Thrush during pregnancy, 1 trimester: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal infection that can develop due to the presence of a yeast-like fungus in the tissues and mucous membranes. In a healthy person, they are present in the mouth, intestines, or genital tract, but in small quantities. And only under certain conditions begins their rapid and uncontrolled growth. This disease can be especially dangerous for girls in an “interesting position”. How to treat thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? How dangerous is this disease for mom and unborn baby? Is it possible to leave such an attack without attention and what threatens it? We’ll talk about this.

thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester treatment

Causes of vaginal candidiasis in those who are “in position”

So what changes in the mother’s body cause thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? The treatment of this ailment directly depends on the correct understanding of the process.

And the connection, it turns out, is there. And the most immediate. From the first days of pregnancy, the amount of a special hormone, progesterone, changes in the body. These fluctuations affect the mental and physical condition of women. Thus, the body "learns" about pregnancy and deliberately reduces the level of immunity. This allows the embryo to firmly establish itself in the uterine cavity. Otherwise, the embryo is rejected by the mother's body as a foreign body, and pregnancy does not occur.

The general hormonal background also changes. In order to endure and give birth to a baby without problems, a complete reformation of the endocrine background is necessary. The expectant mother most often increases the level of gestagens. This hormone helps to create conditions in the body that are convenient for the development of fungi and other microbes.

Also, the appearance of thrush during pregnancy (in the first trimester in particular) contributes to a decrease in appetite, and sometimes a complete rejection of food. This behavior of a woman may be due to the presence of severe toxicosis. Other factors also “help”:

  • frequent SARS;
  • thyroid disease;
  • diabetes;
  • uncontrolled intake of antibiotics;
  • bowel disease;
  • anemia;
  • poor nutrition, accompanied by an acute shortage of vitamins;
  • other reasons.

thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester folk treatment


You just need to treat thrush during pregnancy (1 trimester), if you find yourself with such symptoms:

  • Pain or not too good feeling when urinating.
  • Cottage cheese or creamy secretions.
  • Constant itching and burning sensation, which can intensify during intercourse, as well as visiting the toilet.
  • A rather unpleasant smell of rancid kefir appears.
  • There is a feeling that “something is bothering you” in the intimate area. The mucous membranes of the vagina swell, redden and may slightly increase in size.
  • The labia is covered with a thick layer of white plaque.

Depending on the level of immunity of a woman, the symptoms of the disease can occur with varying intensity. Someone will discover at once all of the above items at once. Someone will show only a slight burning sensation and not too pleasant smell. Everything is very individual.

In any case, even the slightest suspicion of an illness is a reason for contacting a antenatal clinic.

thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester treatment reviews

Doing it right

Whatever the symptoms of thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester, only a gynecologist is required to treat this ailment. Under no circumstances should you fix the problem yourself. It is very dangerous. Incorrect treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester can lead to serious fetal pathologies.

The fact is that just at this period the formation of the nervous system of the baby and the nucleation of its internal tissues and organs begins. An improperly selected medicine can provoke disturbances in the process and cause dangerous complications.

Of course, in the early stages of pregnant candidiasis does not develop so often. But with an increase in the term, risks increase.

Can vaginal candidiasis not be treated

Experienced doctors claim that treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is not just very desirable, but vital. What is so dangerous candidiasis of pregnant women?

First of all, an infected mom is at risk of infecting the fetus. If the fungus enters the amniotic fluid, the consequences may be irreparable. Since the embryo does not yet have its own immunity, and the mother’s protective system is weakened, a fungal infection can penetrate not only the skin, but also into the internal organs of the unborn baby. This will lead to serious violations in the development of crumbs.

treatment of thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester

Some mothers deliberately refuse treatment, citing the fact that drugs can be harmful to the fetus. This behavior is very unreasonable. Modern pharmacology has long developed drugs whose effect on the embryo is minimized. In any case, the risk of infection of the fetus is incomparable with exposure to a small dose of the drug recommended by the doctor.

If you refuse treatment, the consequences may be as follows:

  • development of intrauterine infection;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • early discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • postpartum endometritis.

In a newly born baby, in addition to various forms of fungal lesions, sepsis or pneumonia can be observed.

Classic treatment

What is most often prescribed by doctors to treat thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester? The drugs chosen by the doctor should inhibit the pathogenic microflora as much as possible, but not harm the fetus.

Most often, only local remedies are used for treatment. They help relieve the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition of the woman. One option for safe treatment is the use of vaginal suppositories. They act locally. The medicine does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect the development of the embryo at all.

In the first trimester, the fetus is still so tender and weak that not all drugs are suitable for fighting thrush. Here is a short list of non-dangerous ones:

  • Pimafucin. Before bedtime, one suppository should be administered deep into the vagina. The duration of treatment is up to 5 days. Before the procedure, you should visit the shower.
  • Betadine. The principle of treatment is similar to the previous one. The drug is not recommended for use if there are signs of individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.
  • "Candinorm." The medicine is an intravaginal cream that must be injected into the vagina for three consecutive days. For prevention and treatment with this cream, a sexual partner can also use it.

In the process of treatment, you can use some other medications. Most often used are those based on povidone iodine or natamycin. These substances are not absorbed into the blood, therefore, absolutely do not harm the fetus. They actively destroy the fungus and contribute to the restoration of microflora.

how to treat thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester

Additional funds

Reviews on the treatment of thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester are most often encouraging. This disease does not belong to the category of “evil” and is relatively easy to treat with drugs.

To enhance the effect of drugs and accelerate recovery, you need to fulfill some conditions:

  • Diet. You must exclude from your diet all sour, sweet, spicy or salty. Such dishes increase the level of acidity in the vagina. This contributes to the development of the fungus and its enhanced growth. During this period, you absolutely can not eat fresh bread and buns, alcoholic and low alcohol drinks, fatty fish and meat, bananas, peaches, grapes, figs and dates, various store sauces. More attention should be paid to dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  • To increase the body's resistance, you should take vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
  • Additionally, you can use Viferon candles. He will tell about their benefits and your doctor will prescribe the correct dosage.
  • To normalize the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to additionally take various probiotics. Suitable drugs like Hilak-Forte or Linex.

thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester drugs

Folk recipes

Is it possible to use herbs to eliminate thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester? Treatment with folk remedies during this period can be used only as an additional one. In no case can it replace drugs prescribed by a gynecologist. Most recipes are aimed at reducing symptoms, but infusions and other drugs do not affect the cause of the disease.

The most popular during this period of douching. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • boiling water - 1 glass;
  • dried nettle - 20 g.

Pour the grass with boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and douche in the morning and evening.

Douches with regular baking soda are also very popular. For one liter of warm boiled water, 30 g of soda is needed. Add a few drops of iodine to the solution, cool to body temperature and proceed to the procedure. Some time after douching, you can put candles prescribed by your doctor.

Soda baths are also made with soda. The right amount of solution is poured into a bowl of warm water. For each liter of water, you need to take one teaspoon of soda and iodine. The procedure is carried out before bedtime for 15-20 minutes.

thrush during pregnancy 1 trimester

You can also make lotions and put tampons with medicine:

  • Calendula solution (oil) - 1 tsp;
  • tea tree oil - 3 drops.

In the resulting mixture, roll a gauze swab and insert it into the vagina. Lie down for 1-1.5 hours. The oil mixture can also be replaced with regular honey.

In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, it is very useful to drink carrot fresh, as well as make lotions on the genital area with it. This relieves severe inflammation, reduces itching and unpleasant burning sensation.

And here’s another recipe. Take in equal proportions celandine, birch buds, oak bark and knotweed. Two tablespoons of the mixture, soak in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 4 hours. Infusion should be washed genitals to reduce burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations.

Preventative measures

Thrush, like any disease, is easier to prevent than to treat. To minimize the chance of developing this unpleasant disease, you should adhere to these rules:

  • Prefer practical and “breathable” cotton underwear to fashionable synthetic.
  • Follow the simple rules of personal hygiene, be sure to wash yourself 2 times a day.
  • Do not be in vain. This is not only harmful to the child, but also creates the prerequisites for the propagation of pathogenic microflora.
  • Change your underwear regularly.
  • Try to exclude tasty, but not useful food from the diet. Use fermented milk products more often.
  • Do not give up a complex of vitamin preparations.
  • Minimize the use of intimate cosmetics. Ideal - baby soap and water.


Candidiasis of pregnant women is not only a fairly serious, but also a very common disease. If you encounter this ailment, do not self-medicate. Consult a doctor and he will certainly prescribe the correct treatment. Health to you and your baby!

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