Border Guard Day is the oldest holiday. This professional holiday is celebrated by everyone who is related to the personnel of the border troops not only of the Russian Federation, but also of many other countries. The first frontier posts were organized several hundred years ago.
Much attention was paid to the borders in Ancient Russia, when they began to build special protective and defensive structures or ramparts. For the first time, the border service was mentioned as a servant guard created to look after the borders of Russian territories directly.
Back in the 18th century, border customs began to be created in Russia. And already at the end of the 19th century, a separate corps of this border guard (OKPS) was organized, which was called upon to combat not only illegal border crossing, but also smuggling.
The day of the border guard is exactly the day when you should pay tribute to those people who have a very responsible and no less dangerous service, guarding the external borders of a state. Their profession is to defend their homeland.
Not everyone can do this work. After all, the work of border guards is dangerous, difficult, requiring endurance and discipline, therefore only responsible and courageous people, true patriots of their country, can do it.
Today in Russia, the border service is a structural unit of the Russian security service. His responsibilities include not only protecting the borders of the state, but also protecting his interests. In this regard, the need for such strict control is explained by the fact that Russia borders on a sufficiently large number of different countries (16!).
Therefore, on Border Guard Day, it is customary to express gratitude and appreciation to those who directly combat smuggling, terrorism, drug trafficking, and many other types of illegal activities precisely at the border.
Border guards have certain roles and responsibilities. So, they monitor compliance with the regime on the territory of the country's border and border zone. They also detain violators of this regime and repel an armed invasion. In addition, people in uniform pass cargo and individuals across the border, which do not contradict the Law, provide assistance to the customs service and so on.
It should also be noted that the state takes care of the defenders of its territory not only on Border Guard Day, but throughout the entire period of their service. And to facilitate the work, the Russian Federation provided its border service with modern equipment and weapons (special, automobile and military).
The rank of border guard always evokes honor and respect. Mainly because the service of these people is always associated with difficulties and danger. After all, they protect not only coastal borders, but also air and sea. They are constantly on guard of our peace.
This holiday is mainly aimed at demonstrating the combat power of these troops directly, as well as raising the morale of all soldiers who fulfill such a responsible duty to their own homeland and state.
And everyone in the country is simply obliged to know when the day of the border guard. Its date is May 28th. She was chosen for a reason. Indeed, on that day back in 1918 the Main Directorate of Border Guard was created, and the Border Guard of the RSFSR itself was established.
As a rule, troops celebrate their day on a large scale. An obligatory attribute of the whole celebration is an unforgettable firework and a powerful enough, bright and beautiful salute. And on the day of the border guard congratulations sound only the best, sincere and grateful.
All cities host numerous celebrations. And the courageous border guards, who always guard our peace and protect our lives, must wear their uniform and green cap on this day. Many of them receive awards, they are promoted on this day or presented with certificates.