Cat bladder catheterization: technique and consequences

Cat bladder catheterization is a procedure that veterinarians perform to treat pathologies of the urogenital system of pets. Most often, this method is the only one that allows you to save a pet with acute urinary retention. Urolithiasis provokes this condition. This pathology is characterized by the formation of stones in the internal organs of the animal, which disrupt the normal outflow of urine and cause overflow of the bladder. Below we will talk more about the procedure.

What it is?

Cat bladder catheterization is necessary for the treatment of urolithiasis, cystitis and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. The procedure can only be carried out by a veterinarian, as a person without special knowledge can cause serious injury to the penis or urethra.

With the help of catheterization, you can introduce the necessary medications into the body, alleviate the condition of the cat, and also take urine for further research. An event held in a veterinary clinic is harmless to the animal, since only experienced doctors are allowed to perform it.

Who is assigned to?

cat diseases

The main indications for cat catheterization of the bladder in a cat include:

  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Idiopathic cystitis.
  • Different obstruction of the urinary canal.
  • Urine collection for analysis.
  • Bladder surgery requiring a constant lack of urine.
  • Urethral inflammation.
  • Disorders in which the pet cannot urinate itself (paralysis).


In the following situations, catheterization is not recommended:

  • Sepsis.
  • Tumors of the urethra and bladder.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Various viral and infectious diseases.


catheterization instruments

As a rule, before the start of the procedure, the specialist conducts a number of preparatory measures, which include:

  1. A study for contraindications and reasons for catheterization. If it is impossible to carry out this procedure, other methods of removing urine from the organ are chosen as a treatment.
  2. Anesthesia. It is necessary so that the pet does not feel pain during all manipulations. Without anesthesia, a cat can harm both itself and a veterinarian. Most commonly, sedation or general anesthesia is used. The first option applies to pets with a lack of appetite, severe intoxication, various functional disorders and a prolonged course of the disease. The second option is used in animals whose condition is assessed as satisfactory, without severe intoxication and with the absence of heart and vascular diseases. Cat catheterization of the bladder in cats without analgesia is carried out only in the case of an extremely serious condition of the animal.
  3. Hygiene measures. Before the procedure, hair is shaved from the penis and around it, and the skin is disinfected. This is necessary to prevent the entry of pathogenic microflora into the bladder.
  4. Additional anesthesia. Different local aerosol analgesics are used as local anesthesia. This further reduces sensitivity, since the glans penis contains many nerve endings. Without analgesia, the cat will feel pain even under general anesthesia.

Cat bladder catheterization: how to put

cat bladder catheterization

The procedure is as follows:

  1. A catheter with a mandrel, lubricated with a lubricant, is introduced into the lumen of the urethra. Lubrication is necessary so that the tool does not damage the walls of the urinary canal.
  2. If the device bumps into various obstructions before it enters the bladder, then a special solution is introduced through the catheter, destroying the plugs and contributing to its further progress.
  3. When the instrument enters the bladder, urine begins to flow out of it. By smell and color, the veterinarian can determine the condition of the organ and prescribe appropriate therapy. Part of the urine is taken for further follow-up.
  4. If there is blood in the urine, we can say that the integrity of the walls of the organ is impaired. In this case, the specialist rinses the bladder with a special solution, most often novocaine, to remove the crusts and blood clots formed in the organ, as well as to prevent the re-formation of the problem.
  5. If necessary, the catheter is left for several days. This is necessary so that urine is artificially excreted from the body. In this case, the pet is prescribed medication and diet therapy to help relieve acute symptoms.


cat after surgery

During cat catheterization of a cat’s bladder, antibiotics are prescribed to prevent the development of pathogenic microflora in the urethra and bladder. In this case, the owner of the animal must comply with all recommendations of the veterinarian for treatment.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain the sterility of the catheter itself. If it is present for several days, the device should be washed with a special solution recommended by a doctor. You also need to monitor the condition of the hair in the perineum and keep it clean, and the genitals are regularly treated with antibacterial solutions of chlorhexidine or furatsilina. This will prevent the development of infections.

Cat Bladder Catheterization: Implications

preparation for catheterization

After this treatment, the pet may experience various complications, which include:

  1. Lack of diuresis. Due to the fact that the muscles of the urethra are spasmodic, the pet cannot go to the toilet. To eliminate pathology and relieve unpleasant symptoms, antispasmodics are prescribed to the animal.
  2. Urethral trauma. May occur in case of inexperience of a specialist. In this situation, the cat must be re-led to the veterinarian. Injuries are characterized by severe pain in the urethra, the cat licks a sore spot and cannot normally urinate. Sometimes urine may contain blood.
  3. After catheterization of the bladder, the cat is often licked. This may be due to unpleasant sensations after the procedure, which will accompany the pet for some more time, or with the presence of injuries.


With the right approach from the owner and veterinarian, the catheterization procedure most often passes successfully and does not entail any pathologies and injuries. Therefore, if there is a problem of urination in the pet, it is necessary to deliver it to the clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

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