What is characterized by herpes sore throat in a child?

Angina, as you know, most often affects children. In order to become infected with this disease, sometimes contact with a sick person, cold air or a drink is enough. Relatively rarely diagnosed is herpes sore throat in a child. Enteroviruses of the ECHO group and Koksaki are considered its causative agents, and you can get infected exclusively by the fecal-oral method. Let's talk about this disease in more detail.

herpes sore throat in a child

Top reasons

Infection, according to experts, primarily occurs when non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. In addition, herpes sore throat in a child can be diagnosed in case of reduced immunity. Often this ailment occurs against the background of the flu.

Symptoms and Prior Signs

Herpes sore throat in a child as a whole manifests itself in the same way as the most common sore throat. The disease usually begins with a slight sore throat and a runny nose, subsequently, the body temperature rises slightly. However, the very next day, herpes sore throat in a child fully takes over. So, it becomes painful to swallow, weakness is felt throughout the body, and the temperature rises to the level of 39-40 degrees. Lymph nodes can enlarge, and even the slightest touch to them causes severe pain. Small patients up to four years old begin to complain of severe pain in the abdomen, nausea and refuse any food.

herpes sore throat in children Komarovsky


Unfortunately, at the moment, this ailment can be identified exclusively through special studies. However, they are carried out extremely rarely and practically do not give the desired result, since most often the overall clinical picture is blurred due to prolonged use of drugs.

Herpes sore throat in children: photo and treatment

According to doctors, this kind of ailment does not require special treatment, unlike its other forms. As a rule, antibiotics, antiseptics and various painkillers are prescribed for a small patient. In some cases, the doctor additionally recommends funds that are responsible for enhancing immunity, as well as gargling. Note that antibiotics in therapy are used only when the causative agent of the disease is a bacterial infection.

herpes sore throat in children photo

Herpes sore throat in children: Komarovsky

The famous doctor Komarovsky in his lectures strongly recommends that with this disease, gargle with some decoctions of herbs (sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, etc.). The procedure should be performed once every hour. Small children who still do not know how to independently gargle, need to do irrigation with these decoctions until the ailment completely disappears. If the baby refuses these procedures, you can use special children's sprays (for example, “Hexoral” or “Tantum Verde”). As for the latter option, in this case, a preliminary consultation with the doctor is necessary.

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