A woman who once felt the happiness of motherhood, at heart always wants to relive these wonderful moments of waiting and the first meeting with the baby. Some women are thinking about re-pregnancy immediately after the birth of their first child, others need time to make such a decision, while others plan their next child only when the first starts to go to school.
But everything does not always work out the way you want it to. Quite often, women who did not have problems conceiving a first-born understand that they cannot get pregnant with their second child. What can we say about those representatives of the fair sex who were not given the birth of the first baby.
There are several main reasons why you can’t get pregnant with your second child pretty quickly.
When can we talk about infertility?
It is worth recalling that such a diagnosis is made only after two years of unsuccessful attempts to conceive a child. In women over thirty years of age, this period can be reduced to one year.
A doctor can make a similar diagnosis in advance when a lady complains: “I can’t get pregnant with my second child!” And only after some studies have been conducted, the verdict is confirmed or disproved.
When is it better to get pregnant with a second child?
Experts have found that the most favorable age for conception is in the range from 20 to 29 years. It is at this moment that a woman is at the peak of her reproductive age. She is quite strong physically and mentally, the body has completely completed its formation and prepared for the birth of a new life.
If you are thinking about the second baby and are in this age range, then start acting.
Of course, you can give birth to a child after 30 years. Some women manage to do this even after 40. However, it must be remembered that at this age the body is already beginning to rebuild and prepare for menopause, the number of eggs is reduced, and ovulation no longer occurs every month.
Why can't I get pregnant with my second child?
Quite often, after the birth of the firstborn, women soon plan a second pregnancy. Why can some conceive the first time, while others have to wait for months and years for another miracle? There may be several reasons for this. Let's try to understand each in detail and answer the question of how to quickly become pregnant with a second child.
First reason: breastfeeding
If you just recently became a mother and feed your child breast milk, then this is wonderful! You have chosen the best nutritional option for your crumbs. However, this can interfere with the conception of a second baby. Let's see why this happens.
When a fair sex breast milk is produced, the production of many hormones is blocked. The body directs all its strength to the production of prolactin. It is he who is responsible for ensuring that you have enough milk for the crumbs. Thus, the production of estrogen and progesterone (without which pregnancy is impossible) is greatly reduced.
There are situations completely opposite to this, when a woman leads a sex life without protection, hoping that she will be prevented from becoming pregnant by breastfeeding and will soon find out about her new situation.
The second reason: the restructuring of the body
It happens that a woman cannot get pregnant with her second child due to recent birth. During the bearing of the fetus, the female body experiences a heavy load. All organs work with a vengeance. The woman’s uterus is undergoing tremendous changes.
All this restructuring and severe wear of the body do not allow re-conception to take place. So the nature of man is arranged that the body will not “work” to the detriment of itself. That is why a second pregnancy does not occur.
The next reason you can't conceive a second child is: stress
When your little child grows, you worry about him every minute. Fell and broke your knee? Broke a toy and get upset? Every little thing can make you worry. What can we say about those cases when the child does not obey, rolls tantrums or gets sick.
When you planned your first baby, all these experiences and stresses were not. You lived peacefully for your pleasure, and therefore conception so easily happened. Now the situation is different. You have to learn to live in this stressful situation.
Another obstacle to the birth of a second baby: health problems
Perhaps after the first birth you have some problems with the reproductive system. There may also be hormonal disorders. Or is it your partner? After all, men, too, are not getting younger every day, and sooner or later the quality of their sperm begins to deteriorate.
Some commonplace pathologies can cause a doctor to come up with a problem: “I can’t get pregnant with my second child!”
Psychological obsession
When a woman has an idea to give birth again, she does not see or hear anything around. She just does what she says: “I want to get pregnant with my second child!” What is the man like in this situation? Quite often, women do not understand that at these moments they are obsessed with planning, counting the days favorable for conception, and conducting endless tests. A man by nature a male, he used to seek. But when sex life is strictly on schedule, he no longer feels that he is the leader.
In this case, the reason why you do not get pregnant with a second child lies in the psychology of a married couple. A man can also be scared away by a woman’s obsessive desire to give birth to another child. That is why it is necessary not to focus on your problem, especially if your planning period is still very short. Just relax and live for your pleasure.
If you do not leave the desire to monitor the days favorable for conception and control the work of your body, then try to do this less noticeably. Do not constantly inform your partner about your auspicious days. Save the intrigue.
Lack of pregnancy after cesarean section
Quite often, after the birth of the first child by cesarean section, a woman has problems with repeated conception. In this case, you need to contact a competent specialist.
You certainly need a series of examinations. It is necessary to find out the condition of the uterus and the scar on it, whether there is an adhesive process in the abdominal cavity, which is often a complication of surgical interventions and in some cases leads to infertility.
Also, during the operation, an inflammatory process could begin, which sometimes is the reason for the absence of a long-awaited repeated pregnancy. When planning, it must be remembered that at least two years must pass from the time of delivery through cesarean section. Before re-conception, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations with a specialist.
What to do to conceive a second baby?
What should distressed women do? Is it now never possible to give birth to a second child? There is always a way out.
First you need to remember how long you have been planning a pregnancy. If this range does not exceed one year, then just relax and wait.
In the event that planning lasts more than a year, but there is still no good news, it makes sense to consult a doctor. First you need to visit a gynecologist. Tell him about your fears and say the main phrase: "I can not get pregnant with a second child!"
Surely after all that has been heard, a specialist will prescribe you a series of examinations. It is worth saying that a man in these cases is supposed to pass only one analysis - a spermogram. And for a woman there is a more detailed list. That is why it will be logical to start with a survey of men.
If the reason for the absence of pregnancy is identified, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment for you, after which you will soon become happy parents, but already two babies.
So, if you have a problem, and you say to yourself: “I can’t get pregnant with my second child,” it may be worth changing the attitude towards the situation.
Think about the fact that some couples have been waiting for their first-born for years, and there are times when families are completely barren. Remember that you already have a small child. Hug your baby more often, talk about your love for him. Direct all your efforts to conceive a second child in a different direction. And you will see that the baby will not take long to wait.
In case of prolonged absence of pregnancy, consult a specialist. He will answer all your questions and help in solving the problem.
Give birth and be healthy!