Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the main procedures performed during pregnancy. This is not only a necessary medical measure, allowing early detection of possible pathologies in the development of the fetus, but also an exciting event for expectant mothers and fathers. This is a kind of acquaintance with your future baby. Despite the fact that ultrasound has been used in obstetrics not so long ago - since the 60s of the last century, doctors over this period of time have gained vast experience in using this research method. Ultrasound scanners are constantly being improved, and today there is an opportunity to make 3D ultrasound during pregnancy. This type of research will be discussed in this article.
What is the difference between conventional ultrasound and 3D ultrasound?
Two-dimensional ultrasound shows an image of tissue sections of the area affected by ultrasound. With 3D ultrasound, the image on the monitor screen looks voluminous and color. In addition, such a picture makes it possible to examine in detail the appearance of the baby and even see who he looks more like. Using this study, you can determine:
facial abnormalities (cleft lip, cleft palate) ;
pathologies of the development of the nervous system;
nasal bone development and cervical fold thickness;
congenital heart defects.
The principle of operation of three-dimensional ultrasound
The technique of such a study does not fundamentally differ from conventional ultrasound, in which the penetrating property of ultrasound is used and its ability to diffuse in different ways, depending on the composition and density of the medium, in the tissues of the body. However, the image obtained with a classic ultrasound scan is completely incomprehensible to non-professionals, and future parents can only find the large bones and spine of the child with the help of a doctor. With 3D ultrasound, the picture resembles a regular photo, and happy moms and dads can see the face of the baby and even count the fingers.
Benefits of 3D Ultrasound
Three-dimensional ultrasound, in addition to the great joy that future parents experience, makes it possible to obtain more accurate and complete information about the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. Such a procedure is especially indicated if there are any suspicions about developmental pathologies, since it makes it possible at earlier dates to identify deviations from the normal values of certain indicators.
This procedure allows you to examine various organs. Using a three-dimensional image, you can get an accurate idea of the condition of the external and internal organs of the baby. Also, three-dimensional research makes it possible to consider the facial expressions of the crumbs. This allows you to see what emotions he experiences: upset, smiling, apathetic. It has long been known that positive emotions allow the fetus to develop properly. But the bad ones can indicate serious problems. For example, with asphyxia (insufficient oxygen supply), the baby has an apathetic, depressed state. If the child's face is distorted from pain, then this may indicate improper development of internal organs, which causes pain.
It is also very important the presence of the future dad on the procedure of three-dimensional ultrasound. This will help him adapt to his father’s role more quickly. Photo 3D ultrasound, if desired, can be the first picture in the album of the future baby.
At what period of pregnancy do three-dimensional ultrasound?
Most parents want to get the very first touching photo of their baby as soon as possible. However, this is not worth doing until 18-20 weeks. In the early stages it will still be impossible to see something. It is possible to more accurately determine both the sex of the child and possible deviations in development if the pregnancy is 20 weeks. Ultrasound 3D in this case will be more informative. Three-dimensional study allows you to view facial structures, head, back.
You should also know that every day the baby is getting closer to being in her mother’s tummy, and in the later weeks they are also not recommended to do 3D Ultrasound 32 weeks - The deadline for this procedure, since in the last weeks of pregnancy, as in the case of two-dimensional ultrasound, it is more difficult for a doctor to get reliable information and a high-quality image.
What should future parents know?
Almost twice as much time, compared with two-dimensional, the study takes three-dimensional. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that at least 30-40 minutes the ultrasound 3D procedure will last.
Reviews women who used this research method indicate that quite often the baby does not want to be "photographed" and just turns his back. In this case, the procedure, of course, will not be as informative as we would like.
You should also know that the procedure for three-dimensional examination of the fetus is not cheap. Its cost ranges from 1500-2500 rubles.
Is 3D ultrasound dangerous?
Whether ultrasound is safe or not during pregnancy is not fully known. But ultrasound 3D in terms of irradiation strength is no different from a two-dimensional study. Therefore, the question is not about the method of obtaining a stereo image, but about ultrasound as such. To date, it has already been established that ultrasound is in no way associated with an increase in the frequency of congenital pathologies and abnormalities of pregnancy. That is why ultrasound is one of the mandatory procedures that pregnant women undergo.
However, there is such a medical term as long-term consequences. This concept refers to complications that can occur only after a few years or even decades. It is these long-term effects of the use of ultrasound during pregnancy that have not been determined. No one can say for sure what will happen to these children after 10, 30, 50 years.
To do or not to do 3D ultrasound?
As mentioned above, the disadvantages of three-dimensional research are its high cost and long time of the procedure. Trying to get the best shot, doctors often during the study increase the capacity of the device, and this can adversely affect the child. Since the possible consequences of a three-dimensional study have not been fully determined, many medical practitioners strongly recommend that pregnant women limit their use.
In addition, the image may not be clear and high quality when:
What is 4D (four-dimensional) ultrasound?
This is the same as a three-dimensional study, but it differs in that the length, height and depth of the picture are complemented by time. A four-dimensional image, unlike a static three-dimensional image, allows you to see the movement of an object in real time. This makes it possible for future parents to record what is happening on the monitor screen on various media.
Of course, the temptation to see your baby before birth is great enough. But future mothers should know that it is not worth abusing ultrasound. Ultrasound should be an exclusively planned procedure, and not be determined by a woman’s desire to once again look at her crumbs. Well, whether to do three-dimensional research or dwell on the usual two-dimensional, only future parents should decide.