In September, Apple launched a new operating system. And then the question arose to users: "Is it worth installing ios 8?" Today we’ll talk about whether this “system” is really needed, what is good in it, and what is not at all.
Almost like iOS7
Even immediately after the announcement of the release of the new "operating system" of the eighth version, there were doubts about it. So it is established among American testers: if the jaw after the release was not approximately at the floor level, then we can assume that Apple is already standing with one foot in the grave. A logical question immediately appeared: "Is iOS 8 worth installing?" Many believe that this update did not live up to expectations and is simply a refinement of iOS7, while others rejoice at the new features of the system.
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Before finally resolving the question: “iOS 8 - is it worth it to install?”, Let's talk about the more interesting part of any gadget - its applications.
The new version has everything that a modern person may need for comfortable work with the device.iBooks is a great book reader app. In iOS 8, it became systemic. Now the screen will always have an "extra" icon. Uninstall and move the application will fail. Is it convenient? The answer cannot be unambiguous: on the one hand, lovers of third-party libraries will not be pleased with this innovation, but as an advancement of a branded book store, this is an ideal option.
Mail - iOS 8 . , "" . - - "" , .
Passbook - , , . - . , iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus. iOS 8 .
Safari - - . . , JavaScript. "" "".
, iOS 8, , . , . HealthKit - . , . , , . , HeathKit . , .
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