It growls strongly in the abdomen of a dog: causes and methods of treatment

The dog in most houses is perceived by the owners as a member of the family. Therefore, if a pet is worried about something, the owner should not leave this unattended, but take immediate action. One of the common problems in animals is rumbling in the abdomen. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that, but if the dog periodically rumbles strongly in the dog ’s stomach, then you need to think about the causes of the disease and how to get rid of it.

Probable reasons

A rumbling in the abdomen refers to symptoms of flatulence, which can be the result of health problems. Why is the dog rumbling in the stomach? The main reasons may be:

  1. Excessive eating.
  2. The appearance of worms.
  3. Dysbacteriosis
  4. Increased acidity of the stomach.
  5. Feed change.
  6. Unbalanced diet with high fiber content.
  7. Poisoning.
why the dog rumbles in the stomach

Some dogs are prone to overeating. If the dog’s abdomen is very rumbling after eating, then try to reduce the serving size. Feed quality also plays a significant role in the performance of digestion. Dogs, as predators, are recommended non-cereal dry food - holistic.

To save money, some owners add boiled potatoes to their dog food. This vegetable is not absorbed by the digestive tract of the dog, resulting in bloating, flatulence and rumbling. The same effect can be from corn and bread. Reviewing the composition and diet will help fix the problem.

A dog in the stomach can growl strongly due to the transition to a new feed. Experts strongly do not recommend doing this abruptly, the transition should be carried out gradually. Each time a small amount of new is mixed with the old feed, and within 10 days this ratio changes in favor of the new product.

Can't understand why the dog is rumbling in the stomach? This can be caused by games after eating or drinking a lot of water when you return from a walk. This is not good for the dog. After feeding the pet is recommended to lie down for about an hour, rest, digest food. And the dog, excited after playing and running on the street, must first cool down and calm down, only after that you can drink and eat. The gastrointestinal tract of the animal is prone to kinks and inversion of the intestines, therefore, great attention should be paid to the regimen of drinking and feeding.

Refusal of food

You do not know what to do if a dog rumbles in his stomach and does not eat? In such a situation, an urgent call to the veterinarian is necessary. The cause may be poisoning, the ingestion of a foreign object into the stomach, the development of an infectious disease, or infection with helminths.

rumbling in the stomach of the dog what to do

The doctor should examine the pet, prescribe blood tests, feces and radiography of the gastrointestinal tract to determine the problem of obstruction.

In addition, the dog may refuse to eat due to deviation of the pH of the stomach. In this case, the dog rumbles loudly in the stomach in the early morning and night. In most cases, it is still accompanied by vomiting and belching. Such features are typical for pets with sensitive digestion and accelerated metabolism, such as greyhounds, hounds and other similar breeds. Veterinarians in this case recommend offering a dog a small amount of food before bedtime or prescribe medication.

Diarrhea in a dog

When a dog’s stomach rumbles violently, it can be a harbinger of diarrhea. In this case, it is recommended to perceive the situation as a signal for taking an unplanned walk in order to cleanse the intestines. Diarrhea is always a bad sign, dehydrating the body of the pet. The disease does not come on its own, so this is a weighty argument for visiting a veterinarian.

Diarrhea can occur due to poisoning, for example, a dog could pick up and eat something for a walk. Inflammation of the intestinal tract and worms can also be the reason why the dog rumbles in the stomach, vomiting and refusal to eat.

Forms of flatulence

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish several types of abdominal distention. With short drilling in the abdomen (1-2 times a day), the pet should not worry. But if the symptoms are regular, and sometimes accompanied by concomitant problems in the form of diarrhea, refusal of food, etc., then you should immediately contact a specialist.

the dog rumbles loudly in the stomach

In veterinary medicine, three forms of flatulence are distinguished:

  1. Chronic
  2. Slow motion
  3. Sharp.

Most often, the first and last species are encountered in practice. Depending on the pathologies, each form is accompanied by individual signs. For example, a chronic disease may not occur for a long period of time, only occasionally rumbling and sometimes diarrhea will appear. With a prolonged course of the disease, the work of the gastric tract and liver is disrupted, the digestive process is lost, the pet becomes lethargic.

In the process of the acute form of the disease, the animal becomes restless, there is a strong and frequent rumbling in the abdomen, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, gums become gray or blue. If all these signs are identified, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The method of treatment depends entirely on why the dog growls in the stomach. The main types of therapy include:

  1. Recovery of the gastrointestinal tract. In this situation, drug therapy is used. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, a course of tablets is prescribed. The treatment is based on drugs aimed at restoring the digestive tract and improving metabolism. In addition, the therapeutic complex includes the necessary research and diagnosis. In severe cases of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital.
  2. Normalization of intestinal microflora. By administering medications, the level of necessary microorganisms in the intestinal tract is restored. In the process of therapy, probiotics are used, which are prescribed after passing all the necessary tests.
  3. Treatment of major and concomitant ailments.
nux vomica homeopathy indications

Healing processes

The main goal of therapy is to eliminate the causes that triggered flatulence. First of all, when contacting a medical institution, gastric lavage is performed. For this, a probe is used through which sorbents are introduced. If the disease is serious or complications are detected, surgical intervention using a needle may be required. She punctures the abdominal cavity to release excess gas.

Bloating leads to an increase in pressure, so carminative agents may be used in some cases. If the process is accompanied by pain, then additional diagnostics are required in the form of radiography, analyzes and blood and feces.

Pets suffering from other chronic ailments may also need additional treatment. This is especially true in situations when bloating is accompanied by malignant neoplasms or a combination of internal organs.

After the end of the therapeutic course, the pet needs a recovery period. At this time, a special diet based on fermented milk products is prescribed, this is required to restore the intestinal microflora. Instead of ready-made dry food, the dog should be fed rice porridge and give herbal broth. To reduce gas formation, sorbents are added to the feed. In the acute form of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes the addition of low-fat broths, chopped rice, vegetable infusions and decoctions to the feed.

the dog rumbles in the stomach

Rumbles in the dog’s stomach, what should I do?

With prolonged rumbling in the abdomen of a dog, it is necessary to consult a specialist who will certainly prescribe tests and evaluate the situation from a professional point of view. According to the results of the study, the veterinarian can prescribe ready-made medications and advise a certain type of food, specially designed for sensitive digestion. In addition, an experienced doctor will answer all questions and give recommendations on the composition, diet and caring for animals prone to rumbling in the stomach. Modern doctors respect the opinions of owners and, if they wish, can prescribe unconventional drugs, for example, Nux Vomica homeopathy, the indications for use of which are precisely problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic drugs

When infected with helminths, pets are prescribed anthelmintic compounds, absorbents, enzymes and probiotics. All these substances are aimed at restoring healthy intestinal microflora. The most popular remedies are:

  1. Milbemax.
  2. Drontal.
  3. "Striking."
  4. "Prazicide."

Rumbles in the dog’s stomach, what should I do? If the cause is poisoning, then the following drugs are recommended:

  1. Gamavit.
  2. Vitam.
  3. Crushed activated carbon.
  4. Polysorb powder, diluted in suspension.
rumbling in the dog’s stomach


You don’t know what to do when a dog rumbles in his stomach, what should I give it? For the treatment of intestinal diseases and intoxication, accompanied by a serious condition, high fever and vomiting, broad-acting antibiotics are prescribed:

  1. Amoxicillin in the form of tablets and suspensions. The drug is well tolerated by dogs.
  2. Sulfadimethoxin.
  3. Chloramphenicol.
  4. "Furazolidone." Eliminates pathogenic bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
  5. You can give the dog Espumisan.

If you are an opponent of drug treatment, then ask your doctor to prescribe more gentle means, of course, only if the situation allows you to do this. Veterinarians most often choose the drug homeopathy Nux Vomica, indications for use of which are problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Medical treatment of pets without consulting a specialist can lead to dire consequences. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the drug, dosage and duration of therapeutic treatment.

Folk remedies

It is impossible to arbitrarily use any drugs to treat the stomach, since it is necessary to diagnose a problem that only a specialist can perform. Folk remedies can only be used to prevent flatulence.

Preventive actions

You can minimize the risk of stomach disease and rumbling in the stomach by applying preventive measures that any pet owner can carry out. These activities are the key to good health dog.

doesn’t eat in a dog

So, a few useful rules:

  1. Feed your dog several times a day, in time, in small portions.
  2. Do not give a lot of water immediately after walking. It should take at least half an hour.
  3. Watch your dog carefully while walking. Poison for stray dogs is often scattered on the streets, its use even in minimal quantities can become a serious problem for the functioning of the stomach.
  4. For a walk it is best to purchase a special muzzle. It will protect the pet not only from the scattered poison, but also from other products and other people's feed, which can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  5. Bowls for medium and tall dogs should be installed on a stand. The fact is that if they are set low, then the dog has to stretch its neck strongly while eating and drinking, which is why air enters the stomach. Subsequently, it is mixed with food and boiling begins. The same reaction occurs with water.
  6. Do not give the dog tubular bones. They have very sharp fragments that can cause irreparable harm to the health of the pet.
  7. After feeding, give your dog time to rest.
  8. Try not to allow a lot of water absorption at a time. But the pet should always have a clean and fresh drink in the public domain.
  9. Twice a year, be sure to carry out preventive treatment of the dog from worms and other parasites.
  10. During the recovery period, it is recommended to refuse dry food. Make a diet so that it includes light soup and liquid cereals. Feed your animal 5 times a day in small portions.
  11. Purchase medications only in specialized departments and as directed by the veterinarian.


If you are worried about your pet's health, then pay attention to its behavior. If he refuses food, is inactive, there is rumbling after feeding, then consult a specialist. The animal cannot say what is bothering him, so all responsibility lies with the owner. And remember, we are responsible for those who have tamed!

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