Educational toys for children from 6 months: an overview of the best options, photos, reviews

Developing toys for children from 6 months old should fulfill not only entertaining, but also educational function, because a six-month-old baby is actively growing and seeks to know the world around him. He can already sit well, examine the surrounding objects and pick them up, feel and taste them. He is pleased with toys with which you can perform actions - stack on top of each other, press buttons or shove objects into holes.

In the article, we consider several educational toys for children from 6 months to 1 year, reviews about their quality from parents. We will tell you how such products contribute to the development of the baby. You will learn how to choose the right toy so that it is of high quality and safe for the child, because children often take objects in their mouths and throw them on the floor.

Basically, games for babies are designed for children of any gender, however if you are looking for educational toys for children from 6 months to 1 year for boys, pay attention to bright cars of large sizes. They can be rolled on the floor, twisted wheels, open doors. You can sit on a large car and, moving your feet on the floor, move around the room, which the baby will definitely like.

Features of the development of children from 6 months to a year

In the second half of the first year of life, the baby is already starting to sit, then learns to crawl and tries to stand up. He is interested in the outside world, considers objects and tries to perform simple actions with them. The kid shakes them, pushes them, grabs them with their hands and throws them, picks them up in their mouth and hits them with another object, pushes them into the holes and correlates with each other. During this period of active research, parents should definitely offer educational toys for children from 6 months to study, so that the baby can satisfy his desire for knowledge.

By this age, the baby begins to sit and tries to reach for objects, shifts the toy or its part from hand to hand, holding the whole palm. He likes to play hide and seek when an adult hides an item and asks to find it. The child watches with interest the movement of objects with his eyes. During this period, toys with music or sound are needed. When choosing educational toys for children from 6 months to 1 year, it is imperative to check their quality and safety so that the baby does not get injured or poisoned. Since the child pulls all objects in his mouth, they should consist only of large parts. The cost of good toys is quite high, so try to choose options with several tasks that can captivate a little fidget for a long time.


According to the feedback of parents with experience, the very first developing toy for children from 6 months is considered a pyramid. It consists of several bright rings of different diameters, which are strung on a central rod. In addition to the classic pyramids, you can now see toys with an interesting "filling." Manufacturers install a musical accompaniment button, and make one of the rings transparent and fill the inside with small balls of plastic of different colors.

pyramid with rings

With such a toy, the baby can do for quite some time. Be sure to take part in the games of the child, name the colors and size of the rings. The pyramid develops the motor skills of the baby in the baby, coordination of movements, orientation in space. The ring can be perfectly bitten during teething. In such an object there is not a single acute angle, so the baby will not be able to get hurt.

Dynamic pyramid

Perfectly balanced balls with jagged edges are painted in different colors. They are made of durable plastic and rubber, so they are tightly fastened to each other. The child can disassemble and make up the structure, trying on the ball of the right size. Such a developmental toy for children of 6-7 months helps to strengthen hand motility, coordination of movements.

dynamic ball pyramid

The special surface of the balls holds them well together, preventing them from falling, so the child can lay them at any angle. According to the reviews of parents, children play such a toy even after the first year of life, it is bright and dynamic, the kids really like it, attracts their attention for a long time. Balls can be rolled on the floor, knock one on the other. Subsequently, they can be used to study colors and shades.

Musical toy

A lot of joyful moments will bring a musical toy with a surprise. By clicking on a button of a certain color, you can see how the head of the animal appears with musical accompaniment. This always causes the surprise of the little one, the desire to press the buttons himself.

musical toy with a surprise

In addition to training motor skills and coordination of movements, such a developmental toy for children from 6 months old helps to understand cause-effect relationships and develops the baby’s thinking. The buttons for pressing are made different. So, on the blue one needs to be pressed by clicking down, and the yellow one should be turned to the side, like a key in a door. All parts have different colors and geometric shapes, so the game also contributes to the development of sensory sensations of the child. Numbers are written on the covers that cover the animals, so older children can also play this game, remembering the numbers from 1 to 4 at the same time.

Cup liners

Such a developmental toy for children 5-6 months old is very similar to a pyramid, because you need to collect the parts in the order of their increase. But the cup inserts have a much larger assortment of learning tasks, which is noted by many parents in the reviews. A child can build a tower by inserting the bowls one into the other or by putting them upside down. In each cup, you can put other objects - balls, toys, rattles.

cup liners

All details have bright colors, which contributes to the sensory education of babies. In addition, on the bottom of each cup is written a number from 1 to 8 or 10, depending on the variant. Therefore, it is profitable to buy such a toy, because it can be played for a long time, but you can also learn numbers and colors at the same time.

Volumetric Cubes

As educational toys for children 6-8 months, you can buy cubes. On sale there are soft options made of fabric with syntepon filler, there are ordinary plastic or with paper stickers. However, for babies it is best to choose an option made of dense plastic with an embossed pattern on each face. The kid will be able to take such a toy into his mouth, and examine from all sides, and feel the drawing with his fingers. This is useful for developing motor skills.

cubes with a pattern

You can put cubes closer and further away from yourself, left and right. These actions develop a spatial representation in the child. From the details you can build a turret, build them in one row, throw in other toys, knock on each other. In a word, a child will never be bored.

All these actions are useful for the baby, in addition, children always play with cubes with pleasure. According to experienced parents, such a toy will surely interest the child, and the baby will still be able to design various structures for a long time. Various animals, insects and numbers, geometric shapes and lines are drawn on the sidewalls of the cubes, so you can spend many educational games to familiarize yourself with the outside world.

Climbing pipe

Telling friends about the successes of their baby, parents most often highlight its achievements. When the child has learned to crawl, it is impossible to stop it. He more confidently learns the world around him, overcoming long distances. In this case, the muscles of the legs, arms, back and abdomen develop, which is necessary for the development of walking. An extension pipe will help improve the ability to crawl and develop the motor apparatus, as in the photo below.

climbing pipe

It is easy to fold and hide it in a closet, it takes up a minimum of space when assembled. But how many joyful moments will bring such useful entertainment to a baby who knows how to crawl! Be sure to mom or dad should peep out at the end of the pipe so that the baby is not afraid of the enclosed space and hurries to a loved one.

Table with toys

A table with toys is a light and portable fascinating object for which the baby will try to stand on its own. After all, a lot of entertainment awaits him from above. He will be able to turn the steering wheel of the car, roll the car back and forth, push the figure of the animal to hear them talking, twist the clock hands and balls on the butterfly.

table with games

The keys of a musical toy are painted in different colors and produce beautiful melodic sounds. All this will certainly attract the attention of the baby and, undoubtedly, will contribute to sensory education, and the development of motor skills, cause and effect relationships and spatial representations.

Toy montessori

All over the world, children play with toys invented by an Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori. All of them contribute to the development of sensory, motor skills and thinking of babies. For games with children from 6 months, you can buy such a big cube. All its faces are separate games. Geometrical figures must be enclosed in one child, insects must be raised along broken lines, the third has gear mechanisms that can be twisted in different directions, and the fourth is a clock with moving hands.

Montessori toys

The upper part of the cube is removed from the inside and mounted on top of the stand. It has curved wires through which it is necessary to advance wooden parts from one end to the other. As you may have guessed, such a toy is not only entertaining, but also educational.

Educational toys for children from 6 months on their own

If you have a sewing machine and sewing skills, then from the remaining shreds you can sew a developing mat with a bright applique to the child. This stimulates the cognitive interest of the baby and makes him crawl and sit, looking at bright pictures.

developing mat

As you can see, you need to choose toys with a good sense, so that they are useful for the development of the child. Be sure to monitor the quality of the material from which they are made so that the baby is safe.

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