Schoolboy Day Routine

Today's life is going at a very intense pace. In order not to get confused in their tasks and deeds, it is important to draw up a daily routine and observe it. It should be said that the daily schedule is good for any person.

The schoolchild has a lot of tasks, and they have to be solved every day. It is necessary not only to have authority among peers, also to gain respect from teachers and, of course, strive for good results. All this is quite difficult for the fragile children's psyche, and if lack of sleep, improper nutrition, and overwork are added here, then everything can end very deplorably.

How to draw up a daily routine to include everything you need there, but at the same time not to overload the child? After all, few of the children and adolescents except the school do not go to any circles or sections. The following is a universal schedule for a student studying from the first shift. When choosing a school, you should pay attention to the number of shifts in education and, if possible, choose the institution where children are taught only in the first shift.

The first is to rise at the same time, no later than 40 minutes before you need to leave the house. Even on weekends it is better to get up at the same time so as not to bring down the body. The best option is in the interval from 7 to 8 in the morning.

The second is a mandatory hot breakfast. The option “got up-got-gone” is, of course, possible, but not desirable. Although schools have now introduced a compulsory breakfast, they serve it no earlier than the first break, between the first and second lesson, and the school still needs to be reached. The body needs to spend a large amount of energy in order to wake up and begin active work, therefore, it is necessary to give it food to generate this energy.

Next is the time spent at school. Usually it is no more than 5-6 hours. It is necessary to explain to the child that if there are more than 5 lessons, you need to have lunch at school. Children who remain on an extension plan adjust to the school schedule. The ideal option is when the child leaves home after school.

Fourth. Upon returning home from school, the child should have a snack or lunch (if he did not do this at school) and rest from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This does not mean that you can do nothing at all. It’s good to spend this time on your favorite hobby, reading, maybe even a dream. Having regained strength, you can proceed to the next item on the schedule.

The fifth point is best to do homework. It is better to learn during the day, the body is arranged in such a way that it is easier for him to perform important tasks in the morning. Many working parents make a mistake: arriving home in the evening, they begin to check the lessons or ask the child to wait in the evening to work out together. Do not do this, children get tired no less than adults, the productivity of such evening, almost nightly activities is very low. It’s better to teach your child to practice on his own. So he will quickly understand the responsibility for his actions, even at the cost of poor grades, but these are just current grades that can always be corrected. Of course, it is necessary to control and verify, but it can be done on weekends.

Sixth - circles and sections. This item can be set in the evening. All important things have been done, and you can go sing, dance, draw, play sports, etc. Most children perceive additional classes as entertainment, despite the fact that there may be very stringent requirements. Maybe that's why many children have very good results in this area.

The seventh point is dinner. The best option is no later than 21 hours and no later than half an hour before bedtime. Let the food digest, then the child will be able to calmly fall asleep, without worrying about discomfort in the stomach or the urge to the toilet. After dinner, you need to take the child something calm in order to tune in to sleep. Depending on age, you can read, watch cartoons or something like that, or at least just talk.

Sleep should be at least 10 hours a day. Otherwise, the body simply does not have time to relax, which is fraught with a decrease in attention, poor health, nervous conditions.

To summarize, it should be said that you need to draw up a daily routine according to individual characteristics, abilities, addictions of the child and other subjective circumstances. The main thing is to include in the schedule a sufficient amount of time for rest, study and not to forget about regular meals.

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