Chihuahua weight chart: whim or necessity?

Happy puppy owners often worry if their pet is developing properly. If there are no signs of the disease, the dog is cheerful and cheerful, it is only necessary to treat it from parasites in time, vaccinate and make sure that the height and weight correspond to age. The owners of small dogs are especially hard on this issue, since for a German Great Dane puppy the difference of 50 grams is not as critical as for a Chihuahua. To help the owners of representatives of this breed, a Chihuahua weight table was compiled.

chihuahua weight table

What determines the weight of the dog?

The fatness of animals within the same breed may vary. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The mass of the puppy's parents.
  2. His own birth weight.
  3. Feeding and diet.

Standards for an adult dog are spelled out in the standard of the breed to which it belongs. Check if the puppy's body weight matches them, will help the Chihuahua's monthly weight chart. In the simplest version, a range is specified, falling into which is the norm. There are more detailed options that take into account the weight of the puppy at birth.

How is weight gaining?

Representatives of small breeds most actively grow and gain mass in the period up to 6 months. Usually by 8-10 months they practically meet the standard of an adult dog. Below is a table to be guided by.

Age, monthWeight (g) at birth 70 gWeight (g) at birth 80 g

It is very important not to overfeed the dog until six months. The right diet is the foundation of a pet’s health. A overfed dog may remain obese for life. In addition, overweight causes health problems. Chihuahua weight table allows you to evaluate the correctness of the diet and feeding schedule.

If it was not at hand, then you can focus on approximate numbers. So, at 3 months the puppy should weigh half as much as an adult dog. However, in order to avoid health problems, it is better to consult a veterinarian or find a resource on which a weight table is laid out. Chihuahua - small dogs, for which a difference of even 30 g can be significant.

What threatens overweight?

Excessive fatness discomforts the dog, depriving it of the joys of active games. Obese dogs are more difficult to tolerate heat, they have a tendency to heart disease and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Chihuahua monthly weight table

A responsible owner who wants to raise a healthy dog ​​should pay great attention to development indicators in the process of puppy growth. The Chihuahua weight table will be of great help in this. Dogs live for 14-16 years, and the period of puppyhood is the foundation of all future life.

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