Of all types of pets, many people prefer aquarium fish. After all, they have tremendous advantages over other animals. And if you properly care for them, then there will not be any problems at all.
How many times to feed the fish in the aquarium
There is no allergy to fish; they are silent all the time. The contemplation of swimming handsome calms. In addition, the fish are relatively unpretentious. But still, some rules should be followed.
The main question is how many times you can feed the fish in the aquarium. Because overfeeding becomes the mistake of many. But do not pay attention to the fish that continue to beg for food. They will do this constantly, even after overeating. And the extra food that the fish can’t eat becomes the cause of rotting water. Clouded, spoiled water, in turn, serves as a favorable environment for the propagation of dangerous microorganisms. Because the fish are sick from overeating, as well as under the influence of factors related to water pollution.
Fish do not know the measures in food. This means that it is important for the pet owner to know how many times to feed the fish in the aquarium. Usually the number of feedings per day should not exceed two. It is important that all food is in small pieces. It should be borne in mind that fry grow vigorously and therefore require more food than adult fish. But do not increase portions, this can cause spoiled food. It is better to feed the fry up to 5 times a day.
Do not forget to control the amount of feed poured. It’s easier to drop a pinch a couple of times than to catch the remaining food until it has deteriorated. And it is desirable to remove it from the water. Do not feed the fish with bread, it spoils too quickly in the water.
How many times to feed goldfish in an aquarium
Goldfish are hugely popular due to their beauty and variety. After all, this name combines several types of fish that are different in appearance. The answer to the question how many times you need to feed the fish in the aquarium, in relation to goldfish, is practically no different from the information about the nutrition of other aquarium fish. It is also important here not to overfeed the pets, you need to pour food no more than twice a day. Perhaps one is enough.
Compliance with the diet, that is, feeding at the same time, will be useful not only for the fish themselves. This will help the aquarist not to forget to feed them, and most importantly - not to sprinkle food once again, confused in time. It's better for a fish to be hungry than to get the obesity problems they are prone to.
Goldfish feed
Knowing how many times to feed the fish in the aquarium is not enough for proper care. It should be borne in mind that a balanced diet with the presence of various nutrients is important for fish. Therefore, the menu of goldfish welcomes:
- boiled buckwheat;
- soaked semolina;
- earthworm;
- oatmeal;
- bloodworm;
- algae leaves;
- pipe maker;
- daphnia;
- squid;
- vegetables, rubbed through a grater (zucchini, cucumbers, carrots).
It is preferable to give food of animal origin to growing fry. Adult fish is limited in such food, it receives it in very small portions, only to set the necessary protein. In general, adult fish need to be fed plant foods.
The importance of fasting day
Sometimes fish suffer from obesity so much that they practically lose their ability to swim. A useful option for goldfish would be a fasting day once a week. In order not to get confused and not violate the regimen, it is enough to choose one specific day of the week, and do not feed the fish on this day. Due to this, they will burn excess fat, as well as pick up all previously unclaimed feed.
Fasting days are also arranged for other fish. But species that are not prone to obesity, you can not starve, it is enough to exclude live food and this day limited to a small amount of plant food. The frayed leaves of seaweed, parsley or nettle are well suited.
How many times to feed the fish in the aquarium
Guppies are completely unpretentious fish. However, their brightness and health depends on feeding. In feeding, alternation of live and dry food is used. Can be included in the diet of compound feed, cereals. But we should not forget that dry feed, especially feed such as animal feed, pollutes water more. Therefore, you will have to clean the aquarium more often. But the fish, due to the diversity in the nutritious diet, will please the aquarist with their bright colors and vibrant mood.
The main type of food for all fish is still branded purchased food. They are stored longer than the rest and therefore constitute the main stock of the aquarist. In high-quality feeds of famous brands contain the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Thanks to these feeds, the nutrition of the fish will be balanced. But do not forget about plant, live and dry food. Because ideally for all fish is the alternation of all four types of food.
Preferred food for aquarium guppies
This type of fish needs live food. It is useful to prepare sea cocktails from:
- shrimp;
- Drosophila;
- mussels;
- cyclops;
- lettuce;
- fish fillet;
- duckweed.
After grinding, the contents must be frozen and dispensed with guppies in small portions. For fry, live food such as ciliates and artemia is chosen. You can use finely chopped liver, egg yolk or beef. Live food is preferably given to all types of fish every other day. It is most useful to freeze it in order to destroy possible harmful bacteria.
Guppy conditions
Regarding how many times to feed the fish in the aquarium. Guppies prefer to eat, like others, 1-2 times a day. Their health and life expectancy will depend on the correct amount and diet. And for reproduction, it is necessary to choose the optimal water temperature. After all, if the aquarist’s plans do not include breeding fish, it is enough to lower the temperature of the water in the aquarium. To maintain cleanliness in a guppy tank, it is good to use Indian fern.
By the way, guppies are so unpretentious that they can live in a regular bank. But the water should still be clean, without food debris, which should be removed some time after feeding. Also, the size of the habitat of the fish will depend on their size. Guppies living in a jar or an aquarium too small cannot reach large sizes.
Regardless of whether the food is selected, dry, lively or vegetable, the main thing is not to forget how many times you need to feed the fish in the aquarium, and do not exceed the usual portions for your pets, which they usually eat completely, without leaving too much. It is also important to take care of the water filtration system. Then healthy and cheerful pets will delight not only their master, but also rivet the admiring glances of the guests.