Khorne Berserkers - Chaos Space Marines. Warhammer 40,000

The Khorne berserkers are the ruthless Chaos space marines, the vanguard of the Lord of the Blood Slaughter, sitting in the endless streams of Warp. "Blood to the God of Blood, Skulls for the Throne of Skulls!" - the battle cry of madmen, instilling fear even into brave men. They will be discussed in the article.

games warhammer 40,000 khorne berserker


The prerequisites for the birth of the war-possessed Astartes arose due to the activities of the XII legion. Angron, nicknamed the broken primarch, did not immediately take command because of dissatisfaction with the actions of the Emperor, who did not want to heed the aspirations of his creation and leave him in Nuceria to be able to accept death next to his brothers.

One after the other, the Space Dogs of the War Dogs died at the hands of an angry gladiator until Kharn (captain of the 8th assault company) managed to find a common language. Angron took command and renamed the Legion "World Eaters."

Butcher Nails

"A crimson footprint among the sands, a bloody river -

Continue the song with Butcher Nails

HMKids - Butcher's Nails

To somehow get closer to the new leader, the legionnaires agreed to the surgery that Angron had previously undergone: the installation of brain implants - Butcher Nails - producing pain in the wearer's head, subsiding after the bloody massacre. Kharn considered aggression and unbridled savagery justified on the way to the goal of the Crusade in the name of the Imperium of Mankind.

Unjustified aggression, the killing of civilians, a head-on collision, hand-to-hand combat, as well as the inability to distinguish one from another in a period of bloody frenzy (when "Nails sing") contributed to the birth of the nickname "Bloody Twelfth". So called "World Eaters" soldiers of other imperial legions. When thinking of such reinforcements, they usually demanded to send someone else.

Such characters of Warhammer 40,000 were not famous for the feats for which they are praised in legends. These are the soldiers at the end of their journey: embittered butchers fighting not for a great purpose, but with the desire to smell the gunpowder again, to feel a rush of adrenaline and a taste of blood in the mouth. They like the war, because XII did not like even before the beginning of the Heresy of Horus, their souls gradually became susceptible to the influence of Chaos.

chaos warhammer

"Warhammer 40,000." During the Heresy and after

“Flames flared up behind my eyes,

Blood paths are one road

We got what we dreamed

So pour blood for the Bloody God! ”

Grimwind - Flames and Blood

During the civil war against the Imperium, Angron was the first to receive a demonic ascension on Nuceria when he fought with Lorgar against Robout Gilliman. Events are described in detail in the book of Aaron Dembsky-Bowden “Traitor. Blood to the Bloody God. ”

Realizing what was happening, the primarch of the Ultramarines retreated. The World Eaters, completely wild and extremely cruel, quickly sought the patronage of Khorn, who demanded rivers of blood and mountains of skulls. Angron hid in the Eye of Terror, where he took over his own world, the title of Demon Prince and replaced the ax "Child of Blood" with a rune blade.

He returned in the 38th millennium along with 50 thousand Khorn berserkers. For several centuries, the army captured about 70 galactic sectors, for the return of which the armies of the emperor needed 2 legions of the Titans, about 30 regiments of Astra Militarum and 4 orders of the Adeptus Astartes.

The hive world Armageddon in 40444 was attacked by a demonic army led by Angron and four units of Khorn berserkers. Local defenders from the Imperial Guard and the Space Wolves company could not contain the onslaught. A hundred of the elite terminators of the Gray Knights came to their aid, only 13 of which survived in the end.

In the course of a bloody struggle, the loyalists managed to defeat the primarch demon and expel them to Warp.

berserk khorna art

Further fate

“Rage burns within us,

The figure eight is a single milestone

The word weakness is not familiar to us,

We were already born in armor. ”

Grimwind - Flames and Blood

The fate of Khorn's blood-mad berserkers was very tragic: they split into small armed gangs scattered around the Eye of Terror, each of which was commanded by the strongest. Periodically adjoined to a strong and promising formation, as, for example, in the case of Sevast Kranon and the Order of the Crimson Sabers, renamed the Crimson Massacre. The prospect boiled down to large massacres, skulls and prey.

Rarely found more or less adequate loners. For example, Leorvin Ukris, commander of the White Hound Jaw barge, who joined the Black Legion led by Abaddon the Reaver.

Little-known or unidentifiable gangs occur during boarding space battles. Berserkam Khorna has tight spaces at hand, where there are few places for retreat and flight, which creates ideal conditions for a frontal attack and battle on chain axes.

The battlefields of various worlds, abundantly watered with red, attract the servants of the God of War like honey flies. The opportunity to collect piles of skulls in protracted battles is what hordes of furious psychopaths are looking for.

warhammer characters of the universe

Kharn the Traitor. The octal path. Scalatrax

"Rune of Khorne burns with fire,

The whole galaxy is a battlefield

The clank of armor is we who reproach

Taking enemies with you ”

Keepers of Death - Flame and Blood

One of the mighty champions of the God of War is Kharn, who is known in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, as is Angron. He became the captain of the 8th company even before the reunion of the “Dogs of War” with the primarch.

It was no accident that he became an adviser, because calm could calm the exuberant disposition of the "Red Angel". But in the shadow of Angron, Kharn also changed: over time, composure was replaced by anger, for years, a restrained rage burst out.

He picked up the ax “Child of Blood” thrown out by Angron, repaired it and kept it for himself. The first to break into the thick of the battle in order to take the maximum number of lives. He participated in a sweep on Isstvan III, shedding the blood of everyone who refused to obey the will of the Master of War. One conquered world after another brought Kharn closer to the blessing of the Bloody God.

During the assault on Terra, he was the first to break through to the palace walls and collect the most skulls for Khorn, but was wounded and remained in a coma for a long time after the death of Horus and the end of the Heresy.

The World Eaters tried to appropriate the demonic world of Skalatrax, which the Eldar had previously inhabited. Clashes with the Emperor’s Children led to climatic destabilization and unnaturally cold cyclones, driving both sides into shelters. Enraged by the behavior of the allies, Kharn burned the World Eaters and the Children of the Emperor with a flamethrower, covering the surface of the planet with fires.

This led to the split of the legion into small gangs, and Kharn, earned the nickname Traitor, hid in the Eye of Terror in search of skulls for the Bloody God.

Khorna Angron berserkers


“So rejoice, our bloody god,

There are mountains of alien corpses around us,

After all, we know the simple truth:

Skulls! Skulls for the throne! ”

Keepers of Death - Flame and Blood

According to the back of the Warhammer 40,000 series of games, the Khorn’s throne has two mountains of skulls: the gifts of the berserkers are stacked in one pile, and the other is personally stored by Kharn. Hypertrophied pathos is a business card, because few people are surprised by such exaggerations.

Khorn berserk artifacts are recognizable by the crimson coloring of armor with a gold stroke: skillful wars decorate armor and carry high-quality weapons. The rest have to be content with what they have: life in the Eye of Terror is not distinguished by luxury and prosperity.

And Khorn berserkers do not shine with intelligence and quick wit to plan strategies and think over important economic decisions. Their truth is simple: Blood to the God of Blood, Skulls for the Throne of Skulls!

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