Aquarium fish molliesia balloon: description, photo, content, reproduction

This beautiful aquarium fish was bred artificially during a careful selection of latipin from the representatives of the species molliesia. Mollinesia balloon has a very unusual physique - it resembles a balloon filled with air. The body is shortened, which does not contribute to the normal functioning of the internal organs, so the fish needs close attention from the person.

molliesia balloon

Despite this, the mollinzia balloon is one of the most popular aquarium inhabitants, which many lovers of the underwater world breed.

External features

Mollinesia, photos of which are often adorned by publications for aquarists, are viviparous fish. The natural habitat is the salty and fresh waters of Latin America, from Colombia to Mexico. Male mollies are much smaller than females, in nature, representatives of the species reach a length of ten to sixteen centimeters, in the aquarium they are much smaller - do not exceed eight centimeters.

Mollinesia, photos of which you can see in this article, were discovered in the southern United States and Central America. They began to breed it in aquariums since 1899, and the first hybrids appeared in the 20s of the XIX century. Under natural conditions, they are painted in yellowish-gray or silver color and have blue, bluish, green or black spots. The abdomen, as a rule, is lighter than the back and is spotless. The body is short, dense, fins strong and wide. However, in the course of hybridization and cross-crossings, numerous color variations were obtained.

mollies photo

Mollinesia: description of the variety of balloon

This variety also has a shortened body, with a noticeable curvature of the ridge. Molliesia fish balloon does not grow more than six centimeters. Its feature is a large abdomen. It is the result of a modification of the species. The internal organs are compressed and small. The body color partly resembles latipin molliesia. But today, individuals of other shades are widespread: orange, red, black, silver, gray.

These fish decorate the aquarium very much, therefore, for many lovers, it is important that the balloon lives in their underwater kingdom. How to distinguish a female from a male? Quite simply - males have a genopodia (anal fin) conical, in females it is rounded.

Molliesia balloon: content in the aquarium

These cute fish are not suitable for densely populated small aquariums, although they are quite hardy and survive even in such conditions, subject to regular maintenance and care of their home. When the pH of the water drops due to excessive organic matter, fish can suffer. In the aquarium for mollies, regular water changes should be made. A quarter of the total volume changes every 2-3 weeks. If the aquarium is overpopulated, this should be done more often.

There is one more peculiarity of the content of the mollinsia balloon: two and a half teaspoons of aquarium salt for every ten liters of water must be added to the water. Do not forget to add salt water when replacing. If you add water due to evaporation, then adding salt is not necessary, since it remained in the aquarium.

Despite the fact that these fish prefer salt water, they feel great in fresh water, but provided that it is not too acidic and soft. Water should be alkaline and hard.

Aquarium decoration

Mollinesia balloon needs living plants in an aquarium. Fish love greens, especially when it is able to diversify their diet. But try not to overdo it with landscaping - mollies need a place to move. Plants swimming in the aquarium help the fry survive, and some of them are additional food. Do not get involved in picturesque snags - they reduce acidity, but for live-bearing fish this is undesirable.

pregnant mollies balloon

Any substrate can be used for the substrate, although on a lighter mollinesia the balloon will better demonstrate its beautiful color. Good filtration is needed to maintain stable water performance. In addition, in well-purified water, males show their best colors.

These are quite active fish that need a large swimming space. If there are few fish, then the minimum volume of the aquarium should be at least 55 liters. If you contain a group of mollies, then it must be increased to at least 75 liters, and the ratio should be as follows: one male for three females. This will help you avoid quarrels between males. Preferred water temperature: 21-28 ° C, pH: 7.0-8.5, hardness 20-30 dGH.

fish molliesia balloon


Although experienced aquarists believe that mollinia balloon is an omnivorous fish, we must not forget that it has a high need for plant food. The diet of this variety should include a lot of seaweed and other vegetarian foods. In nature, their diet consists mainly of rotifers and algae. Small aquatic insects and crustaceans make up a small part.

In the aquarium, the mollinsia cylinder eats ready-made feeds and live foods with pleasure, but it appreciates a large amount of plant food. Vegetable flakes in combination with blanched spinach and fresh cucumbers will be an excellent addition to the main diet. Do not forget to clean the remaining food in a timely manner. Between feedings, molliesia will happily have a bite of aquarium plants and some aquarium algae.

These fish also will not refuse protein food, but they cannot exist exclusively on it. Treat them from time to time with brine shrimp (live or frozen), bloodworms, and tubule makers. Food should be varied, several times a day. Feed in small portions, in such quantity that it is eaten in three minutes.

Molliesia balloon: reproduction

Mollinesia is a viviparous fish: offspring are born fully adapted to life in water. The life expectancy of this species is from 3 to 5 years.

Molliesiae easily breed in an aquarium, and offspring very quickly reach puberty. Depending on the size of the fish and age, the female gives birth to a hundred fry. In addition, the peculiarity of viviparous fish is that the sperm of the male is stored in the body of the female for a long time. This allows you to give birth to fry several times, even if the male is removed from the aquarium.

For breeding you only need to purchase individuals of both sexes, and these fish overpopulate the aquarium in a short time.


A pregnant mollies balloon is clearly visible in the aquarium: it has a dark spot in the lower abdomen next to the anal fin and a large belly. Maternity pregnancy lasts about four weeks, after which fry are born. Many aquarists argue that with age, the largest individuals are able to give birth to two hundred and fifty fry.

In a general aquarium, offspring can be eaten by adult fish if they are not left on time. You can use floating plants to protect them. After giving birth, the female does not immediately restore her “figure” - for some time she still remains a little thick. This is explained by the fact that at one time she does not give birth to all fry, but continues to bear fertilized eggs. Due to this feature, the female of mollinesia is able to bear offspring for six months without any male involvement.

molliesia balloon content

Fry of molliesia

We mentioned the stamina, which is distinguished by the mollinia balloon. Fry, unlike adults, are very sensitive to water parameters, especially with regard to harmful impurities. Frequent water renewal is recommended. To make it easier for the offspring to adapt and not be afraid to take food (fry in the first days of life are afraid to take it), place Javanese moss in the container . The very first food for juveniles is ground food, small ciliates.

If you have nowhere to resettle fry, use five-liter jars with defended running water. Put the jars in a bright place, but direct sunlight should not fall on them.

molliesia balloon reproduction


Mollinesias are active, but at the same time peaceful inhabitants of the aquarium, they are very sociable, like living in the neighborhood with their own species or with other viviparous fish. Males sometimes quarrel, but do not cause each other serious injuries. Only a few fish show a character that can manifest itself in aggressive behavior. It is possible to contain mollies with any fish that has a similar temperament, presenting the same requirements for the chemical composition of water.

Avoid proximity to fish that can damage the fins of their peaceful neighbors. This primarily refers to the Sumatran barbus. Bottom catfish corridors, Pecilia, other viviparous, some species of rainbow fish will become their best neighbors. Tetra, cyprinids, and other characins that can live in such water parameters are adjacent to mollies.

molliesia balloon fry


All aquarium inhabitants can get sick. Molly balloon is no exception. Most often, the cause of ailments of this fish is hypothermia, inappropriate parameters of water, infection. The owner of the aquarium can very quickly notice signs of a starting disease: pimples or dots appear on the scales, raised spots and ulcers can be seen on the skin.

Black-colored mollinsias sometimes suffer from an ailment called melanosis. This disease occurs due to increased pigmentation of the skin, which often causes tumors. For the prevention of many diseases, you should strictly monitor the temperature regime in the aquarium, the cleanliness of feed, soil and scenery. Ill fish should be removed from the general aquarium. They should be quarantined in another tank and fed balanced.

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