How to Increase Hemoglobin during Pregnancy: Tips, Tips.

Quite often, women during pregnancy encounter the problem of low hemoglobin, which can be caused by various stresses, low blood pressure, as well as diseases of the internal organs. Most women ask: "How to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy?" However, there are women whom it practically does not bother. And in vain!

The norm is 120 g / l, in some cases 100-110 g / l. A low hemoglobin is a sign of anemia, which is characterized by the following symptoms: loss of strength, shortness of breath, tachycardia, constant feeling of fatigue, lack of appetite, frequent colds and brittle nails.

Hemoglobin is a protein containing iron and is responsible for the "transportation" of oxygen to all organs and systems. The lack of oxygen that occurs with reduced hemoglobin negatively affects the health of the mother herself and the full development of the future baby, therefore, the increase in hemoglobin during pregnancy plays a very important role. We will talk about what anemia is, how it is treated, and how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy in this article.

Female iron intake during pregnancy increases by about 1 mg. So, in the normal state, our body needs 1.5-3 mg / day, in the first trimester of pregnancy, this norm increases to 4 mg / day, and in the last - up to 5 mg / day. Iron deficiency occurs due to the fact that now its reserves are divided into three parts. One part of this microelement is spent on the needs of the mother’s body, the second - on the needs of the baby’s body, and the third, the largest part, goes to the construction of the placenta. In addition, the woman’s body stores iron in reserve, in case of complete absence of its receipt.

There are many popular methods and ways to increase hemoglobin, a lot of different drugs that can be purchased at each pharmacy, and a lot of literature containing tips on how to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy. However, do not self-medicate, drink vitamins all in a row, and come up with your own way to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, since an excess of vitamins and minerals in the body can lead to hypovitaminosis, which is also a disease. Control over the hemoglobin index should not be stopped even after childbirth, which is associated with the loss of a large amount of blood and further enhances the woman's need for iron, as well as during breastfeeding.

How exactly to increase hemoglobin, whether it is a drug treatment or a special diet, you will be prompted at the antenatal clinic. In most cases, if the hemoglobin level in the blood is very low, iron-containing drugs and various multivitamins are prescribed, with a slightly lower hemoglobin level, a special diet is prescribed. In addition, outdoor walks and simple gymnastics for pregnant women are mandatory. The diet must necessarily include products that increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, these include:

  1. Meat: chicken, beef, pork, liver and fish.
  2. Legumes and cereals: beans, peas, buckwheat, rye.
  3. Fruits: persimmons, bananas, apples, quinces, pomegranates, plums, pears and peaches.
  4. Berries: strawberries, strawberries, viburnum, cranberries, black currants and blueberries.
  5. Juices: beetroot, carrot and pomegranate.
  6. Vegetables: watercress, green vegetables, potatoes, beets, pumpkin, mustard and onions.

Seafood, dried fruits, walnuts, dark chocolate, natural red caviar, eggs and hematogen also increase hemoglobin well.

It is important that the above products are taken together with foods rich in vitamin C, as it contributes to the rapid absorption of iron, which during pregnancy is interfered with by changes in hormonal balance.

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