Heart failure in a dog: symptoms and treatment. Diagnostic methods for heart failure in dogs

Heart failure is a complex pathology in which the heart cannot provide the tissues and organs with enough blood. All abnormalities in work can be congenital or acquired. Heart failure in a dog, symptoms and treatment will be discussed in this article.


dog heart failure symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of heart failure in a dog and their treatment can be different, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the factors that provoke the disease:

  • hereditary predisposition, most often the disease occurs in Dobermans, poodles, boxers, bulldogs, dogs and decorative and dwarf parody dogs;
  • congenital malformations;
  • inflammatory myocardial lesions;
  • vascular pathologies, namely: atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • remote cardiomyopathy - serious disorders in the structure of the muscles that interfere with normal blood flow;
  • damage to the heart muscle by parasites;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • continuous medication;
  • nephropathy.

Dog Heart Failure: Symptoms and Treatment

cardiac glycosides drug names

Diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in dogs should be carried out urgently if the following symptoms have been observed.

  • fatigue, lethargy, weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • mucosal cyanosis;
  • gurgling wheezing and sounds when breathing;
  • a cough that looks like gagging;
  • excess and underweight;
  • an increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • the dog has impaired coordination of movement;
  • rapid breathing and pulse;
  • when the animal sits, its legs are widely spaced and the chest is straightened forward;
  • chills and occasional fainting;
  • high blood pressure.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. He prescribes appropriate treatment, as well as a special diet and possible physical exertion.

Breed predisposition

the dog eats badly

Some species are predisposed to this disease. Of course, this does not mean that all these animals will die from a heart attack. This suggests that in such breeds characteristic symptoms are much more frequent and stronger.

Dogs of giant breeds (Newfoundland, Great Dane, St. Bernard) require special attention. Heart failure can most often occur against the background of poor nutrition, excessive stress and poor animal welfare.

In dwarf breeds, pathology occurs due to emotional overload, as they are more prone to stress. All heart troubles lie in their lifestyle, they are jealous, fearful and terribly sensitive.

In general, such weakness in dogs manifests itself as a pathological condition in which the heart muscle is not able to provide proper blood circulation.


Zoostatus Veterinary Clinic

A dog handler who identifies changes in the behavior of the pet, certainly warns the owners that you need to contact a veterinary clinic. The owner will definitely clarify information about loads, vaccines and nutrition. If the dog does not eat well, specialist advice is required. Information on surgical operations and previous diseases is of no small importance. The doctor will not only determine the symptoms of heart failure, but will also prescribe treatment.

The main methods for diagnosing heart failure in dogs include the following:

  1. Auscultation of the chest cavity using a stethophonendoscope to detect cardinal murmurs and arrhythmias.
  2. Roentgenogram. When it is performed, attention is paid to a change in the size of the organ and the presence of congestion in the lungs.
  3. Ultrasound (ultrasound).
  4. ECG (electrocardiogram) - to detect heart rhythm disturbances.
  5. Blood tests to diagnose concomitant ailments.


dog has impaired coordination

At the first manifestations of heart failure, dogs are prescribed a certain therapy, which consists of several stages.

1. Special diet and food quality greatly affect the course of the disease. An unbalanced diet leading to overweight, a lack of vitamins greatly increase the burden on organs, with heart failure it can be fatal. In this case, it is necessary to select only special diets, the action of which is aimed at maintaining the work of the heart.

2. Drug therapy. If the dog began to eat poorly, this is the first sign of the presence of the disease, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only he prescribes the drugs that are necessary for treatment. It is prescribed individually, depending on the age and health of the animal. In the presence of symptoms of heart failure, non-steroidal cardiological preparations Pimopet and Gi Gi are especially popular, as they perfectly reduce the load on the heart and increase the force of contractions. Thanks to the use of such products, the animal’s health improves after the first week of treatment.

3. Continuous monitoring of health. If the dog has been diagnosed with heart failure, then the owner must carefully monitor his condition and regularly visit the veterinarian. At home, you need to control your heart rate and respiratory rate. If the animal makes more than 27 respiratory movements per minute, then you should immediately consult a specialist. If suddenly the dog eats poorly for no apparent reason, then this is also considered an alarming sign.

4. Physical activity is the best assistant in therapy. Properly organized loads are very beneficial for the health of the dog at the first stage of the development of the disease. But you should be careful: with the wrong program of classes, you can only exacerbate the problem. When compiling loads, you need to consult a specialist, only he will set the time for classes and the right exercises, as well as the regularity of their repetitions.

Drug groups

All drugs can be divided into two types.

1. Specific, they directly affect blood vessels, heart and blood:

  • ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme) perfectly reduce blood pressure and facilitate blood flow through the vessels (Captopril, Enalapril).
  • Diuretics They remove excess fluid from the body, thereby reducing the burden on the organ (Veroshpiron, Furosemide).
  • Cardiac glycosides. The names of the drugs are known to everyone, “Digoxin” most often belongs to this category, it normalizes metabolic processes in the myocardium and its contractility.
  • Potassium preparations - they help improve the conductivity of the nerve impulse in the myocardium and lower blood viscosity.
  • Components for blood thinning and prevention of blood clots (Aspirin, Heparin, Curantil).

2. Nonspecific - are general strengthening drugs, which include:

  • adaptogens;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • immunostimulants.


dog weakness

As indicated above, cardiac glycosides (the names of the drugs can be checked with your doctor) are used to treat symptoms of heart failure in dogs and other animals. And also often used in preparing patients for operations. This drug serves to increase heart rate, but it also slows down the rhythm of the heart. Has a small diuretic effect. Often used in conjunction with Vetimedicon. In order for the treatment to become effective, you need to control the respiratory rate in a deep sleep stay. The drug is invented for humans, but it is also used safely for animals.

There is no one way to treat, because all dogs are different. If symptoms of heart failure are identified, treatment should be prescribed individually. At present, several Digoxin dosage regimens for dogs have been developed. But nevertheless, a two-time intake is recommended at regular intervals. The dose of the drug is individual and is prescribed directly by the attending physician. After 3-10 days, an examination is carried out for toxicity and the content of components in the blood. Based on these results, the amount of medication used can be adjusted. The weight of the animal is taken as a calculation. If everything is in order, then such a drug is prescribed for life.


digoxin for dogs dosage

Common strengthening agents to prevent heart failure include dosed physical activity, regular medical examinations, a balanced diet and just a good attitude to the animal, reducing stress.

For owners of especially large breeds, it is recommended to carefully monitor their pet, since it is they who are most often diagnosed with such a disease.

It must be remembered that careful attention to the health of your pet can guarantee a good quality of life and many years of the dog.

Some tips for breeders

Compliance with these simple rules will have a beneficial effect on the health of the dog. So she needs:

1. Strictly metered duration of walks.

2. Excellent nutrition and quality care, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

4. Properly organized leisure, especially for dogs of advanced age.

5. Timely identification and treatment of ailments.

6. A deliberate choice of dog breed, depending on the degree of family activity.

7. The use of drugs strictly prescribed by a doctor. It is necessary to exclude self-medication. If disturbing symptoms are identified, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. The health and life of the dog depends on this.

Veterinary clinic "Zoostatus"

methods for diagnosing heart failure in dogs

This establishment is open around the clock. If necessary, you can contact at any time. It should be noted the high level of knowledge and professionalism of the clinic specialists. And most importantly, they just love animals!

The clinic is equipped with new high-tech equipment, which guarantees high-quality service, accurate diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

After all, when a pet is sick, it is extremely important to identify symptoms in time and prescribe the right treatment. For the diagnosis of diseases in the veterinary clinic "Zoostatus" use comprehensive research. The doctor may refer to:

  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • ECG;
  • digital x-ray;
  • tonometry;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

Such equipment allows you to provide the necessary services for the treatment of animals in Moscow at the proper level.

Patients are offered the services of a therapist, resuscitator, and if necessary, intensive care is available. Surgery of any complexity is also performed.

You can learn about the full range of services by phone or contact the following address: Moscow, Warsaw highway, 125/1.

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