The physical and speech development of the child is associated with many reasons. The state of health, the situation in the family, some hereditary factors affect the ability of the baby. It is necessary to know the developmental norms of the child by months and years in order to notice deviations in time and take measures to correct them. Lagging behind average values may indicate a disease or an individual child. Pediatricians are based on standards, observing the development of a small patient. With significant deviations, additional consultation of narrow specialists will be required.
Norms of development in 1-3 months
A newborn communicates with matter through a scream. If the child wants to eat, he is uncomfortable or cold, then he calls his mother. But by the end of the first month, the baby begins to respond to the mother's voice, listens to it. His arms are still moving erratically, and his legs imitate walking movements in the air. At the same age, the child tries to hold his head.
At 2 months, the baby is smiling. This reaction is caused by mom’s voice, light stroking. When screaming and when he is walking, vowel sounds a, e, and are clearly heard. Active communication between mother and child contributes to the development of his speech. The kid looks at the mirror with interest. It fades at the sight of reflection or becomes more active.
The norm of development of children at 2 months is the ability to raise and hold the head in an upright position. The vestibular apparatus is developing. The kid is trying to grab the item. If the toy fell into his hands, then it becomes difficult to pick it up.
At 3 months, a “revitalization complex” appears. The child waves his arms and legs when his mother appears, makes various sounds that can be used to determine whether he is happy or angry. Successfully holds the head for 2-3 minutes, on the tummy rises to the elbows. May roll over. The movements do not have clear coordination, but leaving him alone on the couch is already dangerous.
Baby development 4-6 months
At 4 months, the neck muscles become stronger. The child already holds his head well and examines others with interest. He can lean on his elbows, roll over from the tummy to the back. His movements become focused. He grabs the toys, shifts from one hand to another. The child recognizes loved ones, smiles when they talk to him. Consonant sounds appear in speech. Specialists call it agukany. When strangers are alarmed. Age norms of the development of the fourth month child:
- Examines reflection in the mirror.
- Keeps track of moving toys.
- Raises the buttocks above the table when lying on the tummy.
- He takes his parents by the finger and makes attempts to pull themselves up from a prone position.
- Confidently holds mother's breast, bottle.
- The weight of boys by this age reaches 6-7 kg, and height - 60-63 cm.
At 5 months, the baby distinguishes the mother at a distance of several meters. Some babies make their first attempts to crawl. Lying on his stomach, the child rests on his palms, stretches out to see something interesting. Frustrated when mom leaves. What did the child learn by the end of the month:
- Pronounces the first syllables.
- Standing with the support of an adult.
- Plays with parents.
- The first tooth may appear.
- The increase in weight is 650-700 g, in height - 2 cm.
At 6 months, the mother understands by intonation of the child what he needs. He cries when he wants to eat, when he is wet or just wants to talk. The kid knows how to sit in the arms of his parents. Makes the first attempts to crawl. Norms of development of children in half a year:
- He knows his name.
- It can creep a little on the stomach.
- Actively engaged in toys, looks at them, picks them up, puts them in place.
- Rejoices in music and making toys.
- The baby in a month should put on weight 650 g, and grow by 2 cm.
Child development 7-9 months
At 7 months, the child manifests character. The kid can identify some objects, point to them when parents ask about it. To strangers reacts crying. Rises to the legs, holding on to the support. He walks for a long time, uses intonation when communicating with his mother. Confidently sitting, looking at pictures, listening to reading books with pleasure. Highlights of the development of the child at 7 months:
- Sits down with the help of an adult or on his own, holding his hand for support.
- Confidently sits.
- He plays, makes "frogs".
- Walks, stretching sounds.
- The kid by this age grew another 2 cm, and became heavier by 600 g.
at 8 months, the child begins to actively move around the apartment, crawls, walks along the support. It identifies familiar people among others, recognizes parents in the photo. He can hold a spoon, at the request of picking up a toy. Repeats the same sounds. At the end of the month, the child is able to:
- Walk along the support.
- Oriented in the apartment, finds the necessary items.
- Refuses to sit all the time in the crib, strive to learn new things.
- He actively walks, repeats sounds, some children pronounce the first words: “mother”, “give”, “tu-tu”.
- Weight, on average, increased by 550 g, and height - 2 cm. Kids should weigh 8.1 - 8.5 kg. Their growth reaches 68-71 cm.
By 9 months, many children take the first steps with support, confidently walk along the support, can independently get up from the floor. They play with interest with adults and on their own. Norms of development of children at 9 months:
- Sit down independently.
- Actively crawl.
- Show familiar subjects.
- Understand the word "no."
- Speak in their own language, clearly pronounce some words.
- Weight increases by 500 g and height by 1.5 cm.
Norms of development in 10-12 months
At 10 months, babies begin to take their first independent steps, try to tear themselves away from the support, or walk with one hand on the parents finger. If necessary, the child can sit down, take a toy and go on with it. He is attracted to the pyramids, musical toys, yule. He may be carried away by sorting out the little rings, turn over the sheets of a cardboard book, take an interest in other children, listen to the conversation, and answer the sounds of his mother’s speech. Finds toys that mom asks for. Norms of development of a child up to a year:
- Take steps without support.
- Confidently creeps on his knees.
- Throws toys out of the crib.
- Finds eyes on the face, nose.
- Gains 450 g in weight per month, grows by 1.5 cm.
At 11 months, the child with curiosity studies the world around him, examines the objects found, licks them. Finds a hidden toy, and in the picture a given item. It stands without support, walks without support. Dancing to music, rejoicing in the joy of parents. Speaks consciously the first simple words. Shows body parts. He has already learned:
- Actively get up, sit down, walk.
- Distinguish praise and punishment.
- Point to the item that he needs.
- Waving hello and bye.
- Take small objects with your fingers.
- The kid still grew by 1.5 cm, gained 400 g in weight.
in 1 year take stock. This is a small person. The little man expresses desires, understands speech, tries to answer. Confidently walks without support. Pronounces the first words denoting an action. The norm of development of a child up to a year are:
- The ability to walk the shortest distance.
- Raise objects from the floor.
- Step over the threshold.
- Find the necessary items.
- Call mom.
- Say a lot of simple words: "mother", "woman", "dad", "Lala" and so on.
- By year, babies should weigh 9.8-10.6 kg. Their growth should be 72-76 cm. Small deviations from these figures are also considered normal if the children are active, healthy, and develop correctly.
Child development 1-1.5 years
By the year the child’s weight increases, on average, 3 times, and height - 25 cm. Now this is a grown independent man. The child can walk actively.
The desire to do everything yourself leads to action. The kid holds a spoon, eats it, sometimes with his hands. While dressing, gives mom a pen. Knows the purpose of items. The phone and mother use the comb as intended.
Norms of children's mental development and physical activity:
- He uses a spoon himself.
- Fulfills simple requests of parents.
- Climbing the stairs, holding mom's hand.
- He speaks his own language.
- Shows the desired item.
- He plays in the "frogs".
- Speaks consciously some words.
- Laughs out loud.
- Understands the reaction of parents.
- Drinks from a cup.
- He nods his head, saying yes.
- Draws with a pencil.
- Removes socks.
- Plays without adults.
- Rolls the ball.
- Stacks toys in a box.
- Helps mom clean floors or dust.
- Walks by hand or independently.
By 1.5 years, new skills are added to previous skills. A child can:
- Confidently walk.
- Show dissatisfaction.
- Arrange a tantrum if you have not achieved what you want.
- Learn new subjects, climb onto a chair, sofa.
- Take off your pants, sweatshirt.
- "Feed" the dolls.
- Brush your teeth.
- Daytime sleep periods are reduced to 1 time.
- The kid makes the first simple sentences.
At 18 months, the average weight of the child is 11.5 kg, height - 81 cm.
Norms of development from 1.5 to 2 years
After 1.5 years, the child’s growth rate slows down. Intellectual development comes first. What are the norms of physical development in children aged 18-20 months? He can:
- Open cabinets.
- Build a tower of cubes.
- Collect the pyramid.
- Imitate adults.
- Wash your hands, wash your face.
- Undress.
- Ask for a pot.
- Know all parts of the body, be able to show them.
- Pronounce up to 50 words.
- Say a few sentences.
Small deviations are due to the individual characteristics of the child. If most of the baby performs, then there is no reason for concern.
At 2 years old, the child can already go to kindergarten, so he should have the following skills:
- Asking for a toilet, “accidents” still happen, but he must understand the urge.
- Collect puzzles from 2-4 parts.
- Wear shorts and a T-shirt.
- To take clothes off.
- To understand "cold - hot", "big-small."
- Jump, run, climb the stairs.
- Distinguish people by gender.
The norms of speech development of children from 2 years old are changing, the vocabulary of the child is increasing rapidly. He can memorize up to 10 words a day, understand and pronounce them.
Child development in 2-3 years
At this age, children tend to adapt to the children's team. Moms go to work, and the child becomes more independent and independent. Norms of child development at 3 years:
- He can easily go down and climb stairs.
- Dress and undress.
- Climb the gym wall.
- Kick the ball.
- Go to the potty.
- Draw a straight line.
- Cut with scissors.
- Build a pyramid.
Psycho-emotional development does not stand still. The norms of speech development of a child at this age are such that he can:
- Name and show parts of the body and face.
- Identify objects and animals that can swim, fly, run.
- Make sentences of 4-5 words.
- Understand adult speech.
- Fulfill complex double requests.
- Learn quatrains.
- Draw.
- Build.
- Interact with other children.
- Distinguish primary colors.
- Use polite words.
- To ask questions.
- Work with plasticine.
Norms of development in 3 - 4 years
The child enters preschool age. He already interacts with adults and peers, knows how to run, jump, perform various actions. Perhaps he is trying to manipulate adults. Many children at this age take on tasks that they cannot cope with. Kids go through the next stage of emotional development. For this year, their skill is considered to be the norm for the development of children:
- Find a discrepancy in the pictures.
- Identify the similarities and differences of objects.
- Count to 3.
- Show geometric shapes.
- Compare items in size and shape.
- Define "many, few", "high - low."
- Remember 2 - 3 pictures.
- Repeat many adult movements.
- Describe pictures.
- Name and surname.
- Identify the main actions of a person.
- Speak loudly and quietly.
- Call the animals.
- Sort items by feature.
- Know the names of some birds and animals.
- Identify vegetables, fruits, berries.
- Distinguish between periods of the day.
- Colorize pictures.
- Draw different lines, dots.
- Observe good hygiene practices.
- Name the main phenomena of nature.
In a crisis of three years, parents must remain calm. This phenomenon is temporary, soon the child will become calm again, will learn to properly communicate with adults and peers.
Development in 5-7 years
At this age, the child learns to control behavior and emotions. Children should be able to listen to the teacher, to complete tasks. The developmental standards of a child at 5 years of age suggest their ability to perform such actions:
- Solve simple tasks and puzzles.
- Count to 10.
- Answer the questions "how much", "which".
- Determine the shape of volumetric objects.
- Divide the square or circle by the number of specified parts.
- Continue the chain of given items.
- Find an extra item.
- Compose a story from a picture.
- Come up with a continuation of the story.
- Sort items by feature.
- Give the name, surname, address, know the full names of the parents.
- Use intonation, express emotions and mood.
- To be able to draw conclusions, to defend their point of view.
- To have a dialog.
- Learn poems.
- Distinguish household items and determine their purpose.
- Know the phenomena of nature.
- Remember the names of the heroes of fairy tales.
- Build complex shapes from the constructor.
A child may react poorly to a change of residence or daily routine. At this age, there is an improvement in his nervous system. A preschooler becomes independent, an emotional load increases on him.
Pediatric Tips
Watching the development of the baby, parents should not be nervous because of small deviations, if any. Most often, the basis is a genetic predisposition. A child lagging behind growth can overtake peers in the teenage period. If the baby's parents are not high, then you should not expect that children will be above average.
The child must live in its own rhythm. For successful learning, do not rush the baby. The child's sleep should be appropriate for his age. Do not deprive a preschool child of weekend rest.
Observe the daily routine, include elements of hardening, outdoor and calm games, affordable housework - these are necessary components of raising children and caring for them.
Norms and deviations in the development of the child are a conditional factor. The doctor should notice when examining whether the baby is age-appropriate. Only a specialist will determine whether to take action.