Often parents are faced with a situation where redness and peeling appear on the silk ass of their newborn baby. Breaking their heads, they run to the pharmacy and sometimes buy completely useless ointments and powders. In fact, red spots on the baby's pope can appear for a number of reasons. And not always ointments and creams are enough to treat redness. We will talk about how to remove red dry spots on the baby’s pope in our article. Here we consider the possible causes of hyperemia and indicate preventive measures to prevent similar problems in the future.
Skin features of babies
The delicate skin of the newborn has some features:
- It is hypersensitive and instantly reacts to any external or internal stimuli.
- Underdevelopment of the sweating system in newborns also affects the condition of the baby's epidermis. The sweat glands of the child are not able to give all the excess heat out, which only enhances the so-called "greenhouse effect" inside the diaper.
- The skin of a newborn is rich in lipids, which dissolve urine and feces well, thereby causing irritation and redness on the baby's pope.
That is why the skin of the baby requires special care and respect.
Red spots on the baby's pope: external irritants
The reasons as a result of which the skin on the child’s pope may turn red can be divided into internal and external.
External causes that lead to skin allergies include:
- Contact dermatitis. Red spots on the pope in a child appear in direct contact with an allergen. First of all, pay attention to diapers. Allergic reactions to the skin in the form of its redness can occur on the materials of which the diaper is made, on internal impregnation, on perfume. In addition, allergies can occur to washing powders, the composition of the material for baby clothes (synthetics), baby wet wipes and creams, that is, to products that have direct contact with the baby's skin.
- Non-compliance with hygiene. Diaper replacement is too rare, as a result of which urine and feces have time to corrode the upper layer of the skin.
- Mechanical damage to the skin can be caused by rubbing the diapers or seams of children's clothing.
- Overheat. Too warm air in the room and a lot of clothes on the child’s body cause active perspiration, and as a result, irritations appear on the skin.
All these causes of redness in the pope are in no way connected with the diet and the state of health of the child.
Internal Stain Factors
The internal causes of redness on the delicate skin of a child are no less known:
- Food allergy. This is the most common reason for the appearance of red rashes on the skin, while they are localized, as a rule, just on the ass and on the cheeks. So, an allergy to the pope in a baby who is breastfed may be the result of a product eaten by her mother. This may be chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, honey, etc. For children who are being fed, the cause of allergies may be a reaction to a new product.
- Dysbacteriosis It develops against a background of reduced immunity, taking antibiotics, an unbalanced diet. It manifests itself in the form of loose stools and irritations on the priest and in the inguinal region.
- Candidiasis (thrush). This disease can be suspected with simultaneous redness of the buttocks and inguinal region.
- Helminthic infestations. As a result of the activity of helminths in the child's body, irritations and redness may appear on the baby's skin.
Emergency measures
If a red spot is found on the priest, parents should give the baby first aid and take emergency measures to get rid of them:
- First of all, possible mechanical irritants are determined, it is checked whether the diaper is tight, whether the gum is rubbed or the seams on the clothes are pressed.
- It then turns out which hygiene and household cleaning products could cause skin irritation. Perhaps the clothes were washed with another powder or diapers of a new brand were used.
- The use of diapers should be minimized, and the baby should have air baths as often as possible.
- If the cause of allergy in the pope is food, they should be excluded from the diet of mother and child for at least 7 days.
- Make an analysis of feces for dysbiosis in order to exclude another reason for the appearance of rashes.
As a rule, if the allergen is correctly identified, red spots on the child’s pope disappear on their own within a week. But in some cases, the baby may need additional treatment.
How to treat red spots on the pope?
In addition to the above methods of eliminating irritations in the pope, the child is recommended the following treatment:
- baths with decoctions of herbs, and after bathing on the skin, you can apply the simplest baby moisturizer without perfumes;
- ingestion of antihistamines (Fenistil, Erius, etc.);
- baby powder or starch for drying inflammations:
- drying and healing creams and ointments (Bepanten, Sudokrem, etc.);
- with thrush, it is recommended that the child's oral cavity be treated with a soda solution (1 tsp. soda per 1 glass of water);
- with confirmation of dysbiosis, the administration of drugs containing beneficial bacteria is indicated.
In the event that the treatment was prescribed correctly, the redness and inflammation in the priest will disappear in a week or earlier.
When to see a doctor?
The reasons for immediately contacting a pediatrician are the following factors:
- After a week of treatment, the number of rashes on the skin of the child does not decrease. This means that no improvement is observed during therapy.
- The child has a red rough spot on the pope, which causes itching and increases in size.
- With concomitant symptoms (fever, abdominal pain, change in stool, etc.).
A pediatrician will certainly examine the patient and give a referral for a consultation with a pediatric dermatologist.
What does Dr. Komarovsky say about the red rash?
He did not ignore the problem of the appearance of a rash in children, and the famous doctor Komarovsky E.O. He devoted a topic to a topic that interests many parents.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are two main reasons for the appearance of a rash on the baby’s priest :
- allergy to external or internal irritants;
- body reaction to a viral infection.
In the case of infection, the patient is simultaneously prescribed antiviral and antihistamines aimed at suppressing an allergic reaction in the body.
Dr. Komarovsky in the fight against allergies recommends adhering to the following rules:
- limit skin contact with external allergens;
- exclude the ingress of allergens into the body;
- provide conditions for reducing sweating of the child;
- maintain the optimum air temperature in the room 18-22 degrees and humidity at 60%;
- provide the child with a plentiful drink.
Compliance with these recommendations will reduce the occurrence of allergies or even eliminate them.
Bathing and redness on the baby's pope: how not to harm
Since the treatment of red spots on the baby’s buttocks, as a rule, comes down to drying the affected area of the skin, many parents begin to doubt the advisability of bathing the baby until the wound is completely healed. In fact, the key to a quick recovery is primarily the observance of all hygiene procedures.
For bathing the baby in this case, a bath with a decoction of chamomile is ideal. For this, a pharmacy chamomile (2 tbsp. L.) Is brewed in a glass of water, insisted for two hours, filtered and added to the water for bathing the baby. The plant dries well and disinfects irritated skin, contributing to its healing. A similar effect is possessed by infusions of a succession, calendula and celandine. To soften the skin after bathing, you can use a fragrance-free baby moisturizer. Water procedures on herbs should be carried out 2 times a day for 10 minutes.
Preventive actions
The following preventive measures are mandatory for all parents. And it does not depend on whether the child has an allergy to the pope or not.
Prevention is as follows:
- The diaper should be changed every 3-4 hours, washing the child - at least three times a day: morning, evening and after stool.
- The diaper selection should be given special attention; it is not recommended to use personal hygiene products with a flavored inner layer and fragrances.
- Clothes and baby bedding should be washed only with special powders; when bathing, use only detergents and shampoos intended for children.
- Daily air baths must be carried out after each diaper change. To do this, it is enough to give the baby’s skin “breathe” for 10-15 minutes.
- You should not overheat the baby, you need to wear it according to the weather.
- It is recommended that you purchase a room thermometer and humidifier.
- To buy for the baby only clothes made from natural materials.
- Exclude from the diet foods that cause allergic reactions (chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.). Feeding is introduced gradually, in small doses, constantly observing the crumbs' reaction to the new product.
Preventive measures will reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions to the pope to a minimum or even avoid them.
Sometimes there may be several causes of redness on the skin, and it takes too long to identify them. The task of parents is to be patient and gradually, step by step, eliminate possible allergens. If successful, after just a week, the baby’s ass will again become soft and tender. Also, do not forget about the need to prevent redness and irritation on the skin.