Antibody proteins - produced by the lymphatic system of the body, play a leading role in the functioning of the immune system. Their main task is to join red blood cells, to resist antigens that are unnatural for humans.
Antibody titer during pregnancy is a quantitative indicator of the concentration of synthesized antibodies of the expectant mother. Pregnant women do not differ in the stability of their psychoemotional state, therefore, they are obliged to understand the essence of the study and be able to donate blood correctly, not to be nervous, trying without reason to decipher the meanings.
What is the essence of laboratory analysis
During the period of gestation, the woman’s body undergoes changes, becomes more vulnerable, pathologies that occurred earlier in a chronic form are exacerbated. In pregnant women, the barrier functions of the body are weakened, which is often the reason for the introduction of infections, and, therefore, carries the risk of abnormal development of the baby.
Testing for antibodies to infections is a must. Thus, resistance to TORCH is determined: rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, etc. For a baby developing in the womb, they are fatal. Infection can adversely affect the nervous system, change the course of pregnancy, provoke fetal freezing, premature birth or the appearance of a child with obvious signs of pathology.
Women with trepidation await the results of the analysis, since if antibodies to infections are detected, then you can not worry - nothing threatens the fetus.
Rhesus antibodies during gestation
Antibodies are intensively synthesized in the middle of the first trimester, which is the cause of the Rhesus conflict. Protein concentration in people with a positive Rh factor is 85%. When the indicator does not match, and there are no such proteins - we are talking about negative Rhesus.
The danger is that a pregnant woman with a negative Rhesus can carry a baby who has inherited the father's Rh factor - positive. In the second trimester, the antibodies of the mother are introduced into the placenta and aggressively act on red blood cells, which subsequently has a detrimental effect on the development of the baby. As a result, liver dysfunction occurs, disruption of the heart muscle, the brain suffers. The outcome of this development is sad, as the fetus freezes.
Negative factors for bearing a baby in a conflict:
- ectopic pregnancy;
- blood transfusion (blood transfusion);
- abortion for various reasons;
- detachment of the placenta;
- cesarean section;
- separation of the placenta by hand;
- puncture of the amniotic membrane (amniocentesis);
- lack of prevention.
For women, Rh negative usually sounds like a sentence, and they deny themselves the happiness of being a mother. It must be understood that the titer of antibodies during the period of gestation increases if the red blood cells of the fetus are introduced into the bloodstream of the mother.
Donating blood to antibody titers during pregnancy, determine their function in a particular case. If they are fighting TORCH infections, there is no reason to be anxious. Antibodies can also identify the fetus as a foreign agent and concentrate aggressive activity against it, which is fraught with a threat to the baby. The antibody titer during pregnancy rises with a negative Rh factor. This contributes to the development of Rhesus conflict.
Laboratory tests for titer of antibodies during pregnancy
The task of the leading specialist is to timely identify threats to the mother and fetus, eliminate them or stop them. It is important to prevent the abnormal development of the baby.
Analysis for titers of antibodies during pregnancy to:
- rhesus conflict;
- blood group incompatibility.
In order not to panic for no reason, it is worth delving into the topic and sorting out each case individually.
TORCH - a group of different infections combined in 1971 with a common property - to bring danger to the developing fetus and newborn. The decoding of the abbreviation includes the initial letters of the main infections:
- T - toxoplasmosis;
- About - chlamydia, hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, listeriosis, gonococci;
- R is rubella;
- H - herpes.
If you approach the issue of pregnancy consciously, it is worth passing the tests for TORCH during the planning of conception. The presence of antibodies ensures a safe gestation period for women. The absence of antibodies is a reason for re-donating blood or finding a solution to the problem.
The main danger of TORCH infections is significant during primary infection. If it is an exacerbation of an existing disease, dangerous manifestations are less common.
The consequences of a lack of antibodies can be unpredictable. First of all, the nervous system suffers. Failure in the full development of the fetus is also possible, which can provoke spontaneous abortion.
To determine the degree of danger, the doctor draws attention to the titers and type of immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM). Detection of IgG antibodies indicates the presence of immunity in mother and baby. The result is “positive” - not always a cause for panic.
It is worth noting that only rubella makes itself felt with striking symptoms. In other cases, the infection may be asymptomatic. Catwalkers mostly have antibodies to toxoplasmosis. Women who do not have antibodies to this type of infection will be forced to take the test more than once. TORCH infections are relatively safe for adults, babies and expectant mothers, but they carry a mortal threat to the fetus.
Immunoglobulins of classes M and G are considered important indicators in the diagnosis. Their absence indicates that the woman is absolutely healthy and did not encounter rubella, herpes. It is worth noting that this is not a reason for joy to a pregnant woman. Throughout the entire period of gestation, monthly follow-up examinations will be required, avoiding crowded places, catering. The lack of protective mechanisms raises concern for 9 months.
Rh conflict
With different Rh factors in the parents, if the fetus inherits Rh that does not coincide with the maternal, isoimmunization develops. Mostly, the danger is more likely during repeated pregnancies if the woman did not take preventive measures aimed at combating the development of the immune conflict.
Rhesus conflict is dangerous for the development of hemolytic disease of the baby. Red blood cell destruction entails severe forms of disease with poor prognosis for recovery. If antibody titers are increased - Rh conflict during pregnancy is more than likely, and all necessary measures should be taken to stop the development of pathologies.
ABO conflict
With different blood groups in mother and baby, there is a possibility of the formation of an antibody titer by ABO during pregnancy. Typically, this phenomenon is characteristic of women with group O, bearing a fetus with blood group A or B.
It is worth paying attention to the following combinations of blood groups:
- Mom A - Father B.
- Mom B - father A.
- Mom A or B is the father of AB.
To exclude unnecessary unrest, it is worth noting that the conflict over blood groups is less dangerous than allogeneic. Blood donation for antibody titers during pregnancy is recommended to be carried out, since signs of hemolytic disease are possible, although it proceeds in a mild form and does not require therapeutic actions.
When an antibody test is prescribed
During the first pregnancy, provided that there is no history of miscarriages or abortions, the study is conducted once between 18 and 30 weeks. Twice in the period from 30 to 36 weeks.
If a titer of antibodies of 1: 4 is detected during pregnancy, not the first time - the analysis is done once a month, if the titer is at risk - the doctor may consider it appropriate to prescribe it up to 2-3 times. The study falls at the end of the first trimester (7-8 weeks) and then is performed according to the instructions of the gynecologist.
How to pass the analysis on the credits
Analysis for antibody titers during pregnancy is important to pass correctly, as the results are very important, and the further development of the pregnancy and the fetus may depend on them. To obtain objective indicators, you must adhere to the following rules:
- a few days before blood donation, you should adhere to a healthy diet;
- it is necessary to exclude drinks that include caffeine and soda;
- physiotherapeutic procedures are not performed before analysis;
- taking medications is agreed with the doctor, if possible exclude;
- give blood on an empty stomach - you have to abstain from breakfast.
Timely delivery of tests, the implementation of the recommendations of a leading specialist increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy outcome.
Normal performance
The norm of the titer of antibodies during pregnancy varies in the range (g / l):
- lgA - 0.35-3.55;
- lgG - 7.8-18.5;
- lgM - 0.8-2.9.
The absence of IgM and IgG antibodies indicates that the woman has not experienced infection before. The situation is dangerous because there is a high probability of infection during the period of gestation. In such a situation, monthly monitoring is indicated.
A positive result confirms the presence of antibodies, but an additional study is advisable to exclude possible risks for fetal development.
You should also know:
- lgG - positive, lgM - negative - does not affect the fetus, since the infection was previously transmitted;
- lgG - negative, lgM - positive - indicates that the infection has joined during pregnancy;
- in the study of antibodies to TORCH infections in normal terms, IgM should not be;
- IgG antibodies - are considered a variant of the norm.
If IgG to rubella is not detected or there are not enough of them detected, that is, the level is negative, vaccination is given. It should be noted that the method is suitable as a prophylaxis and is allowed when planning pregnancy. Conception is possible after 2-3 months at a norm of antibodies to phospholipids of 10 Units / ml.
To exclude possible risks of pathological development of the fetus, the antibody titer during pregnancy with a negative Rh is monitored over a period of time. The concentration is clearly determined in 1 ml of solution.
When determining the presence of antibodies in a woman during the period of gestation, it is important to know that a ratio of 1: 4 is considered a normal value. A sharp excess of the limits of the norm is an occasion to monitor the condition of the baby through ultrasound. Antibody growth is monitored by continuous testing. With stable values, the probability of a successful development of events for the pregnant woman and the fetus is high. With increasing titers, the introduction of immunoglobulins is advisable.
What is the danger to the fetus?
Antibodies should be determined in the blood of a pregnant woman, since the analysis is of relative importance in the diagnosis. The exact result can be obtained in conjunction with other tests. Particular attention is paid to the titer value and its change during pregnancy, the deviation in the indicators.
The antibody titer is calculated in relation to the largest amount of serum dilution, in which it can agglutinate Rh-positive red blood cells. Ratio: 1: 2; 1: 4; 1: 8; 1:16, etc. - is an indicator. Accordingly, the higher the titer, the greater the concentration of antibodies and the less favorable prognosis of pregnancy. A high titer of antibodies during pregnancy is a dangerous indicator.
Implications for fetal development:
- With an antibody titer of 1: 4, the pregnancy is Rh-conflict. At higher rates (1:16), amniocentesis is prescribed. It should be noted that high titers often lead to abortion. Puncture of the amniotic membrane allows laboratory monitoring or the administration of drugs. Manipulation is carried out after 26 weeks.
- An increased titer of antibodies during pregnancy (1:61) indicates that you can not do without early delivery through cesarean section.
- Antibodies to toxoplasmosis detected in the blood in the first trimester may indicate a fetal infection. Subsequently, this may affect the state of the nervous system, liver, spleen. With the addition of toxoplasmosis at a later date, the course is less dangerous, practically does not cause complications. With an accurate diagnosis of the problem in the early stages, the doctor may recommend termination of pregnancy.
- Revealed antibodies to rubella in a pregnant woman is a dangerous indicator. The organs of vision of the fetus, myocardium and nervous system are affected. When infected in the first trimester, abortion is indicated. Subsequently, the likelihood of dangerous development is significantly reduced. As a result of the disease, a lag in growth and development, dysfunction of vital organs is noted.
- If the test detected antibodies to the cytomegalovirus infection, this can cause the fetus to freeze. When surviving, a newborn has a congenital pathology - dropsy of the brain, liver hypertrophy, heart disease.
- Signs of immune aggression appear with the growth of antiphospholipid antibodies. Immune cells lead to the destruction of phospholipids, due to which antiphospholipid syndrome develops. This condition is fraught with miscarriage, asphyxia, detachment of the placenta, intrauterine disorders. All abnormal abnormalities are associated with a change in blood circulation in the placenta.
Knowing the danger of antibody titers during pregnancy, women are more responsible for pregnancy planning.
How to eliminate negative effects on the fetus
Rhesus conflict between the fetus and the bearing woman leads to dangerous consequences. To avoid difficult moments, you should listen to the doctor’s recommendations on how to reduce antibody titers during pregnancy. First you need to go through the Anti-Dhamma Globulin program. The same actions are advisable after the birth of the baby and with a negative Rh factor in the blood results of the child.
It is worth paying the attention of a doctor to a situation where a woman under various circumstances receives a blow to the stomach. The discovery of bleeding or the flow of the placenta is an occasion for the introduction of gamma globulin. In this case, the anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered at the 7th month and after the pregnancy is resolved on the third day.
Do not doubt the appointment of a doctor for testing. Thus, many problems associated with the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus can be excluded.
Monitoring changes in the body of a pregnant woman is carried out for 9 months. The absence of antibodies in the blood before 28 weeks or when the indicator does not exceed 1: 4, leave cause for concern. Accordingly, it is highly likely that antibodies are able to respond later and stronger. An antibody titer of 1: 2 during pregnancy is already an indicator that observation of specialists is required throughout the entire period.
The risk of manifestation of a Rhesus conflict forces the leading specialist to play it safe and to introduce immunoglobulin D (antiresus) to prevent deviations. It is worth noting that the vaccine does not pose a threat to the woman and the fetus. Also, the injection should be repeated after childbirth. Thus exclude complications in the future.
If blood circulation exceeds 100, an emergency caesarean section is indicated. The well-being of the baby depends on the speed of decision-making and the professionalism of doctors.
When diagnosing a hemolytic disease, an increase in the number of antibodies, therapeutic actions are carried out in utero. If there is no possibility to carry out a blood transfusion, the baby has lungs formed - they stimulate early delivery.
Modern technologies allow plasmapheresis or a decrease in the concentration of antibodies in maternal blood. The method is effective and is used in the second half of pregnancy.
You can also cleanse the blood of toxic compounds by passing maternal blood through a filter. Hemosorption allows you to return already purified blood to the circulatory system.
If the situation requires it, the doctor may prescribe injections that accelerate the development of the respiratory system of the fetus after 24 weeks. Thus, they conduct emergency deliveries ahead of schedule and save the baby.
After the birth of a baby, specialists examine the newborn, prescribe manipulations appropriate to his condition:
- phototherapy;
- plasmapheresis;
- blood transfusion.
Not all hospitals can provide a specialist who can correctly conduct intrauterine blood transfusion. The procedure is complicated, because during the ultrasound examination, blood is injected into the abdomen of the fetus or the umbilical cord vein is pierced with a long needle.
What women at risk should know
Antibody titer during pregnancy is an important indicator, since no one is safe from infections, Rh conflict. The expectant mother should remember:
- blood transfusion should be strictly from a donor with an identical rhesus;
- any termination of pregnancy - the risk of an increase in antibodies in the blood at the desired conception;
- Rh-negative women should be especially careful about contraception;
- immediately after birth, the Rhesus of the newborn should be determined immediately;
- doctors have 72 hours after delivery to administer immunoglobulin.
Women with a negative rhesus should know all the nuances, if necessary, point them to the doctor.
The protective functions of the body are not stable, the immune system can malfunction for various reasons. According to statistics, most of the world's population has a positive Rhesus factor, only 15% - negative. The problem occurs when the baby inherited a Rhesus provocateur from his father, causing a conflict in contact with maternal blood.
To exclude the body's immune response and the risks of abortion, the development of a fetus with pathological abnormalities, it is worth seriously considering the conception. Timely examination, taking measures to prevent unexpected deviations from the norm, will allow the expectant mother to easily endure 9 months and guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.