Motherboard ASUS P7H55-M / USB3. Purpose, characteristics, list of supported CPUs and list of communications

ASUS P7H55-M/USB3 . , . .

asus p7h55 m usb3 specifications

, microATX ASUS P7H55-M/USB3. , i7 Xeon.

LGA1156 . , , , . . .


LGA1156 ASUS P7H55-M/USB3. , 55 “”. Core , :

  1. Celeron/Pentium.
  2. i3 i5.
  3. i7.
  4. Xeon.
asus p7h55 m usb3 review

LGA1156 ASUS P7H55-M/USB3. . - DDR3. 1066 2133 . 16 .

4. PCI - rev. 16X . , 1. . PCI. .


  1. PS/2, , .
  2. USB 6. 3.0, - 2.0.
  3. RJ-45.
  4. .
  5. VGA HDMI , .
  6. .

SATA. 3.0, - 2.0.

ASUS P7H55-M/USB3 . i5 4600 .

, :

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. High-quality built-in acoustics.
asus p7h55 m usb3

Conclusion Total

ASUS P7H55-M / USB3 is based on the outdated LGA1156 microprocessor socket. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use it when assembling a new PC. But when repairing such a computer, it can even come in handy. Moreover, it supports all the CPUs of this computing platform. Including server chips Xeon. That is, its possible scope is practically unlimited.

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