What is a corner for a newborn?

What it is? When you hear the phrase "corner for the newborn," then what do you imagine? Most likely, uninformed people will say about a corner in the room,

corner for the newborn

designed specifically for the baby. In fact, such a concept exists. Then the question arises of how to equip a children's corner for a newborn. You must admit that your baby, although small, is still a member of your family, so he should have his own space where all the things necessary for him should be stored.

Since in the first weeks of his life, the baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, you need to take care of the crib. It is desirable that it includes, in addition to a mattress and bedding, soft sides and a canopy, which will save the baby from drafts and light. A dresser-changing table is a very convenient thing. On the one hand, you will carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures without problems, on the other hand, all the baby’s things, whether medicines, clothes, wet wipes or diapers, will lie in one place. It is also worth taking care of the nightlight. A very practical thing, with the help of which mothers, getting up at night, will find everything they need without problems. And the baby will not wake up from the gentle light bulbs. The corner for the newborn can be located both in a separate room, and in the parent. By the way, the latter option is very convenient in that the baby will always be in front of parents.

towel with corner for newborns

Corner for the newborn: diaper. In addition to various envelopes and rugs, you can often see a beautifully finished diaper on the statement, which covers the corner of the envelope where the baby’s head is located. This item is also called a baby corner. In addition to the aesthetic, it also performs a practical function: in the summer it protects the baby from scorching sunlight, and in the winter from wind and snow. The main requirements for the corners are softness and safety. The baby’s skin is very sensitive, therefore it is necessary that exclusively soft and natural tissues that do not cause allergies and irritation come into contact with it, especially with the face. Some milfs in period
children's corner for a newborn

expectations of the child themselves sew or embroider a corner for the newborn. Fortunately, there are a large number of patterns and patterns that help do it yourself. Very often the corner is made of lace, which is why it is a popular attribute on the extract. In the future, you can leave it as a memory of the most touching moments associated with the birth of your baby.

Corner for the newborn: towel. Bathing the baby is a crucial moment. It is necessary to take everything into account and prepare well so that the procedure becomes a pleasant event for you and your baby. An important step is choosing a towel. A terry towel with a corner for newborns, which is worn on the baby’s head, is best suited. Its main difference from the usual one is the protection of the baby's head from drafts on the way from the bathroom to the room. Having wrapped the baby in this way, you will protect him from colds.

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