Now we will talk about how to make a background in Photoshop in your photos. You and I will have to practice copying layers, touch the “Warp” command, after which we will face a number of tasks in working with various layer styles.
Everything has its time
Follow our tips and you will create a beautiful background for "Photoshop", which
Perfect for your picture. Open our original photo. Copy the original image to a new layer: for this, you can use a special command called by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J. Select the Stroke tool, then the Area tool, and swipe to the desired area in the photo., , , "", . , , , , , . , Ctrl+J.
«», « » . Enter . , , , «» – «» , . Ctrl+J.
Go to the tab called "Editing", then - "Free
transformation ”, again stretch the selection with markers to the borders of the photo (bottom to top). We get a picture with vertical stripes.How to make a background in Photoshop: overlay
Turn on the peephole on the top layer where there are horizontal stripes, and look at the opacity and blending modes. First set the opacity of the layer, you can try within 50%. After that, you can experiment with different blending modes. Choose the one you like best. You can, for example, pay attention to "Attenuation".
How to make a background in Photoshop: make you see the main thing
We, in fact, do not need the whole photo, we select the most interesting fragments and focus on them. To this end, the following steps have to be completed.
Extinguish the eyes in both layers, which contain strips. Activate the layer on which the copy of the background is placed and select the "Selection" tool, then - "Rectangular area".
Highlight what you want to see in your future picture. Copy the selection into a new layer with Ctrl + J. Move this new layer to the very top. Turn on the eyes in the stripes.
Go to the "Editing" tab, then - "Transformation", after that -
"Warp", slightly bend the image, clinging to the markers with the cursor. Verify that you are in the layer with the selection you selected. Upon completion of the deformation, do not forget to press the Enter key.A few words about the design
: « ""?» - . , , . « ».
«». «» «». . , , . «», «», «» .
There are not enough figures for the final picture. You can add, for example, traces, for this you need to turn to the layer with stripes, it is under the selected layer. Figures from the photograph can be moved to the desired location using the special tool "Move". In our case, you can apply a specific layer style to one trace by double-clicking the left mouse button on the shape layer.
In order for the second trace to get a style, like the first, we do as follows: right
with a mouse click on the layer with the figure for which the style was selected earlier, a list will appear in which we select “Copy style”. Go to the layer with the shape that does not have a style, after which we also click on it with the mouse (right button), select “Paste style” in the list that appears., . , , . . .
"", , , , . « », . . , , «», .
After that, press the Delete key on the keyboard and remove the selection using the combination Ctrl + D. So we got eyes whose background is transparent. After that, transfer the fragment to the image, which will be the new background. We place everything in the grid, then, with the left mouse button pressed, with the "Move" tool selected, we transfer the picture with the eyes.
If you have any small white fragments in the photo, you can remove them using the Eraser tool. Place your eyes in a place you like, duplicate them with Ctrl + J, select the bottom layer, go to “Filter”, then “Blur”, then “Blur according to Gaussian”. Choose a radius
5 pixels, click OK., , . Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S, .png"", .
, , , . . «» «». , - Gaussian Blur. – . "".