Sports for pregnant women at home. Maternity Sports

“The most beautiful figure is with a pregnant woman!” Familiar saying ?! Of course, this is so, and no one will argue with this. But the fair sex sought, are striving and will continue to strive to look stunning. And for this, first of all, you need to keep yourself in good physical shape, and the period of bearing a baby is no exception. There are sports for pregnant women. They are not unusual. These are types of sports activities, the main requirement for which is a moderate level of complexity and minimal load on certain muscle groups.

sport for pregnant

What to give preference to?

Sports for pregnant women include swimming, cycling, and hiking. Let's consider them in more detail.


It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of swimming in the pool, in particular swimming. Water contributes to the maintenance and relaxation of the whole body, there is a so-called feeling of weightlessness - a condition in which every pregnant girl will feel most comfortable. Future mothers are allowed to swim during the entire period of gestation.

exercise for pregnant

A ride on the bicycle

Such a sport for pregnant women is an ideal option for keeping fit for those who know how to ride two-wheeled vehicles. However, pregnant women alone are strictly forbidden to make bicycle rides due to the fact that coordination is impaired, and there may be difficulty climbing and stepping off the bike. Remember this, do not overestimate your capabilities, because this can lead to a fall, which, in turn, is dangerous not only for you, but also for the baby.

sport for pregnant women 2 trimester

Another thing if there is a bike simulator. Exercising for pregnant women on it is both useful and absolutely safe.


Walking has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the future mother. You should start with walking over short distances, gradually increasing them. Up to 4 km at a moderate pace in the first and second trimesters and up to 2 km at a slow pace in the third trimester are allowed per day.


Pregnant women are allowed to run, but after consulting a doctor. If the process of bearing the fetus proceeds without complications, then this sport for pregnant women is suitable for you. Otherwise, you will have to give up running classes.

sports for pregnant women

What did you forget?

Maternity sports can also include table tennis and golf. They do not represent any danger, but they do not bring special benefits either.

Horse riding, water skiing are contraindicated.

Bowling for pregnant women is quite acceptable, but at a later date it requires caution, since there is a high probability of spinal muscle strain. In addition, the sense of balance in expectant mothers is impaired, which means that throwing balls will be difficult.

Sport for pregnant women, which involves skiing, is more acceptable in the early stages, provided that the bearing is normal, without complications. In the later stages, such classes are not recommended, since there is a huge risk of falling, which can be fraught with undesirable consequences.

first trimester sport


If for swimming you need a pool, for walking on a bicycle - two-wheeled transport, then for some physical activities you only need the desire of the woman herself. Fitness, aerobics, yoga, gymnastics - a great sport for pregnant women at home.

Maternity Sports : Trimester Exercises

First trimester. Mostly, all exercises should be aimed at normalizing and developing a sense of coordination, which noticeably worsens during gestation.

sport for pregnant women 1 trimester

Standing exercises

  • Starting position : head tilted, upper limbs relaxed. Exhale. Raise your head and take the upper limbs behind your back, put on the floor - inhale. Tilt your head left / right - exhale. Take a starting position, exhale. Duration: 3-6 times.
  • Starting position : right and left hand in front of you, keep your fingers in a fist. Take a breath. Relax the hands of the upper extremities, performing shaking movements 7-8 times. Exhale. Do no more than 6 times.
  • Starting position: the tips of the fingers touch the shoulders. On inspiration, at a slow pace, bring the elbows in front of the chest, then raise them as high as possible and throw them back so that the upper chest section bends. Re-take the initial position. Exhale. Perform 3-6 times.
  • Starting position : feet shoulder width apart. Squat, pulling your arms back and forth. Exhale. To rise - to inhale. Exercise to do 4-12 times.
  • Starting position : legs spaced shoulder width apart, hands of upper limbs connected at the back. Take your arms down so that the chest of the spine bends, while pulling the anus. Take a breath. Return to starting position. Exhale. Perform a maximum of 15 times.
  • Starting position : legs shoulder width apart, arms raised. Lean forward, upper limbs also pushing forward. Relax your shoulders, bend your back, arms hang down, giving them complete freedom. Take the original stance. Do 4-6 times.

Seated exercises

  • Starting position : lower limbs set apart, hands on the belt. Touch the sock of the right leg with your left hand. Exhale. Take the initial position. Take a breath. Repeat the same steps, alternately changing hands. Perform 4-10 times.

sports for pregnant

  • Starting position : the legs in front of you are stretched straight. Pull the socks forward, and then in the opposite direction, straining them. In this case, the heels should be in the same position. Do, starting from 4 times, gradually increasing the load, but the maximum number should not exceed 9 times.
  • Starting position : sitting, rest your hands on the floor, leading them behind your back. To breed and reduce limbs, without tearing them off the floor surface. Duration: 4-8 times.
  • Starting position : sitting, put the upper limbs on the belt. Stretch your socks in front of you, connecting the feet together. Turn the body in one direction, then in the other direction 4-5 times.
  • Starting position : sitting position, arms laid back. Leaning on the upper limbs, put one foot on the other. Rotate the right foot to describe the circle clockwise and in the opposite direction 4-5 times. Return to starting position. Duplicate the action algorithm with the other leg.

Sports for pregnant women in the first trimester have a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother and is performed for the following purposes:

  • ensuring a normal reaction of the body to changes that occur in it due to gestation;
  • ensuring optimal functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems;
  • preparation of the abdominal muscles and spinal muscles for future stress and static efforts.

What is impossible?

Sports for pregnant women (1 trimester) should exclude exercises aimed at tightening the body. The duration of sports should begin with a few minutes and gradually increase, in fact, as well as the number of exercises.

Sports activities for pregnant women (2 trimester)

Exercise number 1 - "Walking". Everything is very simple, you need to walk on the spot or in a circle. Spread your arms on the sides - inhale, point down - exhale. Duration - about 20-30 seconds.

Put your hands on your belt. Take a few steps on the toes, as many steps on the heels, on the outside of the foot and with your fingers pressed together. Perform no more than 60 seconds.

Steps with long lunges and circular arm movements. For one attack you need to make two circles - forward and backward.

Standing exercises

  • Starting position : feet shoulder width apart, arms below. Arms apart. We take the right leg back, stretching out the sock, - inhale, place the leg, lower our hands - exhale. Duplicate the action algorithm with the left limb. Do 3-6 times.
  • Starting position : foot stand shoulder-width apart, arms lowered and relaxed. We do circular rotation with the shoulders. The shoulders should be engaged synchronously, and the arms should be completely relaxed. Perform 3-12 times.

Sitting exercises

  • Starting position : legs are straight, slightly apart on the sides, toes stretch to the ceiling. Try to touch the outer arch of the foot of the floor. In this case, the heels should not move. Do the same, trying to put the inside of the foot on the floor. Perform 6-16 times on each side.
  • Starting position : sitting, hands back. Leaning on your hands, place your right foot on your left. Describe the circle (circular rotation) with the foot of the right limb left and right 4-5 times. Take the starting position. Repeat the action with the other leg.

Horizontal exercises

  • Starting position : lying on one side, left arm supporting the head, lower limbs bent. Rotate the straightened left leg in a circle at the maximum possible amplitude in the clockwise direction and against it 7-8 times. A break is 25-30 seconds. Lie on the other side and load the right leg.

Sport for pregnant women (2nd trimester) consists of the above physical exercises, the implementation of which provides for such goals as:

  • ensuring full blood supply to the fetus;
  • breath stimulation;
  • as a prophylactic for varicose veins on the legs;
  • development of flexibility;
  • relaxation.

Exercise for pregnant women in the third trimester. Standing exercises

  • Walking in place, spread your arms around - inhale, lower - exhale. Perform no more than 25 seconds.
  • Starting position : feet shoulder width apart, feet turned to the sides, hands on the belt line. Do half squats, pushing your hands forward and directing your knees in different directions. Do 6-8 times.
  • Starting position : legs shoulder-width apart, arms down. Upper limbs to part on the sides. Take one leg back to the toe - inhale, place the leg, lower your arms - exhale. Do the same with the second leg. Perform 3-6 times.

Lying exercises

  • Starting position : lying on your back, legs at the knees bent, the foot of each leg rests on the floor. Perform pelvic lifting, knees apart. In this case, the muscles of the perineum should be relaxed as much as possible. Do 3-6 times.
  • Starting position : lying on your back, arms along the body. While breathing in, spread the lower limbs to the sides as far as possible. Exhale. Perform 4-8 times.
  • Starting position : horizontal on the back, arms on the sides. Bend your arms at the elbows, maximally straining the muscles of the hands, and fingers into a fist. Hold the stress state for 10-20 seconds, then relax and lower it to the floor. Perform 3-6 times.
  • Starting position : lying on your back, feet shoulder width apart. We pull the socks of the extremities towards ourselves, greatly straining all the muscle tissues of the legs. Hold the stress state for 15-20 seconds. Bring to a relaxed state. Perform 3-6 times.

The system of exercises for pregnant women during the 3rd trimester may include other exercises aimed at the development of a particular muscle group, and not posing a danger to mom and her unborn baby.

sport for pregnant women at home

Physical training for pregnant women in the third trimester is necessary in order to:

  • reinforcing skills to breathe deeply and rhythmically when playing sports;
  • improving exercises consistent with the provisions that a woman takes during childbirth.

Sports for pregnant women should be fun, and not take away the last forces! Keep this in mind and do not overload yourself with loads.

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