Dog breed Moscow Watchdog: photos, character, features of the content and reviews of dog breeders

In each country there are national dog breeds. In Russia, the domestic guard and guard species include the Central Asian, Caucasian, South Russian Shepherd Dogs, the Black Russian Terrier and the Moscow Watchdog. Today we’ll talk about the last breed.

Moscow Watchdog

Breed history

Unlike many dogs, the history of these animals is devoid of any riddles and secrets. However, the Moscow watchdog breed appeared quite interesting. This dog was bred by special order of state authorities.

After the Second World War in the USSR, there was an urgent need to restore official dog breeding. By this time, many animals were in danger of extinction. Soviet amateur cynologists in the most difficult situation of devastation could not have independently accomplished this task. Therefore, this mission was assigned to the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery located in the Moscow Region.

Moscow watch photo

The military dog ​​handlers had a difficult task - to create a new breed that would combine good security qualities, unquestioning obedience to humans, and fast learner. Moreover, she was supposed to be unpretentious in leaving, according to the constitution, powerful enough, but at the same time mobile and active.

For selection work, Caucasian Shepherd dogs and St. Bernards were selected. In addition, the blood of Newfoundland, a German shepherd, a Russian pinto hound, and a Russian canine greyhound was added . The work was extremely difficult, since it was difficult to correct multiport breeding. Despite the difficulties, dog handlers coped with the task brilliantly.

Moscow guard dog

As a result of collective creativity, a domestic breed, the Moscow watchdog, was bred. Its first representatives (at that time still having the status of a cross) were shown at the 1950 Moscow exhibition

These were dogs from the same litter, which were born from the Caucasian Shepherd Dog Asha and St. Bernard Barry. These animals already had common signs of the future breed. On this, the work of dog handlers was not completed. They strove to ensure that the new breed became recognizable and peculiar, to be different from their ancestors.

breed Moscow watchdog

The selection process was completed in the middle of the last century. Then a breed of Moscow watchdogs appeared. The very first standard appeared in 1958.

Further work to improve the breed was carried out by specialized clubs and amateur dog breeders. The Moscow watchdog, whose photo we posted in our article, officially received status confirmation in accordance with the approved standard in 1985. Seven years later (1992), he was somewhat modified. True, according to breed lovers, not for the better. In 1998, several more additions were made to it.

Moscow watch price

Moscow Watchdog - breed description

A massive dog with a powerful skeleton and well-developed muscles - this is how the Moscow watchdog appears in front of us. Photos do not convey the proper impression of the power of this animal.

The body is slightly elongated, the limbs are large, long and straight. The height at the withers is on average 78 cm (males) and 73 cm (females), and there are no upper boundaries for growth, but tall dogs are valued more. Ease of physique, lack of massiveness - serious defects.

Moscow watchdog description of the breed

Physical data

Moscow watchdog has a rough type of addition. An active animal, despite a massive physique, has a voluminous, well-developed musculature. The head is large, proportional to the body, this allows us to say that the dog is folded harmoniously.

The cheekbones and the occipital tubercle are powerful; the cranial part is slightly longer than the muzzle. Lips are large, dry, not falling below the jaw. A wide forehead, eyes of a rather small size, framed by pigmented eyelids. Small triangular ears are located slightly above the line of the eyes. The brim of the ear is fairly tight against the cheekbone.

Moscow watchdog reviews

The Moscow watchdog is distinguished by a pronounced withers and muscular neck. She has a straight back, a powerful, protruding chest and a tight, tight belly. The tail is set high. In a calm state, the dog lowers it down. The whole body is covered with stiff hair with a well-developed undercoat.

Despite the fact that in accordance with the standard, a Moscow guard dog should have straight hair, if it is slightly wavy, this is not a vice.

puppies of the Moscow watchdog


When breeding this breed, breeders set themselves the goal of raising a dog with a kind and gentle character in relation to the owner and alert and aggressive to strangers. It must be admitted that the dog experts solved the task with brilliance. Today it is safe to say that the character of the Moscow watchdog is a mixture of opposites. With her family, this is a friendly and even gentle teddy bear. Children (if they are family members) love to play with him, and he will never harm them.

Going out into the street, he instantly turns into a formidable guard. From the side, the dog resembles an angry bear. His formidable roar and awesome appearance will not cause any doubt - this beast will not be nice to outsiders (including children), so you need to take the dog out for a walk only in a muzzle and on a leash.

Moscow Watchdog


The breed standard implies a two-mastered color. It prevails in animals in the south of the country. More often found reddish-brown, often animals are born with a black-red, white-red color. The dog’s chest is always covered with white hair.

Moscow Watchdog Puppies

These kids pretty quickly get used to the new house, its schedule, and the owners. Before you start such a complex breed, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons well. Think about whether you can deal with this giant. Will you be able to combine authority and calm in relation to your pet, which has a strong character. Will you be able to respect his vibrant personality?

Moscow watch photo

Do not start a Moscow watchdog for elderly people, adolescents. Owner with a soft character can not cope with a Muscovite. You need to know that by the age of six months the puppy will begin to try to occupy its own and, as a rule, leading position in the family (pack). At this tender age, the baby weighs 40 kg on average with a height of 70 cm, so a strong and powerful hand of the pack leader will be simply necessary in order to maintain its position.

This dog, like no other, needs early socialization and training. If you do not do this at the most tender age, then by one and a half years it will be practically impossible to conduct an adjustment of behavior.

Moscow guard dog

With a dog living in the yard or aviary, you can not restrict communication only during feeding. It is necessary to talk with her, take her out for walks.

Like all dog-like ones, the Moscow watchdog grows up to a year and a half. At the age of three, the animal is considered fully formed.

breed Moscow watchdog

In order for a healthy and beautiful animal to grow out of a puppy of the Moscow watchdog, it is necessary to feed it well with balanced feeds, devote a lot of time to walking, not to limit it in movement.

Parenting and training

Many dog ​​handlers know that even from the smallest dog, with an illiterate upbringing, a real home tyrant grows up, and mistakes in the upbringing of such a giant as the Moscow watchdog can turn into much more serious troubles.

Moscow watch price

From puppyhood, the animal must know its place in the house, in the literal and figurative senses. It is obliged to master well the command “It is impossible!”, Which under no circumstances can fail to fulfill. Despite the late maturity, do not postpone classes with the puppy until later. Start them from the first days of the baby's appearance in the house.

First, try to identify what kind of reactions prevail in the dog, what physical abilities it has. Only on the basis of the data obtained, you can start working with the dog. Owners of these animals need to know that up to a year of the Moscow watchdog, great physical activity is contraindicated. This is due to prolonged bone growth.

Moscow watchdog description of the breed

Maintenance and care

It is preferable to keep a Muscovite outside the city - these animals love nature and in these conditions develop very well.

The dog needs regular (at least 3 times a week) combing of hair. The animal must be accustomed to this procedure from the first days of life, then even in adulthood your pet will treat it as something ordinary.

Moscow Watchdog

Otherwise, these dogs are unpretentious. They feel great both in the summer heat and in severe frosts.

Moscow Watchdog - price

On average, the cost of a puppy from breeders is 15 thousand rubles. In nurseries, prices are slightly higher - 20 thousand rubles.

Moscow watchdog description of the breed

Opinions of dog breeders

Moscow watchdog, reviews of which are very controversial, can only be raised and educated by an imperious, intelligent, strong and sociable person.

The protective qualities of this dog do not cause any complaints from the owners, but many complain about the difficulties in education, the stubbornness of the animal and its desire for indispensable leadership in the family.

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