Husky is a breed of dog that cannot but like. These animals are distinguished by the harmony of their body, power, strength, endurance and incredible devotion. Their amazing eyes are sky blue. If you want to get such a pet, you should study the nuances of their upbringing and content. This is a dog of boundless expanses of snow. In a well-furnished apartment on a soft sofa, she may not be quite comfortable. We offer you to get acquainted with the features of this breed.
Historical reference
Since ancient times, in the territory of modern Siberia and the Far East, sedentary tribes engaged in hunting and fishing have bred dogs. In some ancient sources, these places were even called the "Land of Dogs". Over time, the need for such animals only increased. With the development of trade relations, there was a need for sled dogs for freight. So the ancestors of modern huskies appeared.
At the beginning of the last century, during the prospectors, Siberian huskies became faithful companions of the seekers of wealth and adventure. The dogs were strong, hardy and fast, and were extremely friendly.
Such animals appealed to all residents of Alaska. Later they began to be used for sports purposes. So the history of dog sled racing was born. A special riding harness for a husky was put on the animal, then they united in one harness and drove the rider on special sleighs.
Such a sport forced people to improve the dog’s racing ability. Over time, mixed breeds appeared in the world.
To date, all dogs in this group can be divided into sledding, exhibition and working.
Breed standards
Speaking specifically about Siberian huskies, these are medium-sized dogs with sharp triangular ears and a curled tail raised upward, somewhat reminiscent of squirrel.
The main color of the husky is black and white, less often black, brown and brown-white dogs are found. Their front legs should be powerful, straight, and the elbow joint adjacent to the body.
The coat is not long, but not short, with a soft undercoat. This feature allows the dog not to freeze in severe weather conditions, but at the same time does not interfere with the content of the husky in the apartment. There are no requirements to mestizos, because they are not included in the breed register. The average life expectancy of a dog is ten to fifteen years.
Maintenance in an apartment
The popularity of this breed gives rise to high demand and many questions. The most important thing that interests animal lovers is whether it is possible to keep huskies in the apartment.
These are very energetic dogs. They need to move a lot daily. Therefore, the issue of maintenance in the apartment does not concern the area of the room, but the owner’s employment and his readiness to walk a dog actively and actively.
Owner reviews about husky dogs in the apartment suggest that the dog feels great even in a small room. She does not need a lot of space to sleep and eat.
However, if the dog’s activity is not enough, it can begin to spoil furniture, scratch doors and walls, and eventually become completely unaccustomed to physical activity and begin to suffer from various diseases.
It is so arranged by nature that these animals require a lot of work. This is transmitted to puppies at the genetic level. You cannot change such a feature, because for this they were created. The entire structure of the husky organism is oriented precisely to this, therefore low activity leads to impaired functioning of all dog systems.
Husky can be kept in the apartment, but the owner will have to provide the pet with daily exercise.
Training Features
With all their friendliness, husky dogs are very wayward dogs. You should immediately abandon the idea of using the "carrot and stick" method. Any violence is completely inapplicable and ineffective in relation to this breed.
The most important thing is strict authority. The dog should know who is the main thing in this relationship.
The next principle, rather, upbringing than training is the same rules of behavior with everyone. All family members should equally encourage or prevent any behavior. If the dog cannot sleep on the couch, then everything should prohibit it, otherwise a complete confusion will occur in her head.
Repeated repetition of commands and encouragement for their implementation is the key to their quick and high-quality development.
The question of how to raise a husky is to ask her before a puppy appears in the house. Training should begin when he reaches the age of 3-4 months.
Companion dog
Aggression and indolence in representatives of this breed are absent. According to the reviews of the husky owners, they fit perfectly into the family and quickly become universal favorites.
The dog gets along well with young children, which is also due to its history. The fact is that the ancestors of the husky (Eskimo dogs) lived on the street. However, after the birth of a child, they had the honor of living in a home and warming the baby in severe cold. Thus, if you decide to have a dog with a small child, then Husky is a great choice.
Representatives of this breed are very playful and affectionate. Family evenings with such a pet will become especially warm and fun.
Dog care
The comments of the husky owners say that the main difficulties with care are cleaning and combing thick wool. After walking, which does not always happen in dry and warm weather, the dog has to be put in order. At the same time, bathing is allowed 1-2 times a year, since shampoos and water can disrupt the fat balance of the skin, dry it, which will disrupt the process of heat transfer and sweating.
The dog needs its own corner for sleeping and eating. Nutrition should be balanced, contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. It is best to give the dog high-quality expensive feed or cook cereals on the basis of cereals, with the addition of cottage cheese, vegetables, meat and other healthy products. It is better to consult a veterinarian about which nutritional supplements to use.
It should be remembered that a dog is a big responsibility. Its content and health are completely in the hands of man. Therefore, do not neglect the planned trip to the veterinary clinic.
Pros and cons of the breed
Such a friendly, active and athletic dog can become a wonderful family pet, companion, used in sports.
However, this is absolutely not a suitable breed for hunting. Husky will not bring prey, as this is not adapted.
Another area in which this dog is inappropriate is security. Husky will not rush at strangers, since aggression is not peculiar to her by nature. For the same reason, it is not suitable for protecting a person, fighting, as a service dog. Judging by the reviews of the husky owners, trying to change the nature of the dog is useless and dangerous, as this can harm its psyche.
In addition, representatives of the breed are quite wayward.
Choosing a puppy and name
It is best to buy a puppy at the age of about two months. If you see the whole brood, then try to watch the kids and take exactly the one whose temperament suits you best.
It is better to choose a nickname for a dog simple and sonorous so that the animal can easily remember it. A beautiful name for a husky can be: Alma, Betty, Sam, Bucks, Brutus, Archie and so on.
All lovers of this breed admire the beauty of its representatives, friendliness, playfulness. However, in reviews even those who adore dogs indicate that it is very difficult to keep huskies in the apartment. Dogs cannot behave adequately indoors (they need freedom), they tear apart furniture, wallpapers, gnaw wires, cannot eat neatly, constantly and very actively require attention. On the street, they also need freedom in everything.
As many owners write, representatives of this breed are difficult to train. During walks, they can run away wherever they want, pick up and eat everything edible that gets in their way. For this reason, health problems can occur.
As a watchman, they are absolutely unsuitable, they play with children, but may not calculate their strength and knock down a small child (preschooler).