Cons and pros of IVF: a description of the process, advantages and disadvantages, medical advice

The problem of infertility of couples is becoming more acute every year. And the number of such families, unfortunately, is increasing. Today, 30% of all couples cannot conceive a child. Therefore, in vitro fertilization (IVF) for such spouses is a solution to this problem. This is a complicated and expensive procedure, but despite this, people come to the decision to perform such an operation and find the money to pay. When the question is about such a difficult decision, you need to find out about all the minuses and pluses of IVF.

What is artificial insemination?

In the modern world, not all women can boast of absolute health. This is due to environmental pollution, frequent stress, genetic diseases and other factors that affect health.

But fortunately, discoveries in the field of medicine made it possible to solve the problem of infertility by artificial insemination. So, there was a reproductive technology - IVF.

IVF - what is it? The essence of this process is that conception itself does not occur in the female body, but in vitro. Then the fertilized egg is planted in a woman or a surrogate mother.

eco fertilization what is it

Indications for fertilization with a donated egg

  • Lack of fallopian tube.
  • Inflammation and other gynecological diseases.
  • Menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation.

Thanks to artificial insemination, many children were born. This significantly reduced the demographic problem in the country, as the birth rate increased.

Before introducing the embryo into the uterus of a woman, it is carefully examined for the absence of pathologies and any genetic abnormalities. Therefore, you can be sure that children conceived using the IVF procedure will be completely healthy.

IVF conception process

The IVF procedure is used not only for conception itself, but also for a successful outcome in childbirth. To begin with, a woman needs to undergo a course of hormonal drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Attention: it is necessary to choose a clinic in which the procedure will be performed. After all, a woman risks not only health but also life. When a doctor takes an egg, bleeding may open, and an unskilled specialist can cause an infection. There are cases when the embryo is planted incorrectly, an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

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Phased IVF fertilization process:

  1. The removal of the female egg.
  2. The egg is artificially fertilized.
  3. A seeded egg is placed in an incubator.
  4. An embryo is formed in it.
  5. An embryo is introduced into the body of a woman.
  6. The development of the baby in the womb.

But not always everything turns out right away. Couples have to contact again and again to repeat the procedure until there is a positive result. Since this is the only way to get pregnant, a woman on the way to fulfilling her dreams, especially if he drags on for a long time, may face psychological trauma, she may experience depression or neurosis. But, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons of IVF, couples still choose this method.

In order for a woman to develop several eggs, she needs to start taking special pills. She should undergo an ultrasound examination, which will monitor the increase in follicles. And also the doctor observes and evaluates the hormonal background of the woman and his changes. The specialist analyzes how many fertilization attempts have been made, the patient's age and other indicators. So he concludes which of the methods of stimulation is suitable for a woman.

The egg is grown in a special environment that is as similar as possible to a natural one. As soon as the egg is mature, it is taken from the uterus by a puncture in the abdominal wall (laparoscopy) or using a new method through the vagina.

Then, after 2-3 hours, the egg is connected to the sperm and fertilization occurs. Then the embryo is attached to the uterine wall.

If the procedure was successful, then after a couple of weeks a woman can do a pregnancy test, which will show a positive result. When the patient visits the ultrasound room, the specialist will tell her how many embryos have taken root and what their development period is.

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Pros and cons of stimulation in IVF

The biggest advantage of artificial insemination is, of course, the birth of a child. This is a plus of IVF, but there are also disadvantages. They are mainly associated with maternal health. So, for example, at the very beginning, a woman should take hormonal drugs that affect the increase in the number of eggs. In this regard, vomiting, dizziness, malaise, weakness, abdominal pain and even weight gain may occur.

The IVF procedure negatively affects the body of a woman in the following:

  • Violation of the functioning of the thyroid gland - it can not cope with hormones, which increased in the body.
  • Negatively affects the permeability of blood vessels.
  • Disruption of the heart and vascular system.

Also, the disadvantages of IVF procedures include high cost. Not every married childless couple can afford this method.

IVF embryo freezing: pros and cons

Freezing embryos (cryopreservation) helps to preserve most of the biological material. The main advantages:

  • A woman does not need to undergo hormone therapy again.
  • Suitable for those who cannot tolerate hyperstimulation.
  • Frozen embryos are stored long enough.
  • It is significantly cheaper to freeze once than to go through all the stages each time.
  • Recommended for people with cancer to collect material before chemotherapy exposure.
  • Embryos can be offered to other couples.

These were the advantages of frozen embryos after IVF, and the minus is that during freezing and thawing, not all embryos are preserved and survive.

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To do or not to do is the question

Concerning artificial insemination, there is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms. Some argue that children conceived using the IVF method often suffer from cancer. And others say that such children will later also have problems with conception. IVF fertilization The pros and cons have not yet been fully explored, but there are features worth paying attention to:

  • First of all, this is artificial stimulation of increased ovarian function.
  • A woman specifically causes temporary menopause.
  • From taking hormonal drugs in a woman, mood swings occur.
  • The embryo is examined at the genetic level.
  • There should definitely not be any chromosomal abnormalities.
  • It is possible to get the desired gender of the baby or kids.

When the level of hormones is disturbed in the body of the expectant mother, then she may experience various ailments, headaches, vomiting and nausea. Often IVF fertilization is multiple pregnancy, that is, several embryos take root in the uterus at once. But bearing for a woman is not always feasible due to weakening of the body by hormonal therapy.

It happens that the doctor makes a medical decision to extract part of the embryos. But such a procedure does not always end favorably, a miscarriage can occur.

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Typically, IVF is applied for fertilization by couples in whom conception does not occur naturally due to any disease. So, for example, pregnancy can occur if the fallopian tubes are damaged, the partner has low sperm activity, or there is an incorrect genital structure. And they can also become parents of couples who have genetic abnormalities, diabetes mellitus or endometriosis. Even the environment not suitable for conception in the uterus will not affect a successful outcome.

eco fertilization pros and cons

Contraindications for IVF

Nevertheless, not all women can undergo artificial insemination. The disadvantages and advantages of IVF in these cases do not matter. The following contraindications to the procedure:

  • There is a mental disorder in the expectant mother.
  • There are injuries on the walls of the uterus, due to which it is impossible to fix the embryo.
  • A malignant tumor is diagnosed in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • The inflammatory process is progressing.

These contraindications apply to women. Absolutely any man can become a father. The main thing is that there should be active sperm in the seminal fluid.

eco fertilization pluses and minuses

Why is it worth doing IVF?

Today, if attempts to cure infertility are unsuccessful, then IVF is the most effective method. Even if the pregnancy did not occur the first time, then from the third or fourth it should definitely happen. Couples need to be patient and wait.

Children after IVF are born healthy and do not differ at all from those conceived naturally. It even happens, on the contrary, that such children are smarter and stronger.

The pros, cons of IVF and reviews of real people indicate that some have to do 5 to 8 attempts, and yet the result is positive. Others get pregnant immediately, and neither in the course of pregnancy, nor in childbirth it does not affect. Children, judging by the reviews of their parents, are born healthy and strong.

After all the pros and cons of IVF have been examined in detail, it is worth doing such procedures for all sterile couples clearly. As you can see, the disadvantages are only in the general condition of the woman and weight gain. But these problems are temporary and completely solvable, and the birth of a small copy of two loving people is something for which it’s worth a little patience.

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