To prevent the formation of worms and their prevention, veterinarians often recommend Drontal for dogs. The drug belongs to the category of anthelmintic and is intended for adults. If you need to get rid of worms in puppies, then use the suspension "Drontal Junior". The product is available in the form of sweet syrup and can be used after the pet reaches two months.
The medicine effectively copes with tapeworms and roundworms, cestodes and nematodes. In this case, the degree of infection and the stage of development of the pathology are not important.
Features of the drug
Drontal for dogs is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic. The medicine is available in two forms, designed for adults and puppies. Among the advantages of the drug, experts and pet owners distinguish:
- there is no need to keep a dog on a hungry diet before use;
- ease of use;
- complete safety with strict adherence to instructions;
- the absence of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract;
- efficiency is close to 100%;
- the drug affects a wide range of helminths.
The drug "Drontal" for dogs has a meaty flavor, so its use does not cause difficulties. Usually animals are happy to take the necessary dose of medication.
Current composition
For adults and puppies, it is necessary to acquire the appropriate form of the drug. Drontal for dogs consists of the following main components:
- pyrantel embonate;
- febantel;
- praziquantel.
The difference between the drugs is the amount of active substance in one dose of the drug.
Operating principle
As soon as the drug enters the body of the animal, the parasites absorb the active substance throughout the surface of their body. Active components are evenly distributed throughout the worm. As a result, paralysis of all parasite systems develops and the integrity of its shell is violated.
The pyrantel embonate that is part of the product causes neuromuscular blockage and acts on parasites like nicotine. The natural permeability of membrane cells is disrupted, all vital processes are affected.
Indications for admission
Drontal for dogs has indications both as a medicinal product and as a prophylactic. To prevent the appearance of worms, you must:
- give the drug once every three months;
- before each vaccination;
- before mating.
It should be understood that helminth infection can occur not only on the street. Therefore, the use of the drug is justified even in the case of animals that rarely go for a walk.
Syrup "Drontal Junior" contains a low concentration of active substances. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only for the treatment and prevention of nematodoses. The medicine is suitable exclusively for puppies up to six months old.
Reception methods
In different forms of release you can find "Drontal" for dogs. The instruction is attached to each drug, which details the dosage regimen. Dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the pet and the form of the drug.
Drontal tablets
The tablets are made in the form of a small bone and have the aroma of meat. One capsule is designed for 10 kg of animal weight. Using this fact, you can easily calculate the individual dose for your dog:
- if the pet weighs from 2 to 5 kg, then he needs to offer half the tablet;
- if the dog weighs from 6 to 10 kg - 1 tablet;
- from 11 to 20 kg - 2 tablets;
- from 21 to 30 kg - 3 tablets;
- from 31 to 40 kg - 4 tablets, etc.
In the case when the weight of the dog exceeds 50 kg, the scheme remains the same, but then it is necessary to consult a veterinarian.
The drug for large dogs
For especially large pets, the special Drontal Plus medicine is offered. If its active composition is identical, then the amount of active ingredient in one capsule is increased. So, pyrantel embonate is contained in the amount of 144 mg per piece.
In this case, the dosage is somewhat different. Drontal Plus suggests the following dosage regimen:
- if the dog's weight ranges from 10 to 17.5 kg, it is necessary to divide the tablet in half;
- if the weight is in the range of 17.5-35 kg, then one pill will be required;
- when the animal weighs from 35 to 52.5 kg, it is necessary to offer 1.5 tablets;
- especially large pets will need 2 capsules.
special instructions
Special preparations and diets do not require Drontal for dogs. The instruction says that the drug is best given before or during the morning meal. It is important to consider that in preventive measures and to achieve a therapeutic effect, the dose remains the same. In this case, the pill is offered once.
Reception methods
The tablet has a pleasant meat taste for the dog. Therefore, you can offer medicine to the animal from the hand. Thanks to the aroma, many pets eagerly eat a treat.
If the pet refuses, then you can crush the tablet and mix into the usual food. For large dogs it is allowed to put a whole pill in a piece of meat.
There are times when especially finicky animals refuse to eat food with medicine. In this case, you can act forcefully and, putting a pill on the root of the tongue, make stroking movements in the area of the pharynx in order to provoke a swallowing reflex.
For puppies or weakened animals, another method will work. The tablet must be dissolved in water and drink the pet with a syringe without a needle.
Drontal for dogs is taken orally to get rid of worms or to take preventative measures. But it is also necessary to process the litter of the animal and its bowl in order to avoid self-infection.
Suspension for puppies
For puppies and dogs of small breeds, it is better to offer a suspension. In this case, 1 ml is calculated per 1 kg weight of the pet. The drug can be given with a syringe or mixed into food. At the same time, preparatory procedures are not required, but the reception should be in the morning.
As a prophylaxis, the suspension is used as soon as the puppy is 2 weeks old. Next, the medicine is given monthly, starting from the first month of life. Further, deworming is required once a quarter, but if the pet does not belong to the class of small breeds, then a tablet form is used.
Drontal from worms for dogs has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to offer:
- puppies younger than two weeks of age;
- if the pet weighs less than two kilograms;
- after surgery
- animals weakened after a protracted illness.
Pregnant females should not be given the drug in the first half of pregnancy. It is allowed to use the medicine at the time of feeding the puppies, but in this case, the consultation of a veterinarian is required. It should also be borne in mind that individual intolerance to the drug or its individual components is possible.
Side effects
Drontal is considered quite safe. Side effects for dogs are not indicated in the instructions. However, as practice shows, the following symptoms may appear:
- vomiting
- nausea;
- diarrhea;
- lethargy;
- excessive anxiety;
- lack of appetite;
- redness of the mucous membranes and rashes on the skin.
You should carefully monitor the animal, and if unpleasant symptoms persist within two days, then you must show the dog to the veterinarian.
The suspension contains a small amount of active components, so it is well tolerated by puppies.
Symptoms of worm infection
It is important to offer the drug regularly and according to the instructions. But if the dog became infected, then an individual treatment regimen will be required. Signs that the dog has worms, quite visual, you just need to carefully look at the pet:
- the animal becomes lethargic and inactive;
- in the oral cavity, the whiteness of the mucosa is observed;
- dandruff appears on the wool, it loses its former luster;
- the dog often has diarrhea, vomiting may open;
- the pet loses its appetite or, conversely, eats a lot and at the same time rapidly loses weight;
- mucus can be found in the stool;
- the dog often bites everything;
- the animal begins to rub its back against the ground;
- brittle bones are found.
It is important to understand that infection with worms can ultimately lead to death, so problems can not be ignored.
Validity of admission
According to statistics, worms are found in both puppies and adult dogs. Even if there is only suspicion, then in 85% of cases it is confirmed. Therefore, preventive measures must be carried out regularly, and even if there are no worms, then the tablet will not be worse.
Dogs are usually very active. But as soon as parasites populate their body, the animal immediately becomes lethargic and lethargic. Not only behavior is disturbed, pet hair and gastrointestinal tract suffer. If you do not take regular preventive measures, then there are malfunctions in cardiac activity.
Infection pathways
All dogs that live in the yard or walk outside are at risk. It is important to train the animal to miss nothing from the ground. Those pets who are not accustomed to this risk much more. The source of infection are:
- stray animals;
- dirty streets;
- untreated kennel;
- contaminated food (raw meat, fish);
- bowls used by several animals.
Of course, there is no need to achieve complete sterility, but it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the litter and bowls.
Reviews about "Drontal"
Drontal for dogs is very popular. Reviews show that the drug is quite effective, in addition, animals love it. Often, dogs can be difficult to get to swallow a pill. When mixed with food, pets often find pills and spit them out. Drontal has an unusual bone shape and a pleasant aroma of meat, thanks to which all dogs enjoy eating it on their own.
From the reviews it is also clear that the drug is the only one that is recommended against worms during pregnancy. You can also use the product if the dog has just whelped.
Many veterinarians advise using the medicine. It is noted that side effects are observed quite rarely. If you regularly offer the dog pills, then the problem of worms does not bother.
Owners of small dogs and puppies are also pleased with the effect of the drug and the presence of a suspension. A small dosage of the active component does not harm the growing body, and a convenient form of administration allows you to quickly water the animal.
Judging by the reviews of veterinarians, the drug has a mild effect, but at the same time its effectiveness is maximum. If you follow all the recommendations and strictly follow the instructions, then side effects are extremely rare.
Analog "Drontala" for dogs
Sometimes the necessary product is not available for sale. In this case, you can purchase an analog. Similar action and active components have "Kaniverm" and "Dirofen".
"Caniverm". The main active ingredient is pyrantel embolate. For small breeds, pills are available that are rated at 0.5 kg. For larger breeds, a dosage is needed where one tablet is designed for 10 kg of weight.
Dirofen. The tool is available in the form of tablets, pastes and suspensions. The active component is pyrantel pamoat. It is used for treatment and prevention.