One of the most unusual, smart and beautiful dogs is the African Ridgeback. This breed is better known as the Rhodesian Ridgeback - by the name of the area where its breeding was started. Ridgeback is the only dog from Africa recognized by the International Association of Cynologists. In Europe, it appeared only in the 20th century, but has already become very popular.
Breed history
African ridgebacks from hunting dogs, which have long been used by local tribes of Africa in hunting for lions, are bred. Such dogs with a crest on their backs have been known in this region since the beginning of our era. But only at the end of the 18th century, the features of these animals were noticed by immigrants from Europe. They began to cross with other dogs and were actively used for hunting and protecting homes. And so began the breeding of a new breed. African dogs were crossed with a greyhound, mastiff, terrier, mastiff. And in the 20s of the 20th century a new breed appeared, which was called the Rhodesian Ridgeback. In 1924 she was recognized and became the only African dog in the International Breeding Classification.
For her fearlessness and ability to help in the hunt for lions, she is also called the African lion hound. Thanks to this, she was very popular in Africa. But now, most often, an African ridgeback is used as a companion, since this breed is easy to keep in a country house and even in a city apartment. These dogs live 12-15 years and remain active until old age.
In Russia, the breed African Ridgeback became known only in the 90s of the 20th century, and their breeding began in 1993. But even then they became very popular. Mind, calm and devotion to the owner became the hallmark of these dogs. Therefore, they are turned on by many rich and famous people. Ordinary lovers, this breed is not always available, as it is quite expensive - at least 60 thousand rubles.
Interesting facts and features
Ridgeback is also called the African lion dog for the fact that it can be used for hunting lions. This is one of the most amazing breeds. This is a very active, hardy and strong dog. She is brave and not aggressive, very smart and playful. Its distinctive feature is the presence on the back of a comb made of wool growing in the other direction. It is called a ridge. In addition, this breed is distinguished by character traits. This is an unusually smart and active dog. She is very trainable and very dedicated.
Features of the breed are explained by the goals of its breeding. We needed a dog that would tolerate temperature extremes, adapt to difficult conditions and protect the home from predators. In addition, it was required that she be fearless, devoted to the owner and could participate in the hunt. An African Ridgeback dog has all of these features. She is hardy, bold and smart, fearlessly chasing a lion and protects the owner from any danger.
The peculiarities of dogs of this breed also include the fact that they rarely bark, despite the fact that they have a loud voice, courage and determination. But these dogs are quite silent and restrained. And what about the content of the African ridgeback at home? According to the owners, these are quite calm and lazy dogs. They love children, become attached to other pets, but on condition that they grew up with them. But on the street they are very active and can be aggressive towards other animals, especially cats.
Appearance of the African Ridgeback
A photo of this dog shows how beautiful and unusual it is. Therefore, it is popular not only among professional breeders, but also among ordinary lovers. The main distinguishing feature of an African Ridgeback dog is its coat. Short and thick, it is shiny, but should not be soft or silky. In addition, its color may indicate the origin of the dog. It usually ranges from light wheat to golden. They are also bright red. But there may be a dark mask on the face, blackness is also on the ears. A white spot on the chest is also acceptable. Ridgeback wool also has one distinguishing feature that only representatives of this breed have: ridge. This is a strip running along the ridge. It begins between the shoulder blades and ends at the hips. The ridge should be symmetrically located and have two curls at the shoulder blades. Its width is about 5 cm, and the edges are clearly outlined.
The breed standard was approved in 1924. It noted that these dogs should weigh from 32 to 36 kg, and their height is 60-69 cm. Also in the description of the breed African Ridgeback there are such standards:
- a head with a flat, wide skull, having a small, but pronounced transition to the forehead, in a calm state there should not be folds on it;
- the muzzle is long, with powerful jaws and a scissor bite, eyes are rounded and widely spaced, dark, the nose is also black or dark brown;
- the ears are set high, hanging and tight to the head, they are medium in size and taper towards the end;
- the back is strong, slightly convex in the lower back, powerful;
- the tail is not docked, tapers down, never curls, only slightly raised up;
- the legs are straight, quite muscular, the fingers are compactly assembled, the gait is free.
Ridgeback character
These dogs are distinguished by intelligence, endurance and good training. They are self-confident and independent. African Ridgebacks, if there is no danger to the owners, are indifferent to people around them. But in the event of a threat, they fearlessly rush to protect the owner. Although by nature, representatives of this breed are completely non-aggressive.
It is believed that the character of the African Ridgeback dog is complex. She is masterful and proud. Therefore, only a strong-willed, strict master can contain it. Weak and weak-willed she simply will not obey. These are very independent dogs. They are able to subtly feel the mood of a person. In addition, they are touchy and stubborn. Therefore, it is very important from a puppy's age to educate them correctly.
But there are a lot of positive qualities in the characteristic of the African ridgeback. This is an intelligent, intelligent and well-bred dog. They have self-esteem and are able to make independent decisions in difficult situations. Ridgeback is loyal to his master, attached to him and not aggressive to outsiders. Typically, these dogs have a balanced character and high intelligence. They all understand and have the instinct of a guard. They can cheer up the owner in a difficult period of life. Although they do not bother with their society. These dogs get along well with children, are not bloodthirsty and not spiteful, they allow the child a lot.
Parenting and training
Train your African Ridgeback as early as possible. It is important that the owner has a lot of time for raising a puppy and walking. If the owner does not have experience in keeping such willful and stubborn dogs, it is best to do this under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. In education, it is important to be firm and consistent. But stiffness and physical punishment are unacceptable. These dogs are vindictive and acutely sense injustice. From their point of view, an undeserved punishment can be remembered for a long time.
If such an intelligent and stubborn dog falls into the hands of an inexperienced, weak owner, the African Ridgeback can get the better of him and will do whatever he wants. In this case, the dog will behave like a pack leader. Therefore, it is not recommended to start African Ridgebacks for timid and gentle people. Such a dog should immediately understand who is the boss in the house. She needs a firm hand and determination in education.
These dogs are easy to train and usually all teams learn the first time. But they don’t always do it - it’s difficult to get the ridgeback to do something that he does not want. A master can only achieve his affection and patience. These dogs are very helpful, with the right approach, they are able to remember many, even unusual commands. In addition, it is very important not to leave the pet for long alone. Ridgebacks constantly need to communicate, because of loneliness they can show signs of destructive behavior.
Features of the breed
The history of ridgebacks comes from hunting dogs. Their local tribes used to hunt lions and guard their home. Therefore, even now, dogs of this breed are fearless and strong. They are great as a security guard or watchman. Thanks to stamina and the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions of the African ridgeback, people who lead an active lifestyle can start. A dog will become an excellent partner and companion for such a person.
The representatives of this breed have a very good sense of smell and vision, they are able to easily take a trace, long pursue prey. Thanks to these qualities, African Ridgeback dogs are often used not only in hunting. They spread around the world and became popular. They are used by the police when catching criminals. Moreover, bitches are more suitable for hunting and search services, and males are used as security guards.
In addition, as already mentioned, an African Ridgeback dog can be a great companion for an active person. She is unusually active and often participates in various sports and entertainment shows. And due to its cleanliness and unpretentiousness it is easy to maintain it even in a city apartment.
How to choose
Buying a dog of the breed African Ridgeback is only for those people who can provide the pet with the opportunity to move a lot. These animals need to run in the wild, as they come from hunting dogs. The animal is perfect for a city apartment and especially for a country house. Keeping an African ridgeback at home is straightforward. This dog is compact, clean, well-mannered. But before buying a puppy of this breed, you should think carefully. Children and elderly people simply cannot cope with such a dog; it does not suit even weak-willed or gentle people. In addition, despite the fact that Ridgebacks love to run and adapt well to different conditions, it is undesirable to keep them in an aviary on the street. These dogs are very important constant communication with the owner. In addition, it is very important to provide the pet with sufficient physical activity, and not keep it on the chain.
If a person definitely decided to get a dog of the African Ridgeback breed, you need to carefully consider the choice of a puppy. You need to visit exhibitions, get acquainted with the breeders, choose a dog breeding club. In our country, Ridgebacks are still a rare breed, but they are bred, and representatives of domestic clubs often take first places at international exhibitions. Therefore, you can choose a puppy's parents with a good pedigree. When buying a dog, you need to pay attention to the conditions of the animals, their health. A puppy is bought at the age of at least one and a half months. He must be healthy, with a strong skeleton, a slightly elongated body. If you need to put an animal, it is important to pay attention to the presence of the correct ridge.
African ridgeback: how to care
These dogs require minimal care. Due to their short, dense coat without undercoat, they are odorless. You can bathe them every 2 months or as they become dirty. It is enough just to comb out the wool with a special brush or mitten 1-2 times a month. It’s easy to bathe a ridgeback, it dries quickly. Therefore, in the summer you can let the dog swim in safe reservoirs.
In addition to grooming, you need to pay attention to the care of the teeth, claws and ears of the pet. You need to regularly trim your nails, examine and brush your ears, and brush your teeth every week. In cold weather, it is better to wear a warm jumpsuit for the pet, as the Ridgebacks do not have a warm undercoat.
In addition, when keeping a dog at home, it is very important to maintain its physical shape. To do this, you need to walk your pet daily, at least 30 minutes allowing him to run. Regularly it is advisable to take the dog to nature, where she can frolic in the wild. Ridgebacks can run for a long time, so the owner can perform joint marathons or bike rides with the pet.
Dog food
Proper nutrition is essential to maintaining good health and fitness. Many inexperienced owners make mistakes in the content of the African ridgeback. They don’t figure out how to feed such a dog, as a result, the pet develops various health disorders.
When feeding animals with natural food, it is very important to balance the diet so that the dog receives all the necessary nutrients. It is necessary to give her natural meat, offal, fish. An adult dog is not recommended to give bones. It is important that cereals, vegetables, dairy products are present in the diet. You can’t give your pet sweets, fried foods, onions, beans, chocolate.
An alternative to natural food is prepared dry and wet food. But you need to choose food only of high quality so that it is balanced and does not contain harmful chemical components. Choose a product in accordance with the age and preferences of the pet, but it must be premium.
Ridgeback Health
Dogs of this breed have strong immunity. They are usually healthy, but in modern urban environments, even such hardy animals can get sick. Ridgebacks sometimes have hip dysplasia or spinal osteochondrosis, cataracts. Often they are prone to obesity and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is very important to properly feed the pet, regularly drive it to the veterinarian for examination, and vaccinate on time. Then the African Ridgeback will delight the owner for a long time with its mind, cheerful and active disposition.