What is the global Internet


A lot has been said about what the global Internet network is. This is not surprising, given the fact that currently a huge number of electronic devices provide the ability to connect to it. These are not only computers, but also ATMs, smart home systems, communication devices, and even televisions. In general, listing the whole list is fundamentally impossible. In fact, if telephone networks allow people to communicate, then the global computer network Internet makes it possible to exchange information with electronic devices.

It is necessary to distinguish between local networks consisting of several computers in a relatively small territory and the Internet, covering the whole world.

, , , . ARPANET, 1969 .

( ) . 22:30 , (, , ARPANET).

. « ». ARPANET , , . , , . , 1983 ARPANET TCP/IP ( NCP). , .

1984 (DNS), . – NSFNet ( ). , , , ARPANET. , 10 , . « » NSFNet.

1988 IRC, .

HTML , .

1990 ARPANET , NSFNet. . Mosaic 1993 .

: - () . , – . ( ), . , , .

Now the development of the Internet is aimed at increasing the bandwidth of the channels, introducing the IP protocol of the next version and optimizing the existing principles of work.


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