Every married woman at least once in her life wondered: " What to give mother- in -law for a birthday?". The problem is complicated if the relationship is strained, because the gift should strengthen them.
So what to give in-law for a birthday? First of all, you need to think carefully about the theme of the gift, take into account the hobbies of the mother-in-law, her age. It is also necessary to take into account the relationship of your husband with your mother, the degree of your relationship with her.
Hobbies mother in law
The mother-in-law is the keeper of the hearth. As a gift, a vase, a set of dishes, a variety of decorative elements, a set for knitting or embroidery, paintings by famous artists are suitable.. , . , . .
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Remember, the mother-in-law is also a woman! If your goal is to prick her as painfully as possible, then you can safely give her a mask for aging skin, an anti-aging cream or a cellulite remedy. In general, everything that reminds her of her age. But the main goal, on the contrary, is to strengthen relations, therefore, for a “young” mother-in-law, elite cosmetics, some of the fashionable things (but here's the catch, you need to know her tastes exactly), luxurious jewelry will be a great gift. A certificate for a beauty salon or massage will also be an excellent present.What to give mother-in-law for an anniversary if she is an aged woman? In this case, you can safely give souvenirs that emphasize her ability to create comfort in the house. Towels, tablecloths, household appliances, kitchen sets are suitable for a gift, but all presentations should reflect care and respect. The mother-in-law will not perceive you as a rival, if you present gifts with your husband.
What to give in-law for a birthday if the relationship is very tense? In this case, neutral souvenirs are suitable. It’s best to donate useful items such as a throw pillow or money. Do not give gifts of an intimate nature, such as a bathrobe, underwear, a nightdress and so on.If you have married a “sissy”, don’t try to buy a mother-in-law present without him! Let the loving son choose him himself. And at the service hint that the gift was chosen by her beloved son. Thus, you emphasize their proximity, and everyone will be satisfied.
If you live together, what to give mother-in-law for a birthday? First of all, the souvenir should be useful for the whole family and for the common house. Such a gift may be household appliances or furniture. If you are going to buy an expensive souvenir, then first it is better to discuss future costs with your husband, so that in future there will be no discontent.
For a mother-in-law living separately, an excellent gift would be something more decorative and less focused on everyday life. In this case, you can give almost everything - from candlesticks to a set of beautiful bedding.What to give in-law for a birthday? If the relationship with her husband’s mother is strained and can be called purely formal, don’t give her intimate things, it’s better to give something neutral and symbolic, for example, a photo frame or a figurine. For a gift, a family photo in a beautiful gift decoration is also suitable. Maybe with the help of just such a souvenir it will turn out to emphasize that you are one huge and friendly family. And the relationship with the mother-in-law will become warmer.