BARF Dog Feeding System: menu, diet, pros and cons of nutrition

Today, the BARF dog feeding system has become very popular among dog breeders. This is the desire to abandon industrial feed, to find the right approach to feeding in order to avoid health problems. As a result, the animal becomes more active and cheerful.

dog feeding system barf nutrition principle

What is BARF nutrition?

Initially, the abbreviation BARF was interpreted as “bones and raw food”, and later it was transformed into biologically relevant raw food. The principle of nutrition of the BARF dog feeding system is to maintain the health of the animal, increase its life expectancy and improve reproductive abilities through a properly selected diet. Industrial feeds contain a large number of harmful components that lead to the development of various diseases. Many dog ​​owners who have transferred them to the BARF system claim that a raw diet helped improve the condition of their pets.

The composition of the diet

An animal that feeds on this system receives all the necessary vitamins. The basis of the composition of the diet of dogs according to the BARF feeding system is fresh meat with cartilage. The best is:

  • hen;
  • turkey;
  • beef;
  • horsemeat;
  • rabbit meat.
dog feeding system barf cons

The diet should have meat bones - these are rabbit legs and back, oxtails, chicken and turkey wings, backs. Offal can be given no more than three times a week, fish 1-2 times. It has many amino acids that perfectly affect the immune system. If the owner does not want to give it raw, fearing that the animal will become infected with parasites, then the product should be boiled. In any quantities, the menu of the BARF dog feeding system should include:

  • Bell pepper;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli.

Little by little mashed tomatoes should be present, also in small quantities parsley, nettle and dill benefit. Although berries and fruits are optional components of this food system, they are often included in the diet because of the trace elements and vitamins they contain.

From fermented milk products, dogs should be given:

  • natural yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream.

Milk can be replaced with eggs - one once or twice a week. Supplementing the diet should be useful additives. It can be:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • bran;
  • fish fat;
  • olive or linseed oil.

The diet of the BARF dog feeding system is diverse. It must be prepared taking into account:

  • animal preferences;
  • breeds;
  • age
  • individual features.
veterinarian dog feeding system

Diet calculation

The dog should eat 4-7% of its own body weight per day. The norm for an animal whose weight is 20 kg is 800-1400 g of food. These calculations are approximate. The dose should be adjusted, starting from the needs, age, lifestyle, activity and fatness of the dog.

The menu should consist of:

  • 65-70% of raw meat (of which offal and bone are 10-15%);
  • 15-20% of dairy products or eggs;
  • 15% vegetables and greens.

Puppies should receive more dairy products and eggs - 60%, meat - 25%, greens and vegetables 15%. They need more food, unlike adult dogs, as they grow. Too active pets, as well as with low weight, the daily norm needs to be increased by 5-10%. Those animals that are overweight should, on the contrary, reduce the amount of food as much, and at the same time monitor calories.

Transfer to the BARF power system

There are 2 ways to go: slow and fast. Which one to choose depends on the health status of the dog, its age and type of food.

Quick switch to power

A quick option is suitable for pets who eat homemade food. The dog must be healthy, especially for the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to give her a full portion of new food. Within 2-3 days it is necessary to combine old and new products, in the future, cooked foods should be excluded altogether.

Barf Menu Dog Feeding System

Slow transition to food

The slow process lasts two weeks, sometimes more. This transition is suitable for pets who eat ready-made food. First, the animal must get acquainted with new food, smell it, lick it. The next day, the dog should be given a minimum amount of raw food.

The necessary menu when eating

On the first day of the pet you need to feed the chicken necks without skin and wings with the skin, and also give Karsil, Khilak Forte and Bifidumbakterin or Bifitrilak. In bones there are various nutrients, minerals. Raw bones are believed to remain soft and flexible, and heat-treated bones split into sharp narrow needles. Dog teeth can chew them into gruel. Only boiled bones can injure the throat and intestines, not raw ones. Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and enzyme supplements will help the pet quickly switch to natural feed. Because in animals that have grown on dry and canned foods, gastric juice has a low acidity. With such nutrition, a high concentration is not required. And for the digestion of bones, an aggressive acidic environment is needed.

The weekly menu for the BARF dog feeding system includes the Hilak Forte half an hour before meals. "Bifitrilac" you need to sprinkle meat bones, or give "Bifidum bacterin" 20 minutes before eating. Drugs must be dosed according to the instructions.

The dog should eat these products in the first week, you do not need to add anything else. New food must be introduced from the second week, and only if the animal adapts to the already proposed products. As soon as she gets used to the wings and necks, the menu of the BARF dog feeding system will expand further. As for the vitamins of groups B, C and E, then they are allowed to start giving in the first week.

The following products to be given to the pet are ground vegetables:

  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • cauliflower;
  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • green salad;
  • Apple.

It is required to grind vegetables because dogs cannot digest cellulose and extract useful substances from it. They do not have special enzymes in the body, and the length of the digestive tract also does not allow this. Vegetables should be given, as they are the main source of vitamins and carbohydrates.

dog feeding system barf pros

In this vegetable puree, it is recommended to add one teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar, minced meat made from necks and wings, as well as a teaspoon of unrefined cold-pressed oil. Mustard, olive or flaxseed is suitable, although they can be replaced with fish oil. Such mashed meat and vegetables should be given to the dog 1 time per day.

It will be more convenient for the owners to grind the products in advance, divide them into portions, put them in bags and put them in the freezer. If necessary, take out a portion in advance for defrosting; it is not advisable to use a microwave oven for this purpose.

If the dog’s getting used to new products is calm, you can introduce the chicken heart and liver, which are cut into small pieces and added to the same vegetable puree. In the future, it is necessary to introduce one new type of raw vegetables or meat products every 1-2 days into the diet of the animal, thereby making the diet diverse.

You should carefully monitor the condition of the pet and regulate the process of adding products in accordance with the characteristics of his body. It must be borne in mind that the dog’s body does not absorb cereals, and they are the main source of allergies.

Nutritional benefits

The BARF dog feeding system has many advantages. A balanced diet, which is based on fresh products, improves the condition:

  • teeth
  • Wool
  • skin.

In dogs, tartar and bad breath disappear, the weight normalizes. Owners note that their pets have become much more resilient and active. The BARF dog feeding system also has other advantages: the animals for which it is used are not obese. They have good neck and mouth muscles. With the right selection of products, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, problems with constipation disappear.

Barf Dog Feeding System

Cons of nutrition

Cons The BARF dog feeding system is at risk of an imbalance of nutrients. The fact is that not always feeding with natural food without special additives compensates for all the animal's needs for vitamins and nutrients.

There are some problems that concern eating raw meat. It can contain all kinds of parasites and viruses, for example, tapeworms, salmonella and E. coli, and that's not all. In an animal, they cause various diseases. Although supporters of this feeding system argue that only immunocompromised pets are at risk. The BARF system categorically prohibits giving dogs pork. The danger lies in the high content of the deadly Aujeszky virus.

dog feeding system barf menu for the week

The view of veterinarians on the BARF dog feeding system is far from unambiguous. Some argue that it guarantees the animal’s health and long life, because it is close to natural food. Others indicate significant cons. However, such nutrition is one of the possible feeding options. The veterinarian is required to familiarize the dog owner with the risks. Another significant advantage of this diet is lower cash costs when compared with the purchase of professional feed. Ultimately, the choice is left to the owner.

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