smoke yourself. In order to prevent cross-allergies, try not to contact strong household allergens, ventilate your home more often, and do wet cleaning.
Symptoms and treatment of allergies during pregnancy.
Symptoms of pregnancy allergies include rhinitis, tearing, and redness on the skin, which may be accompanied by itching. More severe manifestations can occur - asthma attacks or Quincke's edema.
Treatment of allergies during pregnancy requires a particularly careful approach, since it should be carried out without risk to the fetus. In addition, it should be remembered that since you have allergic manifestations, it means that the unborn child may be prone to them. Therefore, pay special attention to your health, protect your future baby from the negative effects of your allergy.
When the first signs of an allergy appear, you should consult an allergist, who will create a hypoallergenic diet for you and prescribe antiallergic drugs for pregnant women. Of course, you should remember that products such as honey, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts and strawberries should be treated with caution throughout the entire period of pregnancy. If you suffer from allergic rhinitis, do not use vasoconstrictor drugs, they have too many side effects. In this case, it is better to rinse the nose with decoctions of medicinal herbs or apply oil drops.
Prevention of allergies during pregnancy.
Remember that allergies during pregnancy are much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, deal with its prevention, which includes a special hypoallergenic diet and the intake of vitamin complexes. In addition, you can conduct a survey and identify those substances that cause your allergic reactions. Then you will be able to protect yourself from them, and you will not have any allergies during pregnancy.
If you still suffer from allergies during pregnancy, remember that you must be under the constant supervision of a doctor and follow all his recommendations. Pregnancy is a very important and crucial period in the life of every woman, so take care of your health and the health of your unborn child.