Short stories for children. Children's fables in verses

Making children do things they don’t want is quite difficult. Even more difficult if the child is hyperactive, rarely sitting in one place. Such a fidget can be taken up only if you are interested in it well. And short fables for children here can be very helpful. Especially if they are really interesting.

short fables for children

What are fables?

First of all, this is a way of developing logical thinking. Very interesting and fascinating. Non-fables (children's) are short stories or funny poems, where the opposite is true. For example, a cat lives in a booth and guards a house, while a dog catches mice. Logically reasoning, the kid will immediately notice what the discrepancy is in, and he will certainly correct the narrator.


There are many fables that have been written for a long time. Here is one of them:

A hare is sitting on a birch,

He reads a book aloud.

A bear flew to him,

He listens, sighs.

Such short fables for children really help develop logical thinking. Firstly, hares do not sit on birches, but jump on grass. Secondly, they do not read books either. Thirdly, bears cannot fly. Even a two-year-old baby will quickly be able to understand what the catch is in such a rhyme.

children's fables

"Vanya rode on a horse ..."

Such fables (for children), as about Vanya on a horse, who led a dog on his belt, are not too short. Therefore, it is better to tell them to more conscious babies. For example, to senior preschool children or younger schoolchildren. It is noteworthy that in about the fifth grade, children are often forced to learn this famous fiction, since it develops memory, logic and attention well (we must also track in what order the sentences in the rhyme go).

folk tales for children

What else is the use

Unfortunately, modern children spend too much time watching cartoons and animated series. This significantly affects their worldview. So, some kids do not distinguish reality from virtuality at all. Therefore, it is worth not only to abandon this kind of leisure, but also to study folk tales for children. They will help determine how real this or that event is. For instance:

Between heaven and earth

Piggy Rummaged

And accidentally tail

Attached to the sky.

The kid should tell that pigs are found in the stable or on special farms, and not on the clouds. And you cannot cling to the tail with the sky. Better yet, if you have at hand pictures with the real state of affairs: here is mom-pig, here are pigs, here is a barn, here is one who feeds animals. Such simple short fables for children will be much better than any cartoons and comics about superheroes that do not exist in nature.

fiction changeling for kids

Where did they come from?

In general, such an genre was originally invented by our ancestors, who composed poems and songs on the principle that "I want it, I say it." Around the same place, famous fiction verses for children of the type appeared:

The cat barks out of a basket

Potatoes are growing on a pine tree

The sea flies through the sky

Wolves ate appetite.

The ducklings croaking loudly

Kittens subtly croak.

And about the brick, which, like glass, floats on the river. They were invented for a long time, but they are in demand even now. Firstly, it is funny, a sense of humor develops. Secondly, reflecting on the topic posed by the verse, the child turns on the logic.

fiction poems for children

Marshak and his fables

Such a famous writer as Samuel Marshak got a lot of such works out of his pen. One of them is called “Fiction-Fiction”. This is a rather long piece that deserves attention. This kind of fiction is suitable for children of the 3rd grade of the school. How can a work come in handy? Firstly, we are talking about pioneers, which in our time are no longer there. That is, you can tell the children about who they were, what they did, what they dressed in. Secondly, the poems have a deep meaning, which even such small schoolchildren can understand.

"That's so absent-minded ..."

Although this is not short fables for children, it is still a worthy work. Firstly, here we are talking about what the kids are so familiar with: how to dress in the mornings, how to keep up with their affairs. Very young children can read the product line by line, so that they have time to appreciate both humor and the lack of logic in the actions of the main character. After all, they don’t put a frying pan over their heads instead of hats, and don’t put their hands in trousers. Marshak really tried, creating such a beautiful, useful and funny work that has not lost its relevance for many years.

fables for children of grade 3


This term was introduced by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, who was a master at writing funny nonsense. But fiction-shifters for children - this is nothing but amusing nonsense, nonsense, that which cannot be in nature. For instance:

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree -

New shirt

On the head is a boot

A cap on his leg.

This does not happen in the real world, but it is fun and funny. Such shifters (when everything is turned upside down) may interest even the most restless baby. Especially if you set the right tone for the story, pause in the right places, semantic stress and amplification to make it more interesting to listen and perceive.

Compose or read?

Many parents wonder whether they themselves make up stories or take those that have already been written before. It all depends on how well the fantasy works in adults, how well the child perceives information by ear. There is a whole category of kids who do not like to listen when they read to them. But the stories are perceived by them "with a bang." In this case, you need to either memorize rhymes or compose them. The latter is not so difficult as it seems. A rhyme need not be present on all lines. For instance:

The cat in the forest found a watermelon,

I traded it for fat

A bear hides an ace in his paw,

He has little honey.

Such a crazy poem can be composed on the go, literally in a couple of seconds. The kid will only have to figure out what is true in him and what is fiction. For example, a bear really loves honey, it is always not enough, but he cannot hide an ace in his paw, because he is still an animal, not a person.

How to be educators and teachers?

Of course, both of them are simply not in a position to invent new verses for the children each time. Therefore, it is wiser to turn to already written works. So, for example, in a children's preschool and school (young age) anthology there are a lot of examples of folk tales and those written by famous authors. For instance:

Early in the morning, in the evening,

Late at dawn

Baba rode on foot

In the chintz carriage.

This is from the folk. Or the work "On the Horizon Islands" by Boris Zakhoder. It consists entirely of fables and fables, that which cannot be or can be, but vice versa. If you introduce children to such a poetic story, there is an opportunity to develop not only logical thinking, but also significantly affect the child's worldview. For kids who still go to kindergarten, the poetic fiction Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky's “Confusion”, which deals with how animals stopped being themselves, will be interesting. This is a simple, easy and funny work that teaches that everyone has their own place in the world, everyone has their own destiny, and if you mix everything up, it will become much more difficult to live. When choosing a work, you should first pay attention to what is more interesting for the baby to listen to, as well as age, because not all poems can be understood in two or three years, or even in five years.

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