The nutrition of a child of 1 year is divided by pediatricians into two periods: from a year to one and a half and from one and a half to two years. The first period does not make any significant changes in the diet or in the methods of cooking. All dishes at this age are fed mainly in the form of mashed potatoes (mashed) and are given to the baby mainly from a spoon.
At this time, the child learns to chew food and only then swallow it. This is a kind of preparation for the assimilation of more coarse food - pieces, lumps.
The pacifier and bottles need to be gradually removed, since the baby, accustomed to liquid food, often refuses any other kind of it (including mashed potatoes).
A child’s diet at 1 year requires regularity (hourly feeding).
The optimal regime of the day during this period should approach this schedule:
8.00 - rise and morning toilet
8.30 - breakfast
9.30-12.00 - walks
12.30 - lunch
until 4 p.m. - sleep
16.30-17.00 - afternoon tea
17.00-18.30 - walk
19.00-19.30 - dinner
from 20.30 - a dream
23.00 - night feeding (if necessary)
Of course, this schedule is approximate. The main goal we are striving for is compliance with the “eat-walk-sleep” regime. By the way, a walk does not mean only riding a child in a stroller. This must necessarily include communication and games appropriate for age.
It would be wrong to force the baby to observe the newly established regimen. This is double stress for both the baby and mom. Therefore, implement plans gradually. If, for example, a baby wakes up earlier than 8.00, try to maintain a half hour break between sleeping and feeding. As a last resort, let him have a bite to eat with something light (like vegetable or fruit puree). Do not limit the crumbs in drinking - he should drink as much as he wants.
A child's nutrition at 1 year provides fivefold feeding. Sometimes after a year, children refuse the second (night) dinner. In this case, they are transferred to another, four-time rhythm, slightly increasing the interval between meals. In this case, there is no harm to the child’s body. The main thing, as already mentioned, is that a child’s nutrition at 1 year should be regular and scheduled every hour.
With five meals a day, the approximate amount of food is approximately 250 g, respectively, daily - about 1200 g.
A child’s nutrition at 1 year should become more diverse. Of course, dairy products continue to lead so far (750 g of milk per day). Introduced mashed cottage cheese and cheese (also mashed).
As for eggs, for a year and a half it is better to give only the yolk (steeply cooked, added to the vegetable puree).
It is better to give low-fat meat dishes from veal, poultry, beef, liver in the morning (grated, in the form of paste), since the meat is digested longer. The norm of meat at this age is 85 g per day.
Instead of meat, once a week the child is given marine fish (boiled, mashed, preferably fillet). River and lake fish in the presence of exudative diathesis can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
Vegetable purees are best combined. It is undesirable to get involved in potatoes that make it difficult to digest (no more than 150 g per day). Of vegetables, cauliflower, carrots, turnips, white cabbage, pumpkin, onions are preferred. All this, of course, is given in boiled form.
Honey is especially carefully introduced into the baby’s nutrition. This is a too strong allergen, therefore, in addition to benefits, it can also be harmful.