Can an ordinary wild fox become a pet? Have you thought about this issue? Today we’ll talk about this.
Foxes belong to the canine family and live on almost all continents of the globe. The common red fox is the most common representative of this species.
Domesticated silver fox
Scientists even conducted special experiments on the domestication of wild foxes. The most susceptible to this process were black-brown individuals.
However, even a tamed fox (domesticated) remains a beast that has traits and instincts characteristic of animals raised in the wild. Do not forget about this. Therefore, if you plan to keep the fox at home, be sure to observe safety measures. These creatures pose a much greater danger to humans than cats or dogs. In addition, the fox can be a source of danger for smaller pets and, of course, children.
Fox at home: content features
Have you decided to choose a fox as your pet ? Then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the necessary minimum information regarding the care of this animal. You should find a veterinarian in advance who will periodically examine the chanterelle, perform the necessary examinations and do the appropriate vaccinations.
Fox at home: pet enclosure
To keep this beast, you need a spacious cage or aviary, where the animal will not be crowded. Do not erect too complex a design, as putting a chanterelle house in order will not be too convenient.
The domestic fox, like the wild fox, needs a den. Therefore, it is imperative to equip a hole for it. In addition, you need a cat toilet: foxes are quite simple and quickly accustomed to the tray.
These animals dig well, can bounce high and climb up where they should not. This should be taken into account when arranging a place for your pet: make sure that the fox does not have the opportunity to leave his cage on his own.
Domestic fox food
In fact, the fox is omnivorous, it eats almost any food. Therefore, special problems with her feeding should not arise. In principle, a domestic fox will be happy to eat dog food, but it will need to make some adjustments to it: you will need to add vegetables, berries and fruits. Of course, it will be just perfect if, according to its nutritional value, the diet of a domestic fox will correspond to the diet of a predator in the wild. If you purchased (or brought from the forest) a very small fox, then if necessary it can be fed from a nipple.
Games with domestic fox
The more time you spend with your
unusual pet, the faster the chanterelle will abandon its forest habits. Giving her a lot of attention, you are guaranteed to bring up a peaceful and affectionate, endlessly attached to you pet.
You should definitely play with a fox, but games should not be aggressive, suggest some kind of struggle. Otherwise, the animal will not be able to distinguish between the permissible edge of possible aggression and, in the heat of excitement, may simply attack the owner.
What to play? Invite your pet to bring an abandoned ball or find your favorite toy. Given the fact that this animal loves to hunt rodents, it can be assumed that a clockwork mouse will delight your pet. For indoor games, a feline classic kit of toys is suitable for a home fox.
Fox as a pet: Fenech
Fenech is a small
desert fox living in North Africa. Although they belong to the canine family, they are smaller in size than even an ordinary
domestic cat. This animal weighs only one and a half kilograms. And the most striking feature of Fenech are its huge ears, reaching a length of 15 centimeters. They help the chanterelle to regulate body temperature. The cushions of the feet from the hot desert sand are protected by the wool that covers them.
Feneki breed well in captivity. Newborn foxes have a completely white coat, which, as they grow, acquires either a red or fawn color. The coat of these domestic chanterelles is long and very soft to the touch.
Feneki are beautiful jumpers. They can jump a distance of one meter in a jump, and jump up to a height of 70 centimeters. Such jumping ability helps the animal to catch prey. Chanterelles live in groups, but prefer to hunt alone.
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Since Fenech is a miniature fox, it can be kept directly in a city apartment. By the way, these foxes are recommended to be brought as pets. To make the animal feel comfortable, he will also need to put a cage. Remember that it should not be cramped, as it will play the role of a kind of burrow for this animal.
Fenech is a very active creature, so the maintenance of such a brisk domestic fox requires the observance of certain rules:
- Doors and windows must always be closed.
- Easily breaking objects must be removed away.
- When Fenech is left alone at home, he must be locked in his cage.
All the rest of the time the pet should spend at large, that is, outside the cage.
What does a domestic fox look like? The photo on the side will allow readers to make their own opinion about this extraordinary pet. But do not be fooled by the slightly apathetic appearance of the animal. In fact, Fenech is very energetic, so he just needs to give his energy out. You should provide your pet with various toys so that he can do something.
These chanterelles love walking, but they need to be walked exclusively on a leash. Since these representatives of the animal world are very small, soft harness for small dog breeds is quite suitable for them.
The animal does not tolerate low temperatures, so in winter they should be kept in well-heated rooms. If this condition is neglected, then the eyes become inflamed in the chanterelles. Cold diseases in Fenechs are treated very difficult, so the mortality rate among these animals is quite high.
Chanterelle Care
Wool can be cleaned with a classic pet brush. Fenech loves to be combed. This simple procedure helps to establish a stronger bond between the pet and its owner.
Like ordinary foxes, Fenech is able to learn how to walk in its natural needs into a cat's toilet.
Feneki are predators. In the wild, their diet is very diverse. They find eggs, catch small vertebrates: reptiles, small birds, insects. Love the locusts. And chanterelles can dig out the roots and tubers of plants, get fruits from trees. Plant foods provide animals with the necessary moisture, so they are an integral part of the daily diet.
At home, these animals prefer raw meat, fruits and vegetables. Also, Fenech will not refuse small rodents, lizards or a favorite locust. Sometimes the animal can be spoiled with dairy products, fish or eggs.
Feneki - beautiful domestic foxes, the price of which is very high. These miniature creatures are unusually affectionate and gentle animals, and after appropriate upbringing they also become very smart.
As you can see, the domestic fox is a completely achievable goal. But you should always remember that no matter how obedient your pet is, it always remains a wild beast that can become uncontrollable at any moment. And at the same time, a fox can become a wonderful companion, good-natured and playful, who gets along well with a person.