It's no secret that today medicine has a lot of useful information about a variety of oncological diseases. Naturally, this fact will make few people happy, because it indicates the wide spread of cancer in society. In addition, often such diseases affect our smaller brothers. A striking example of this is leukemia in cats (symptoms and treatment, photos of sick animals can be studied in the process of reading the article), often leading to the death of pets. How and why does the disease develop, how can you help your pet and what are the forecasts?
What is leukemia?
White blood is the second name of the disease in question. It is characterized by a significant increase in the number of still immature leukocytes in the blood. So there is a lesion of the circulatory system and the formation of a new type of lymphoid and myeloid tissue, which is malignant. Blood leukemia in cats is caused by an RNA virus (a family of retroviruses).
It is important to note that the incubation period (the time interval between infection and the onset of clinical symptoms) in the case of this disease is quite long (from 2 months to 6 years). The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that all this time the animal looks completely healthy, despite the ability to transmit the leukemia virus of cats to other pets whose immunity is weakened to the extent of any reason.
The disease, as a rule, proceeds chronically and is characterized by anemia, ascites and peritonitis, some types of kidney and liver diseases, as well as damage to the mammary gland (in cats). It is worth adding that absolutely all breeds can get leukemia (regardless of age or state of health).
Epizootology: patterns of disease
As noted above, the causative agent of FeLV (feline leukemia virus) is an agent from the family of retroviruses. The disease was discovered in 1964 in Scotland (University of Glasgow) by monitoring domestic cats with diseases of the lymphatic system. In the process of numerous studies and experiments, scientists were able to find out how retroviruses contribute to the appearance of malignant neoplasms in mammals. By the way, this information played a significant role in the study of retroviral immunodeficiency - AIDS.
Lymphoma is a pet cancer disease that is considered the most common among all malignant tumors. It should be noted that it can have a different etiology. In addition, infected cats have a higher incidence than non-infected cats (60-70 times exceeded), and it develops in the first 5 years of life. In cats free of this virus, the disease appears on average at 10 years of age.
Viral leukemia in cats: symptoms and treatment
In the course of the disease, in addition to changes in the circulatory system, other signs of infection are observed in cats, which are both specific and non-specific. So, in sick animals there is a significant deterioration in general condition, decreased immunity, increased fatigue, active exhaustion caused by improper digestion, as well as difficulties in the activity of the heart and urethra. Among the non-specific signs accompanying leukemia in cats (symptoms and treatment are described in this section), a noticeable increase in lymph nodes and the formation of tumors even in the most unforeseen areas of the body should be noted. In addition, in some cases, observed eyebrows and a significant excess of the permissible size of the spleen and liver.
How is leukemia in cats treated? Symptoms and treatment today cannot be balanced in a logical way, because the method of eliminating the disease has not yet been developed, which is quite effective. Nevertheless, scientists have invented a vaccine that is currently being tested for efficacy through laboratory experiments. Unfortunately, even the most well-known modern drugs against tumors, as a rule, do not guarantee absolute recovery. So, the recently opened vaccine is the only hope for the elimination of oncological diseases of pets in the future.
Feline Leukemia Virus and Related Diseases
It is important that leukemia is considered the combination of a number of diseases, in the structure of which there are a great many of their forms: thymus lymphosarcoma, multiple lymphosarcoma, alimentary lymphosarcoma, lymphocytic leukemia and others. They are discussed in detail below.
Nevertheless, absolutely all elements of the given complex are endowed with a common feature: the relevance of uncontrolled cell division of the hematopoietic system. The etiology of the disease explains viral leukemia in cats, relevant when exposed to the animal organism of the retrovirus. This disease is classified depending on the pathogenesis into five stages, which have a certain duration. For example, with an adequate immune response, the disease can be eliminated at 6-8 weeks, which corresponds to the second or third stage. The constant presence of the virus in the animal’s body at the fourth or fifth stage, as a rule, is observed after 4-6 weeks after infection. Sometimes this period can reach twelve weeks.
Thymus lymphosarcoma
As noted above, viral leukemia in cats (its symptoms are very diverse) has many elements in its structure, among which the thymus lymphosarcoma occupies a special place . The most important sign of the disease are tumors of significant size in the anterior mediastinum. Lymph nodes become larger, however, the spread of the tumor mass to other nodes is practically eliminated. In addition, unhealthy cells can be observed in the blood extremely rarely.
When studying the clinical signs that accompany leukemia in cats (the symptoms and treatment of pathology are interrelated) of this form, one should single out the huge size of the tumor within half a month, which causes rapid breathing, as well as shortness of breath and intolerance to physical loads. In addition, there may be difficulty in swallowing due to compression of the esophagus, as well as the appropriateness of a deaf heartbeat. It is important to note that this form of leukemia is most often observed in cats aged two to three years.
Multiple lymphosarcoma
Leukemia in cats (the symptoms are discussed above) can also occur in the form of multiple lymphosarcoma. In this case, the involvement of the whole body tissues in the pathological process is appropriate. Malignant lymphoid cells are subject to infiltration, due to which the lymph nodes increase significantly. Moreover, such an oversize is bilateral. In addition, the spleen increases, and sometimes the liver.
With multiple lymphosarcoma, mild anemia occurs (in approximately 50 percent of cases). But in the blood, tumor cells can be observed extremely rarely (about 20% of all situations). Treatment of leukemia in cats with multiple lymphosarcoma is carried out only after confirmation of the diagnosis (by means of a lymph node biopsy). It is important to note that in 60% of cases, this operation has a positive result. The disease usually affects animals under the age of four years.
Alimentary lymphosarcoma
In the case of alimentary lymphosarcoma, the malignant masses are located in the walls of the digestive system. In addition, they can also spread to the lymph nodes of a misenteral nature. The tumor is often localized in the colon, small or cecum. Less commonly, it is located in the stomach or rectum. The detection of diffuse infiltration of a large part of the intestine is extremely rare.
Among the clinical signs of the course of the disease in question, significant weight loss, usually leading to anorexia, should be noted. If the tumor mass clogs the passage of the small intestine, vomiting occurs with a hundred percent probability. But diarrhea occurs when a tumor has developed in the small intestine or in its lower part in a diffuse way. In addition, with alimentary lymphosarcoma, anemia usually occurs. The disease is relevant for cats at the age of eight. The test result for viral leukemia is positive in about 30% of cases.
Lymphocytic leukemia
This type of lymphoma is associated with the effect of the tumor mass on the red bone marrow, after which other tissues are also involved in the pathological process by the hematogenous route, which acts much more efficiently than the lymphogenous one. As a result, malignant cells can be observed not only in the circulatory system, but also in the spleen and liver.
Among the relevant clinical signs, not quite specific phenomena should be distinguished: intermittent fever, apathy, as well as excessive exhaustion, leading to anorexia. The diagnosis is confirmed through hematologic activity. Due to the development of anemia, weakness and a complete loss of appetite are appropriate. As a result of thrombocytopenia, petechial hemorrhages occur both in the epidermis and in the mucous membranes. In addition, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly are often observed. But the lymph nodes with lymphocytic leukemia increase in size extremely rarely. When conducting a disease test of the considered form, a positive result occurs in approximately 60 percent of cases.
Leukemia in cats: is an illness transmitted to humans or not?
The virus in question is widespread throughout the world, but no special tendency for its appearance (for example, depending on seasonality) has been detected. However, the disease is actively progressing in regions where there is a special accumulation of stray animals that are carriers of many diseases.
How does leukemia occur in cats? The virus is transmitted through saliva, feces or urine. In addition, cases of infection through the activity of parasites (especially fleas) are known. It is important to note that an adult cat is able to endow the unborn offspring with a placenta virus. So, as a result of the ingress of a pathogenic element into the unformed body of a kitten, active reproduction is observed in the tonsils and lymphatic tissues of infected cells, which subsequently form in the bone marrow.
Many owners of striped mustachios are concerned about the question: "Is viral leukemia in cats transmitted to humans or is this phenomenon ruled out?" Fortunately, such a transmission of the virus is not possible. Therefore, you can drop all doubts and fears, but at the same time do not stop monitoring the health of your pets.
Disease prevention
Treatment of leukemia in cats is a very difficult process, but the saddest thing is that to achieve a successful result is often impossible. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a number of measures to prevent the penetration of the virus into the body of the pet.
The most effective method of protection is vaccination. In Russia, the vaccine Leikotsel (Pfizer) is widespread. It induces strong immune defense within three weeks after administration. The effect persists for one year. In addition, Purevax FeLV (Merial), developed in France, is also used.
Among the traditional measures to prevent the disease, it is worth highlighting the periodic washing of bedding for cats in hot water, as well as the thorough washing of hands after contact with other animals in order to prevent infection of their own pets.
In conclusion, it would be worthwhile to note several interesting facts regarding animal viral leukemia:
- The considered virus is very contagious, especially when it comes to large groups of living creatures. This should include not only stray cats, but also representatives of elite breeds, a huge number of which are in nurseries. Thus, not only street animals can be infected, but also acquired from the breeder (for a lot of money, mind you).
- The resistance of the virus is low, so a serious disinfection of the premises helps in the fight against it. If a cat has already died due to such a disease in the house, you should refrain from acquiring a new pet and thoroughly disinfect all the "secret places" of the previous pet.
- If only one cat lives in the apartment, it should be noted that even in case of infection, he can live long enough and not get sick, because some animals are asymptomatic carriers of the virus. At the same time, the cat should not be in contact with other animals in order to exclude infection of its cousins. Leukemia in cats (symptoms, photos of sick animals are presented in the article) is often a serious barrier to pregnancy, because the virus penetrates the placenta. In addition, kittens can get infected from their mother through milk.
- As noted above, the disease is extremely dangerous only for cats. Infection of people with the virus of the considered category is completely excluded, which allows you to discard all fears and continue to effectively care for your pet.