Blocked the site - how to open? This question arises for people who went online and saw that the Internet resource that they often visited turned out to be suddenly blocked. Immediately you need to figure out why the site is blocked. Sometimes this may be due to the settings on the computer from which Internet access took place. In addition, in the simplest case, this may be due to the settings of the firewall or antivirus program. If everything is in order with the settings, then the reason is most likely of an external nature.The main reasons for blocking
- The content of the Internet project is of poor quality. Search engines are very bad about low-quality content on an Internet project.
- A huge number of advertising links. In this case, the likelihood that the Internet project will be banned is very high.
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So, we examined what needs to be done if the site is blocked. How to open it using the most popular methods today. Using these methods, you can open almost any blocked Internet project.