Welsh Corgi Owner Reviews

A special offer for those who dream of a “cake” - this is how the Welsh Corgi are called in the circle of dog lovers.

Let's get back to our proposal. These are not two dogs for the price of one, alas. You have the opportunity to read reviews of Corgi owners in our article and talk about the merits of the breed.

Breed history

Reading the history of the breed’s origin, it’s as if you get into a fairy tale: according to one version, these dogs served as “horses” for elves and fairies.

Once upon a time, there was no modern Wales, but England did not exist. On the territory of the present country lived elves and fairies who had small dogs. They were harnessed, rode and moved around the habitat.

But time passed, people began to settle next to the fabulous creatures. If you believe the guesses of the breeders and owners about the origin of the breed, then people would never have seen these dogs - elves and fairies, leaving their homes, took their pets with them, but when they moved, two puppies were lost that were found by peasant children herding cattle. Taking them for chanterelles, they brought home. Parents explained to them that they were companion dogs of fairy elves.

Those puppies became the ancestors of the representatives of the modern breed.

Corgi is running

Corgi character

Owners reviews about Welsh Corgi are very good. Everyone who keeps these babies is literally in love with their pets. It is not surprising, because these kids are not only charming, but also very smart.

To begin with, the “shortbread" is easy to train. The owner obeys, as they say, at a glance, but obedience depends on whether the owner was able to establish contact with the pet. We will talk about this below.

Very mobile and lively Corgi, according to owners, will not allow to sit still. They are happy to take part in long walks during which you can run, jump and play. Houses prefer to be near the owner. If another pet lives in the apartment, jealousy cannot be avoided. The little shepherd will do everything possible to keep the owner's attention focused on her.

They are distinguished by great devotion and endurance. Willingly make contact with strangers, but the dogs have a sense of self-esteem. They will not be imposed, demanding affection from a stranger. The animal understands whether a person is interested in meeting or not.

They get along well with children, but it is better to buy “shortbread” for those who love active leisure and have no children. An ideal tailed companion for a single young man, girl or childless couple.

Welsh corgi cardigan


Welsh Corgi Pembroke, according to the owners, is an absolutely amazing creature. By its appearance, this dog resembles a fox. Unless - without a tail. Pembrokes smile touchingly: whoever saw it would not let me lie.

How are they different from cardigans? Appearance in the first place. Welsh Corgi Pembroke smaller, more squat. Dogs have expressive eyes, short, thick paws, tail missing.

The nature of the "cake" is different. Owner reviews about Corgi Pembroke read:

  • babies are more excitable;

  • sociable, easier to make contact;

  • energy - more than enough.

In addition, they have only three acceptable colors: red, black and sable.

Fox pembroke


And what are the owners reviews about welsh corgi cardigans? These "cakes" are calmer than the Pembrokes. They are not so energetic, but they do not like to sit idle. Welsh Corgi is a miniature shepherd dog that needs mobility and work: if your dog is not active, then he starts to feel sad and grow fat. When the "cake" is sad, it becomes grumpy and irritable, ceases to obey, and can afford to snap back at the owner.

What kind of work does a corgi cardigan need, according to owners? Moral in the first place. This dog must constantly "strain gyrus," so engage in pet obedience. We will talk about Corgi training below.

What is the difference between a cardigan and a pembroke? His incredulity to outsiders. If Pembrokes are shirt-guys, then cardigans are more wary. This does not mean that they are sleeping and seeing how to eat a stranger, no: cardigans will not begin to make acquaintance with an outsider and will hardly allow stroking themselves.

These beauties are larger than their Pembroke brothers. They boast a fluffy and beautiful tail. The whole appearance of the representatives of this breed speaks for itself: they differ in a thinner skeleton and a stretched body. The eyes of cardigans are not as expressive as those of Pembrokes, but their ears are huge.

Color can be various, up to motley.

Cardigan at the exhibition


How to deal with corgi? Be sure to visit a dog handler if you yourself have never been able to train dogs. And no mechanics: Corgis, according to owners, do not tolerate violence against themselves.

You can arrange them for yourself, for this you need to establish contact? How is this done? With the help of constant games. Corgi puppies are very fond of outdoor games, do not skimp on them, play with your pet, attract his attention. The pet should understand that positive and interesting training comes from the owner, and everything else is a matter of time.

After the contact is established, we proceed to the training process. It is not as difficult as it seems. It all starts with the team "next" and consolidate a positive result. Remember, the command "near" is the main one. She is taught first.

If possible, check the working qualities of the pet. Do not forget that Corgi are shepherd dogs. Now there are competitions organized specifically for this breed. To take part in them, dogs are selected. Do not be lazy, go through - you will find out how developed the shepherd’s qualities are with the pet.

Pembroke puppy


What is required for a pet? Convenient couch to relax from daily affairs. Proper nutrition: it can be a holistic-class dry food or natural food. You will have to tinker with the preparation of the diet, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Balanced feed is more suitable for the pet.

Everyday inspection: ears and eyes inspect the "cake". If the owner noticed that the ears are dirty, they are cleaned with a cotton pad and a special lotion. The discharge from the eyes is removed with a moist cotton pad.

To prevent stone and plaque from forming on the teeth, the pet is given artificial bones that cleanse the teeth. The bone can be purchased at the pet store.

After each walk, especially in inclement weather, the cakes are washed with their paws and stomach.

And, of course, physical and mental stress should be regular. The more the owner deals with the pet, the better the contact is established between them. Remember that a dog is distinguished by developed thought processes and good obedience.

Pembroke at the exhibition


According to the owners, the Corgi are not as painful as they are painted. But a veterinary examination is best done once every 4-6 months as a prophylaxis.

The main diseases that these dogs are susceptible to:

  • glaucoma;

  • cataract;

  • spinal problems;

  • dysplasia;

  • obesity.

"Korzhiki" love to eat, the owner will have to carefully monitor so that the pet does not overeat. Excess weight for the Welsh Corgi is unsafe: it is difficult for the dog to walk, there is a large load on the cardiac system.


Owner reviews about Corgi are the most positive. Those who have acquired an elf dog fall in love with this breed once and for all. Small, obedient, with a touching expression on her face and a smile, this doggie looks like a fox.

With proper care, a balanced diet and physical activity, the pet is able to live up to 15-17 years. In old age, the dog becomes less energetic, but attachment to the owner only increases.

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