Intimate hygiene of a newborn baby boy

So, today we will be interested in the hygiene of a newborn boy. This is a fairly important issue that requires special attention. After all, improper care of the genitals can cause certain health problems. And both in the baby and in the adult. Therefore, it is necessary to properly carry out hygiene procedures, especially in boys. But what are the rules to pay attention to? How to act at home and the hospital? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It was not so easy to comply with established rules, but now this process is much easier. A variety of cosmetic children's products come to the rescue, greatly facilitating life.

hygiene of a newborn boy

Daily wash

The first thing to remember is that some rules are suitable not only for boys, but also for girls. And to begin with, learn one truth - you can not ignore the daily numerous washing. It is about bringing the process to life during a diaper change.

The foreskin of the babies is narrowed. This phenomenon should independently pass by approximately 4-5 years of life. Inside the foreskin are the sebaceous glands. And if the daily hygiene of the newborn boy is not carried out, a favorable environment for a variety of bacteria will develop there. And this is a direct path to the formation of inflammation.

So you need to wash your baby every time you change the diaper. There is nothing difficult. Usually, even in the hospital they talk about the need for constant washing.

intimate hygiene of newborn boys


It has already been said that sebaceous glands are located on the baby's penis. They develop a special secret from time to time. It is called smegma. This substance accumulates on the genitals of the child. An unpleasant odor usually emanates from it, and the smegma looks like white flakes. This secret can cause inflammation of the head of the penis. Therefore, it is necessary to check the accumulation of smegma from time to time and delete it.

How is the genital hygiene of a newborn boy? To remove smegma, slightly pull out the foreskin, then moisten a cotton swab with vegetable oil (boil it in advance). Remove smegma so that there are no villi on the genitals . Now slightly moisten the baby's penis with vegetable oil. It's all. Please note that smegma is not removed with your hands and cotton buds, this is prohibited. Under the foreskin, climbing is also prohibited.

sexual hygiene of a newborn baby boy

Redness of the flesh

Sometimes even observing the above two rules can play a trick, and inflammation on the genitals of the boy will still appear. How to act in this case? Seek medical attention immediately for help. After this, it is usually recommended to treat the penis with potassium permanganate or dioxidine solution.

The procedure is carried out easily and simply - a tampon or cotton pad is moistened in a solution of manganese, then the foreskin of the baby is moved away. Pat your baby’s skin with a swab. And that's all, nothing else is needed. The procedure is preferably performed daily until victory over inflammation.

Body fluid

It is hard to believe, but the hygiene of a newborn boy includes such a thing as providing the baby with a plentiful amount of liquid. This is a kind of prophylaxis against urethral inflammation.

genital hygiene of a newborn baby boy

As practice shows, the more often urination in a newborn, the less chance of problems. Therefore, try to provide the newborn with enough fluid. It does not matter what it will be - a mixture, breast milk or water. The main thing is that the child does not starve and at the same time receives a sufficient amount of fluid. Usually frequent attachment to the chest is enough.

Proper washing

What should I look for? On how the sexual hygiene of a newborn boy is carried out. The rules are not so hard to remember. To get started, prepare the water. It should be warm, but not hot. Note that the jet should not be strong. Now, first of all, wash your ass with circular massaging soft movements. Next, on the elbow, put the baby and direct a stream of water from the penis to the scrotum. That's all.

Please note: there is no need to use soap. It only overdries delicate skin. The maximum allowed is a special liquid soap for washing. But they, too, soaping the delicate skin of the child is not recommended.

genital hygiene in newborn boys

Washing should be done only with the use of hands. No brushes and washcloths! This will only negatively affect the genitals of the child. Moreover, this rule is relevant for both boys and girls.

We wipe ourselves

These are not all the features that must be observed. After direct washing, the hygiene of the newborn boy (in the first days of the house and not only) does not end. The thing is that the child must still be wiped correctly. Otherwise, redness and irritation cannot be avoided.

Firstly, for intimate hygiene, the baby should have a separate towel. Soft and not too fluffy. Such that villi do not remain after use. Secondly, the technique of wiping the child also takes place. Hygiene of a newborn boy (and girls too) involves blotting the skin. Do not wipe the kids with pressure. It only hurts. Just blot wet areas. Therefore, a towel for intimate hygiene should absorb moisture well. Take care of this in advance.

hygiene of a newborn baby boy photo


What features of hygiene of a newborn should parents know? Diaper rash can appear not only due to the lack of washing. Sometimes diapers are the cause of this phenomenon. This applies to both girls and boys. How to avoid the negative effects of diapers?

To do this, let the baby take air baths. Hygiene of the genitals in newborn boys and girls implies that after washing and soaking the child lies a little with a bare booty. No need to rush to wear a diaper immediately after water procedures. Let the genitals "aerate." This will help to avoid excessive irritation on the skin.


Hygiene of a newborn boy (photos of the correct procedure are presented) - this is what requires additional cosmetics. But without fanaticism. Get a baby diaper moisturizer, baby powder. And after each wash, treat the skin with these products. This is a very important point. It helps not only prevent a variety of diaper rash and redness. Such procedures relieve irritation on the baby's delicate skin.

By the way, a variety of auxiliary cosmetics come to the aid of mothers in the modern world. If you do not want to wash your baby (or, for example, there is no way to do this) every time you change the diaper, you can replace the water with special wet wipes. Gently wipe the newborn with them: first the ass, then the penis to the scrotum. Just like a wash. But note - wet towel wiping does not cancel daily bathing and air baths. Of course, you should not forget about baby cream or powder.

hygiene of a newborn boy in the early days of home

No overheating

The last rule, which includes the hygiene of a newborn boy, is the absence of overheating. You should not wrap the baby strongly in the genital area. Overheating negatively affects health.

Also pay attention to what clothes you choose for the baby. Natural fabrics are suitable. Try to buy clothes in size, but so that they are not cramped. These rules will help to avoid unnecessary problems with the genitals of the child. Therefore, they will have to be respected.

In principle, no special actions are required from parents to care for the baby's genitals. Is it necessary to learn how to change the diaper. This is recommended once every 3 hours, as well as immediately after bowel movement. Such manipulations help to avoid inflammation, redness and diaper rash. This is how intimate hygiene of newborn boys is carried out.

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