Chocolate riddles for children

A riddle is a question that you know the answer to in advance. Why ask questions that you already know the answer to? Riddles are needed in order to convey their knowledge to the child, but to do this is not in a boring form, because then, most likely, he will not remember anything, but effortlessly. We all know how important it is for a child to make his own discoveries. This way he learns and assimilates information faster than if we simply submitted it to him in the affirmative form.

How did puzzles come about?

Riddles originated a very long time ago. In olden times, people, so as not to cause trouble, did not call the things they were afraid by their proper names. Instead, they described their properties and qualities. And the interlocutor had to guess what was at stake. This eccentric language was quickly picked up by children, turning guessing into a game. A lot of time has passed since then, and puzzles not only took root in many languages, but also became one of the best tools for teaching children.

The essence of the riddle lies in describing some explicit subject, while implying something completely different. The characteristics of both objects are similar, but you need to guess the hidden object. This method of teaching children helps not only to transmit knowledge, but also to develop logical thinking in general.

Mysteries for the smallest

Riddles are often served in poetic form. In riddles for babies, the answer is part of the verse and should fall into the rhyme with the previous line, which helps young children to intuitively catch the answer. This makes them more self-confident, because they were able to solve the puzzle on their own.

Riddles Develop Child Confidence

Today we will offer you a selection of riddles about chocolate that kids love so much.

  • If you live very hard, you need to eat ... (chocolate).
  • Black and crunchy, from afar beckoning. Sweet as marmalade. Everyone knows ... (chocolate).
  • Tasty and good, candy ... (chocolate).
  • On New Year's Eve under the Christmas tree, you will find a treasure, in the squares a delicious one is drawn ... (chocolate).
  • Masha doesn’t want to eat, pushes the porridge away. Where is the clue? Masha ate ... (a chocolate bar).
  • Sweet, black and crispy, in a rustling package. Everyone is glad to eat it, it's delicious ... (chocolate).
He is brown and sweet ...

Riddles about chocolate for older children

For school children, more complicated puzzles are usually used. The answer is no longer present in the riddle itself; you need to find it yourself. In such riddles, prose is more often used than poetry.

  • What chocolate has no calories? - In the uneaten.

  • What melts in your mouth so sweetly, does your mood lift? - Chocolate.

  • Very tasty, very sweet. You can eat it sneakily. What are you talking about? - About chocolate.
  • Black, not coal. Sweet, not sugar. It melts, not snow. What is it? - Chocolate.

There can be several similar answers, it is necessary to guess the right option.

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