The school has many holidays that are celebrated every year. And while in the elementary grades the main burden for conducting them lay on the shoulders of the class teacher, in the upper grades, most students can independently conduct such an event, especially when it comes to women's day - March 8th.
Raising boys is not only the development of masculinity and physical fitness. Attentive and careful attitude to a girl, girl, woman helps to become a real man in the full sense of the word.
Celebrating March 8 at school helps: bring interests together, reveal talents, discipline, develop creative abilities. Therefore, trust your own students, and in the middle of the class, hold a small meeting to discuss the March 8 scenario at school. High school students can do the rest on their own.
The best solution would be if one of the parents showed a desire to host the event. But, in fact, dads rarely attend school. Therefore, to guide and help children, as always, is the most class teacher. The main thing here is not to overdo it and again not to shoulder everything.
So, if among the children in the class there is a desire to spend March 8 on their own, but this can be done as follows. At the meeting of the class asset, immediately select those responsible for each of the organizational issues: decorating the class, treats for the holiday, music , gifts, and approve the script on March 8 at school. At this stage, appoint a person responsible for conducting and for the props for the holiday.
Some of the young men sing well, someone can read expressively, the other dances beautifully. The easiest way is if everyone demonstrates their abilities. No need to take the cumbersome script on March 8 at school, which is often repeated from year to year. What is interesting to adults will not always be appreciated by children. Let the students show independence.
In my son’s class, the guys did the following. First, they found on the Internet 3 comic poems about March 8 and distributed each one a quatrain. The decision to put on a small sketch came during learning.
A small sketch about school life was chosen. The text was written independently, because each participant was handed out a copy. Conducted several rehearsals. We picked up the necessary costumes.
After that, the celebration was discussed in detail with the class teacher. Moreover, the teacher did not even suspect that a small reprise would be played and there was a whole scenario on March 8 at school. A festive wall newspaper with personal congratulations to each classmate and poems for the teacher also remained a secret.
What was the surprise of all classmates and the class teacher, when they were invited to the holiday. The class was decorated with balls, a wall newspaper hung on the wall.
Of course, the scenario for high school students on March 8 was far from perfect, but the guys with such a soul and fiction approached its embodiment that everything turned out in the best way. Particular attention was paid to costumes, creating a creative image of each hero of the reprise.
Another surprise was some funny contests that the guys found on the Internet. A special congratulation to the teacher moved her to tears.
If you think that students in your class are not capable of organizing, and writing a script for students on March 8 is an impossible task, then you are deeply mistaken. Most boys and girls do not seek to participate in social events due to the lack of the ability to translate their own ideas, talents and knowledge. It is enough to correctly place accents and give students greater independence.