What is the chance of getting pregnant with condoms: possible odds

For couples who want to have an active sex life, today methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy are of great importance. Statistics indicate that many people choose condoms when choosing protective equipment. This is due to their availability in the market, safety for health, ease of use, as well as the ability to protect themselves from genital infections. In this regard, many have a question about the likelihood of becoming pregnant with condoms. And not everyone knows that this tool as a method of contraception is not considered the most reliable. Below we consider in more detail the chances of becoming parents when using rubber products and safety rules that help reduce the risks of an unwanted pregnancy.

Possible reasons

Women often ask: "What is the likelihood of becoming pregnant with a condom?" It should be noted here that the article in question has a size. Due to excessive stretching or due to friction, thin stripes can form on it, more like gaps, through which sperm can easily penetrate the vagina. In addition, the integrity of the condom is violated if it is not used correctly or a woman has little natural lubrication.

Basic safety rules

condom use

In the event that the couple wants to be protected only by condoms, and the probability of becoming pregnant with them is minimized, the following rules should be followed that will help to avoid an unplanned conception:

  1. It is better to purchase contraceptives only from reliable, reputable manufacturers. As a rule, they guarantee high quality goods. It should be understood that such condoms will not be cheap.
  2. It is not recommended to store the product in trouser pockets, wallets, bags and other places where it can tear.
  3. You should not keep contraceptives in places that are very hot: the front of the machine or near batteries.
  4. When buying, you must check the expiration date of the product.
  5. The likelihood of becoming pregnant with a condom will be much less if you choose a tool that matches the size of the male penis. Too small will tear easily and a large one may slip at the wrong moment.
  6. Do not use the product more than once.
  7. It is recommended that you use a condom regardless of the day of the female calendar cycle.
  8. It is necessary to wear a contraceptive at the time of erection according to the rules indicated on the package.
  9. Never open the protective packaging with your teeth or sharp objects.
  10. The likelihood of becoming pregnant with condoms is reduced if you do not touch it with your nails. You can only touch the product with your fingertips.
  11. With a lack of natural lubrication in a woman, water-based lubricants can only be used. An agent containing oil or fat may interfere with the integrity of the contraceptive.
  12. After the onset of orgasm, the penis is removed in an erect state, while holding the protective ring with your hand.

Condom Sex: Chances of Getting Pregnant

the chance of getting pregnant with a condom

Of course, the use of chemical contraception or interrupted sexual intercourse gives a lower percentage of protection against unwanted conception, but the likelihood of fertilization with a "rubber" product is also there. If we consider the chances of getting pregnant in a condom as a whole, then the probability of misses is only two percent out of a hundred.

Using oral contraceptives or intrauterine devices as a way of protection, a protection efficiency of 100% can be achieved. Despite these statistics, most people prefer to use condoms.


condom and pregnancy

Experts identify a number of main reasons why the likelihood of becoming pregnant through a condom increases. Very often they are caused by the limited stretching of the material from which the product is made. In such cases, you can stretch the walls of the contraceptive and see the white stripes that are formed in this case.

The load during intercourse leads to the formation of microstretches through which sperm easily penetrate. This reason is exacerbated by the lack of natural lubrication in women and the large size of the penis, which leads to rupture of the product.

In addition, the reasons for the onset of fertilization through a condom include:

  1. Re-donning a contraceptive during sex due to improper use at the beginning (difficulty in unwinding the product).
  2. Damage to the condom if the packaging is not opened properly.
  3. False opinion about increased protection when using two products simultaneously.
  4. Unwillingness to pull out the penis if the condom is torn.
  5. Expired or torn contraceptive.
  6. Use of lubricants based on oil or fat.

What is the chance of getting pregnant with a condom?

unwanted pregnancy

To determine the percentage of fertilization using a "rubber" product helps Pearl index. He calculates the miss rate, which lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Statistics are kept since 2007. It shows that the risk of conception with a properly selected condom exists and is about two percent.

According to population surveys, the likelihood of becoming pregnant when using a condom increases to fifteen percent. This method of contraception is only on the 5th place in terms of effectiveness after the intrauterine device, hormonal drugs and the sterilization of partners.

Unscrupulous sellers

chance to get pregnant using a condom

Surprisingly, it is possible to get pregnant with a "rubber" product due to the fact that it was purchased in a "bad" place. There were times when sellers in kiosks pierced condoms with a needle for nothing to do, thus rendering them unusable. A person who buys such a condom runs the risk of becoming a parent in nine months.

Of course, such pests are very rare, but the probability of running into an unscrupulous seller by 100% should not be ruled out. That is why it is better to buy contraceptives in pharmacies - there they are definitely stored correctly, and it is unlikely that a pharmacist would ever think of spoiling them intentionally.

Sex Protection Rating

condoms and conception

In addition to the condom, there are other ways of protection that will help not to get pregnant:

  • apertures;
  • caps for the uterus;
  • hormone pills;
  • hormone-based injections;
  • intrauterine device;
  • candles and others

It is worth noting that any of the methods can fail. And with proper use of a condom, you can avoid not only unwanted fertilization, but also sexually transmitted diseases.

Actions if the contraceptive is torn

unwanted pregnancy protection

If the product is torn or slipped, it is necessary to take measures at home as soon as possible. These methods do not guarantee the absolute effectiveness of pregnancy protection, and in some cases can lead to health problems:

  1. Access to the toilet. During urination, part of the seminal fluid comes out with urine. It is worth knowing that only one sperm is enough for conception, so this method does not give guarantees.
  2. Taking a shower with soap immediately after sex. This method is considered effective due to the fact that the soap contains elements that have a spermicidal effect.
  3. Douching with potassium permanganate. The method is based on a change in the pH of the vagina, which reduces the activity of sperm. Maximum care must be taken, since a high concentration of potassium permanganate can burn mucous membranes.
  4. Spermicidal tablets. These include Pharmatex. It helps if the condom breaks during sex. It is necessary to dissolve the tablet in water and make douching. This method is not very reliable, since sperm cells move very quickly and may already be in the uterus by the time of treatment.
  5. Postcoital contraceptives, such as Postinor. It is considered the most reliable way to prevent pregnancy if a condom accidentally breaks. Take pills according to the instructions. In this case, the probability of conception is reduced to zero. However, you should not use this method often, because the drug contains a large dose of hormones and can cause disturbances in the body.


The chance of getting pregnant using a condom is about two percent. Of course, the chance of conception is very small, but still it is. Fertilization most often occurs due to a violation of the recommendations for use. Using the product correctly can significantly reduce risks.

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