Can pregnant women drink beer

During pregnancy, preferences in both food and drink change rapidly in women. This is due to hormonal changes caused by the need to provide conditions for the full development of the fetus. It is known that some women felt an irresistible desire to taste the beer. Indeed, the desires of a lady in an interesting position are so strong that it is simply impossible to refuse her. In this case, ignorance stops the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink beer, because it is still an alcoholic drink.

Despite the fact that beer contains many useful substances, all experts, when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to beer, loudly declare its harm. Of course, some women are opposed to specialists, who have personally tested how harmless a small portion of alcohol is, since the baby was born without visible deviations and problems. Do not listen to the opinions on numerous Internet forums claiming that pregnant women can drink beer, as they are not familiar with medical research in as much detail as doctors study this topic.

With the onset of a special period in life - pregnancy, changes occur not only in her body, but also in life. Now the future mother is obliged to think about the well-being of the child, his health and full development. That is why it is necessary to completely change the diet and lifestyle. If before a woman could afford to go out all night or stay awake for days, then during pregnancy you should adhere to a constant schedule. The diet also undergoes significant changes, because any product that enters the body nourishes through the blood and placenta of the baby. For the stable development of the embryo, it is necessary to use only natural products saturated with useful substances.

When wondering if pregnant women can drink beer, a woman should understand that even a small dose of alcohol that enters the bloodstream can trigger a miscarriage. Of course, what decision to make, the choice of each person, you just need to think about the possible consequences. Scientists conducted studies in which they found that children whose parents did not refuse to drink alcohol throughout their pregnancy have certain developmental problems. For example, at school it is more difficult for such children than others to study many subjects. In addition, very often children are born with already chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as with deformities.

When asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink beer, many find an alternative answer, offering a non-alcoholic version of this drink. But here it should be borne in mind that experts are against beer not only because of the alcohol content in it. Beer has strong diuretic properties, which gives an increased load on the kidneys, forcing them to work actively. In addition, each alcoholic drink refers to products that can be stored for a long time, which means that it contains preservatives and other chemical compounds that adversely affect the development of the fetus.

But the main reason that answers the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink beer, a categorical refusal, is the substance phytoestrogen, which can be found in beer in large quantities. The peculiarity of this substance is that it is similar in structure to the human hormone. If it enters the female body, it threatens infertility, and for pregnant women it negatively affects fertility.

If the desire is irresistible and nothing else can replace beer, then a woman can be allowed to drink a small amount of non-alcoholic beer once during pregnancy. This small weakness should not bring obvious harm to the child.

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