Miniature Dachshund: breed description, character, size, weight. Clothing for dachshunds

There are a lot of rumors about dachshunds. Angry, biting, rash - such an opinion has developed about these dogs. In addition to the "absurd" nature, they also have a specific appearance. One of the most common phrases that characterize a dachshund is "sausage on legs."

Representatives of the breed offended in vain. They are smart, energetic, with the right education, they are able to become a great friend. Miniature dachshunds are especially good. We will talk about them below.

Miniature dachshund puppy

True Aryans

The homeland of little dachshunds is Germany. Once upon a time there were hunters. In combination - breeders. And they decided to bring the dog. Such that hunted burrowing animals. And that means petty, bold and vociferous.

The hunters thought and decided: we will derive something similar to marriage. Brack is a breed of dog. She became the founder of the miniature dachshund. Although not, its ancestor was an ordinary dachshund.

And it happened like that. First, breeders drew attention to the mutation of marriage. Other puppies were born with short paws. The body is normal, and the legs are curved and short. So they became the ancestors of the dachshund.

The breeders did not stop there. They attempted to reduce dogs. The fruit of their labors was a mini-dachshund. It happened at the end of the 19th century. Since then, the dog has gained enormous popularity around the world.


There should be a description of the miniature dachshund. Breed standard, let’s say so. Only this is boring - endless descriptions of the proportions of the body, legs and muzzle. And nobody needs them, except judges at exhibitions, by and large.

Let's go from the opposite and highlight the main highlights of the dachshund crumbs:

  • Their growth varies from 16 to 21 centimeters at the withers.

  • Weight reaches 6 kilograms.

  • Dachshunds have a very funny face. Long, narrow, topped with hanging ears.

  • If you look at the dog in profile, her body resembles a log block. Only on short legs. And with a thin tail.

  • Dachshund tail is a separate issue. Long and thin. Looking at him, one involuntarily thinks: the rats "stole" this anatomical ability from dachshunds, not otherwise.

  • There are miniature dachshunds of three types: smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired.

  • The most beautiful, no doubt the last. She has a thick and silky coat, tight to the body.

Long haired dachshund

  • The wire-haired dachshund is ridiculous. She cannot do without a beard. This is such a highlight.

  • A smooth-haired - the most common.

Life span

How many miniature dachshunds live? On average, this period is 12 years. With good care, the pet is able to reach 15-16 years. This does not happen often, but it is possible.


Want to know what a perpetual motion machine looks like? He is in front of you. A miniature dachshund is constantly on the move. She is not tired of running, playing and having fun.

A dog for those who like active walks. And lives in motion. Otherwise, with this breed is impossible. She, of course, can lie on the couch, and on her own bedding. Only the pleasure of lying there. But once the owner calls the pet for a walk, he runs from all his short paws.

Wire-haired dachshund

If there are children in the house, the dachshund will be very happy. These are comrades in games and entertainment. For all babies who can harm the animal, the dog will not be happy. Who is pleased when they pull the tail, check the strength of the ears and try to touch the eye with your finger? Therefore, a family with preschool children is better to tolerate until the child grows up. Although the size of the miniature dachshund is very small, it can fend for itself. No offense will certainly not.

Now the reader will think that the little dachshund is evil. These are fiction, dachshunds are beautiful dogs. They are affectionate, adequately relate to strangers. A large and fearless heart beats in the bosom of these crumbs. They will eat for the owner and will not choke.

Do I need to train a dachshund? This question is relevant among owners of small dog breeds. The main commands any pet should know. This refers to dogs, of course. Guard-guard service and other "entertainment" are not for dachshunds. They are not at all adapted for jumping. This is fraught with injuries, which we will discuss in the subsection on breed health.

Hunters know what a dachshund is at work. This is a little clockwork monster. If a pet is needed as a hunting dog - you will not lose. Take a working dog, abstain from the representatives of the show class. They are beautiful, but the working qualities in such dogs are killed.


What is needed to maintain a small dachshund? A house or a couch where the darling will have a rest from daily affairs. A bowl, and preferably two. In one, Her Highness serves food, and the other serves to quench thirst.

Toys will appreciate the pet. All that you can bite and tear, will definitely pass the "face control". More precisely, "tooth-control". And as dachshunds love balls, words can not convey. Buy a rubber ball on a string. See for yourself.

The dog needs apartment maintenance. It’s understandable: you won’t put such crumbs in the booth, and in the aviary on the street too. In cold weather, a gentle animal freezes. And for representatives of the show class all sorts of "gadgets" have long been invented. That is, clothes for dachshunds.

Want to please the baby with a beautiful dress? No problem. Does the pet need a sweater or a raincoat? Please choose. There are coats and overalls for miniature dachshunds. You can find so many things in online clothing stores for dogs. For people, the choice is probably less than for their faithful four-legged companions.

Curious dog


Any animal needs proper care. Breeding breeding - even more so.

How to care for a miniature dachshund? First of all, carefully monitor her health. These dogs are quite painful.

The second point - jumping prohibited. Why so - we will tell below.

Thirdly, in the cold season to walk the pet in clothing for dachshunds. Smooth baby quickly freezes.

Clothing for dachshunds

Do not overfeed your pet. Dachshunds are voracious to disgrace. And very prone to fullness. You risk getting an unhealthy, fatty dog ​​with shortness of breath, heart problems and musculoskeletal system. A dachshund, in which ribs are palpated, is considered normal. Not to be confused with the word "recounted". It is impossible to bring the animal to a deplorable state, in which the ribs are covered with skin.

Every day after walking, wash your dog's paws and stomach. Wipe thoroughly.

The ears of the pet are another story. They can get dirty with food. Carefully grab the ears with tape or a soft rubber when feeding your pet. And check them daily for dirt in the auricle. If one is found, wipe your ears thoroughly with a damp swab.

Remove dirt from the eyes. Found brown discharge or pus? Wipe the eyes of the miniature dachshund with a wet swab. You can moisten it in warm water.

How often do nails cut? Do I need to cut them at all? Take your pet to the vet every three weeks or a month. Let him do the dog toilet. The fact is that the pet's claws are small, it is very easy to damage them.


How to feed the baby? Given the weight of the miniature dachshund, giving her huge bowls of food is absurd. The pet needs exactly as much feed as indicated on the package.

Why feed? Is natural food banned? Better to stay on dry food. Natural nutrition is dangerous because it is difficult to make a complete diet. When overfeeding, the dog will quickly gain excess weight. It will not bring to good.

It’s easier with food: measured out the right portion, put it in a bowl, and added some warm water. Insisted a little, and you can feed the dog.

Adult dachshunds are fed twice a day. Puppies - more often. Until six months, they eat four times. From six months to nine to ten months, babies are fed three times. And only at the age of nine or ten months they are transferred to two meals a day.

Which food is better to choose? Super premium class or holistic. Pay attention to the feed of super premium class, made specifically for this breed. They have everything a dachshund needs.


It has a miniature dachshund is not particularly strong. Above, we promised to tell why the representatives of the breed can not jump. This is fraught with spinal injuries. Until displacement or damage to the vertebral discs.

Cataracts are a frequent companion of dachshunds. They may have eye problems.

More representatives of the breed are prone to enteritis. It occurs due to malnutrition and frequent overeating.

Cute puppy

Where to get a puppy?

Thought and thought people and decided to buy a miniature dachshund? For the soul, as they say. Nobody was going to hunt with her. Where can I get one? On special sites, see where animals are given or sold?

Do not even think! Get not a mini-dachshund, but a mixture of a crocodile and a poodle. Buy a puppy only in a kennel specializing in breeding these crumbs.

Why is it important? Firstly, nurseries value their reputation. They will not sell a bad puppy.

Secondly, the excellent quality of the dog is guaranteed. Breeders are happy to demonstrate parents of puppies, offer to familiarize themselves with their pedigrees. People with a name in cynological circles have nothing to fear. As well as hiding.

Thirdly, they try to sell the baby at the age of 2.5-3 months. By this time, the puppy is already vaccinated and most often accustomed to walking.

The fourth point is the help of the breeder. A good breeder competently approaches the choice of owners for his puppies. Sometimes he begins to dissuade people if he sees that they need a dog as a toy. If the person is serious and responsible, the breeder will always help such an owner: with advice, a hint, the coordinates of a veterinarian. In general, what he can do, so it will help.

Smooth-haired baby

How much is a puppy?

The price of miniature dachshunds ranges from 200 to 1,000 dollars (from 1,500 to 65,000 rubles). It all depends on the origin of the dog, the blood that flows in it, and the types of breeder for a particular puppy. The simpler the dog, the cheaper it is.

Keep in mind that the best puppy remains with the breeder, as a rule. Or sold to someone you know. This does not mean that the stranger slipped a terrible dog. Not at all. Just "stars" are given to those who have experience in keeping and raising dogs.


That's all we wanted to tell about the miniature dachshund. This lively and energetic dog is able to bring revitalization to the house. Want a dachshund? Choose your miniature one. You will not regret it.

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