High-speed connection: instructions for creating and configuring, tips and tricks

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without the use of the Internet, which has penetrated almost all spheres of activity. To configure access to the World Wide Web, as the Internet is sometimes called, many different technologies are used. And one of the most popular communication options is a high-speed PPPoE-based connection. What is it and how to configure access to the Internet using such technologies, and then we will figure it out.

Windows High Speed ​​Internet Connection: What Is It?

First, find out what this type of connection is. Actually, the name speaks for itself - Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet.

Active High Speed ​​Connectivity

Such a connection is characterized by a high data transfer rate, and in a compressed form, which positively affects the speed of calling the requested websites or downloading files. A high-speed connection works in Windows 10, systems of a lower rank or even in other OSs different from them are exactly the same. In essence, it resembles an obsolete type of access with dial-up on a telephone, but it uses an Ethernet network instead of a telephone line. Separately, it is worth saying that this type of connection, if you decrypt the PPPoE abbreviation, is a point-to-point connection in which one of the parties is the user, and the other is the access server of the provider. Due to data compression, an increase in the connection speed is provided, and the use of logins and passwords, not to mention encryption without loss of bandwidth, excludes the possibility of access to such a connection from outside or third parties that have not passed authentication, which, by the way, is performed every time a communication session is started .

Creating a high-speed connection in Windows 7 and other similar systems

As for the creation of this type of connection, in any Windows-system to perform such actions, as they say, is as simple as possible. To do this, through the standard “Control Panel”, you need to enter the network and sharing management section, and then use the item to create a new connection. In a new window, you need to select an Internet connection, after which a window with three options will appear.

Creating a new connection with the choice of its type

High speed connection using PPPoE is preferred. Immediately it is worth considering that the described action option assumes that there are no active connections on the computer. Otherwise, a warning may appear that must be ignored using the “Continue Anyway” item.

Mandatory settings

After selecting the type of connection, a window will appear for entering the required parameters that are provided to the user by the provider or mobile operator.

Entering a password and other necessary data

Here, without fail, you will need to enter the password for high-speed connection. The username and connection name are optional. In order not to enter the password again in the future, it is recommended to immediately mark the point of remembering it. At the end of all the steps, you can make the first connection and check your Internet access. Again, if the computer already has a configured active connection, at some stages the connection proposed for execution will need to be postponed and, as in the previous case, ignore all system warnings.

What should be considered especially?

As you can see, creating a PPPoE connection looks very simple. In this case, the user does not need to go into any additional parameters in order to set their values ​​on their own. Even if you look at the properties of the IPv4 protocol, which in most cases is used for all types of connections (IPv6 has not yet been widely distributed), the parameters will indicate the automatic receipt of addresses of all types. This is only due to the fact that a connection of this type, unlike similar PPPTP, which uses point-to-point tunneling, works only through MAC addresses on top of Ethernet, and not through TCP / IP, so set some parameters in the properties the protocol itself or in the router settings (especially to forward ports 1723 or 1792) is absolutely pointless. The same applies to setting exceptions to the rules for ports when using the built-in Windows firewall (you can only set permissions for individual applications using the current high-speed connection, such as browsers).

Common Errors

Despite the apparent advantages of the connection of the type described, and it is not safe from the appearance of failures or unforeseen errors. At the same time, messages with different error codes look almost the same.

Connection Error 651

As for the failures themselves, most often you can find codes 651, 678, 800, etc. Connection error (high-speed connection is interrupted) can be eliminated quite simply, but only if it is not connected with the provider.

Fatal issues

It will not be possible to fix failures only in the most critical situations. So, for example, if the connection is interrupted precisely due to the fault of the provider or mobile operator, nothing can be done. The same applies to cases when the binding equipment fails, and it needs to be changed to working. Sometimes the connection may be interrupted by the server containing the requested page, which is very rare and mainly concerns only situations where a virus was detected on the page and the user ignored the threat message.

Basic methods for fixing software crashes

How to configure a high-speed connection, sorted out. With errors, there also seems to be some clarity. Now let's look at the simplest user actions if the failures are purely related to the subjective settings of the connection itself and the operating system as a whole.

Reset Router Settings

First of all, to fix the malfunctions with codes 651 and 678, you should use the reset of the router settings by applying either a complete shutdown of 10-15 seconds from the power supply or by using the corresponding item in the web interface. The second method is more preferable.

Update Network Controller Drivers

If this does not help, you can restore a high-speed connection by reinstalling the network adapter drivers and the components designated in the “Device Manager” as Miniport. In this situation, it’s better not to “reinvent the wheel”, but rather give preference to automated programs like Driver Booster, which will update the drivers of all components of the computer system without user intervention. If you use several network adapters on computers or laptops, you need to disable all unused ones, and leave only the one that will be used for the created connection to work. Finally, in the most extreme cases, it is recommended to change some registry settings (regedit).

Change registry key values

In the HKLM branch, you need to find or move to the Tcpip directory, located in the Parameters folder, located in the settings directory, and set the key DisableTaskOffload to "1", and for the EnableRSS record to "0", and then reboot the system completely. If there are no such keys in the specified section (which is quite common), you will need to create DWORD parameters yourself, and then assign them the corresponding names and values. The most recent solution is to re-create the connection, but the existing one must be deleted without fail.

Brief summary

On this, in principle, the connection type PPPoE, you can put an end to it. Setting up a connection, as already understood, is quite simple. As for eliminating possible failures with different errors, there should not be any special difficulties. However, the most important conclusion that can be drawn from the foregoing is that the manually assigned parameters for the created connection should not be changed. In the most emergency, as an additional solution, you can use the change of DNS-servers, setting as their addresses free combinations from Google, Yandex or other services that provide them to all users without any restrictions.

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