With the advent of high-speed unlimited Internet access, many owners of computing devices had a completely natural desire to be “online” at any given time. And the creation of low-cost routers that work according to the Wi-Fi wireless standard has led to the fact that even those people who doubted the need to organize constant access to network resources gradually began to change their point of view.
Router Feature
The owners of the routers know that it is unlikely that they will be able to configure the device once and forget about it, using a stable wireless connection.
Errors in the operation of the encryption mechanism, channel clogging, failures associated with authorization of connected devices - this is not a complete list of reasons that require user attention to the router. Thus, if you do not know how to restart the router, then you may encounter various unpleasant situations, some of which may lead to the inability to work with Wi-Fi. The more perfect (and more expensive) the model, the less the number of possible failures, however, this is not the rule. It is important to understand that rebooting the router is not something emergency and this feature can be safely used if necessary.
Variety of ways
There are several solutions to the question of how to restart the router. And although each of them ultimately leads to the same result - reinitialization of logical chains, you always have to choose one.
So, there are five main ways: interrupting the power supply of the device with subsequent restoration; use of a special button for a "hot" reboot; soft reset via router configuration interface; entering a special command in the operating system; the use of third-party utilities. Such an abundance gives the necessary "flexibility". For example, knowing how to restart the router with the Reset button, it is quite difficult to do this when the device is located behind a closed door, but through the software interface it is quite possible. Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.Power supply
On most router models, there is a Power button on the back. There is nothing complicated about how to restart the router with its help. It is enough to press this button and, after waiting 20 seconds, turn on the device again. Then re-initialization and restoration of work will occur. Quite effective way.
The peculiarities of its use include the fact that far from all models this “magic” button is present, as some manufacturers consider it an excess, assuming that routers should work without turning off. In this case, you can simply pull out the corresponding power supply from the outlet and turn it on again after a few seconds.
Hot Reboot
«» , – Reset. , Power, , . , .
How to reboot the router via Reset? To do this, you need to find on the back of the device a small button "recessed" into the body and press it with paste from the handle, a match or other thin object. This method has two features: firstly, you need to hold the button pressed for about 10 seconds; secondly, such a reset will return all the settings of the router to the factory settings (all the corrections made will be lost). In other words, a reset via Reset must be used if other methods have been ineffective.Remote control
A good opportunity to restart the router is the command line. It is enough to press the combination Win + R and in the line type “telnet ADDRESS of the device”. You need to enter without quotes, and instead of the address, type the desired IP. The router will reboot. In Win XP systems, this component is included initially, and in subsequent "sevens, eights and tens" it must be pre-installed. To do this, open the "Programs and Features" shortcut in the control panel - the very one through which the removal of applications is performed.
Next, select the component enable mode below and, after carefully reviewing the list, check the “Telnet Client” box. Everything can be used.Command line analog
Telnet. Kitty Putty. IP HOST Name. Telnet «Open». , . , restart, reload reboot ( ).
, . , , . , .
IP . , . , D-Link , Enter. , . admin/admin. , . «» , .
, , - . , Asus. , .
So, it’s worth going to the interface and looking at the top menu - there is an “Restart” item. Accordingly, in the confirmation dialogue, you should agree to the execution of the given command.TP-LINK Routers
Of course, the Asus world of routers is not limited to one. Also recently, models from the company Tp-Link have been very popular. They have excellent capabilities and, importantly, quite low cost. For the average user, this point is often decisive when buying. It is not surprising that for many it is important to know how to restart the Tp-Link router. Having opened the configuration program (IP address, login / password), you need to follow the menu tree in the "System Tools" item. It has a sub-item "Reboot". Further, everything is simple: pressing the button of the same name, confirming and waiting for reinitialization. It takes about 10-15 seconds.
Zyxel . , « ». . , – . , Zyxel Keenetic? IP ( admin/admin ). : «». , . , .