Coccidiosis in rabbits kept at home with a decorative purpose is quite rare. But for their brothers, bred for meat and skins, the disease poses a serious threat.
What is dangerous rabbit coccidiosis
These animals are subject to many infectious ailments. The greatest damage is caused by rabbit viral diseases. So, coccidiosis (eimeriosis) is considered one of the diseases that sharply reduces the efficiency of animal breeding. When kept on the litter, the invasion spreads very quickly and affects the entire population of rabbitry. Existing drugs are quite effective, both for treatment and for the prevention of the disease, but they are very expensive. An ill animal is forever behind in growth and development. In addition, coccidiosis in rabbits can occur in a latent form and provoke a decrease in resistance to other diseases, as well as contribute to poor digestibility of feed. As a result, food consumption increases, and the increase in live weight remains below average.
Therefore, the basis for successful breeding are measures to prevent coccidiosis in rabbits (after all, treatment is always more expensive than prevention). The economic damage from product shortages during the outbreak of eimeriosis is enormous. If we consider the parasitic diseases of rabbits, coccidiosis is the most dangerous invasion, because it is characterized by a high incidence rate, and if untreated, mortality can reach 100%.
The causes of the disease
Coccidiosis in rabbits is caused by nine species of eimeria. These are the simplest unicellular organisms belonging to the coccidia order. They have a complex development cycle, thanks to which the parasite has great reproducibility. It was established that one sick animal daily releases from the environment from 9 to 680 million coccidium oocysts. And from one oocyst, several million eimeria develop. Another feature of the parasite is that each species has a strict specificity. Therefore, despite the fact that all classes of animals suffer from coccidiosis, rabbits can become infected only from rabbits, chickens - only from hens, sheep - only from sheep, and so on.
The complexity of treatment and prevention of invasion is that coccidia are ubiquitous, and infection of rabbits with eimeria varies between 70-100%. Sick and ill animals, adult parasitic carrier rabbits secrete spore forms of the pathogen (oocysts) with feces into the external environment. To destroy this form of the pathogen is almost impossible, since the spore is very resistant to the effects of chemical and physical factors. Oocysts are carried on the sole of shoes, with inventory, pollute the walking yards. In addition, rabbits are designed so that eating their own feces is an integral part of their healthy digestion. Night litter secreted from the cecum (light soft balls covered with mucus) is a source of B vitamins, stimulates the immune system, and supplies the necessary microflora to the intestines. Unfortunately, along with droppings, coccidia eggs also enter the body.
Of great importance in the occurrence of the disease are poor growing conditions for young animals: unsanitary conditions, crowding, high humidity, temperature fluctuations in the room, the formation of groups of animals of different ages, poor quality food, a sharp change in diet. Outbreaks of coccidiosis more often occur in the spring and autumn, but can occur at any time of the year.
Characteristic of the pathogen
Five types of coccidia are of practical importance. Four of them parasitize in the epithelium of the small and large intestines: E. perforans, E. media, E. magna, E. irresidua. The fifth species, E. stiedae, lives in the epithelium of the bile ducts of the liver. In the contents of the intestine or in the litter, the norm may contain a small amount of oocysts (1-2 in the field of view). This does not mean the presence of a disease. In some cases, other rabbit viral or parasitic diseases may also exhibit intestinal symptoms. A photo taken under a large magnification of the microscope allows a good view of the structure of coccidia oocysts. They are oval or round formations ranging in size from 10 to 40 microns, a double shell and dark contents (sporocyst) are well marked. At one narrowed end is a small cap (micropile). The diagnosis of coccidiosis in rabbits is confirmed by examination of fecal matter under a microscope using the Darling method. Detection of single oocysts in the absence of other symptoms of the disease is not a basis for diagnosis.
Clinical signs of coccidiosis
This disease can occur in acute, subacute and chronic form. Young animals aged 20 to 60 days are most susceptible to the disease. Often coccidiosis manifests itself during weaning of rabbits from the mother and when transferring them to normal feed. In animals of 3-5 months of age, the disease is less severe, and adult rabbits are practically not susceptible to the disease, although they can be carriers and provoke coccidiosis. Symptoms appear 4-12 days after infection. Theoretically, the intestinal, hepatic and mixed forms of coccidiosis are separated, but in practice, the invasion proceeds mainly in a mixed form. First, the intestines are affected, along with common signs of malaise (lethargy, lack of appetite), diarrhea appears, less often constipation, the abdomen becomes swollen and painful, the mucous membranes of the eye and oral cavity turn pale. Sick animals lose weight, lag behind in growth, mucus and bloody inclusions are found in the feces.
The appearance of feces helps to diagnose coccidiosis and other parasitic diseases of rabbits. A photo of the litter with coccidiosis clearly shows the characteristic streaks of red or orange.
Often in sick animals rhinitis and conjunctivitis are observed, saliva separation increases. With liver damage, yellowness of the mucous membranes is manifested, sometimes paralysis of the extremities and convulsions occur. The abdomen is greatly increased in volume, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) may develop. If untreated, the rabbits usually die on the 7-10th day.
An autopsy reveals pallor of the mucous membranes, yellowness, inflammation in the intestines (thickened walls, contents with blood, the mucous membrane comes off with a “stocking” or with foci of necrosis, pityriasis). On the outside, the intestinal wall membrane is gray, dotted with whitish, tight to the touch small foci. In the liver, characteristic lesions are clearly visible: along the bile ducts, dirty white or yellowish nodules the size of a grain or even a pea, not isolated from surrounding tissues. In severe cases, lesions affect the liver parenchyma.
How to distinguish coccidiosis from other diseases
Intestinal signs are also characteristic of other diseases of rabbits. Detection of a significant number of oocysts in the litter allows the diagnosis of coccidiosis. The symptoms described above confirm the presence of this disease and are an indication for treatment. It is carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian, comprehensive measures are applied to destroy the pathogen in the body, relieve intoxication and maintain electrolyte balance. Since there are various rabbit diseases, the symptoms and treatment for each of them will vary. It is important to correctly and timely make the correct diagnosis. In each case, it is necessary to conduct a differential analysis, since there are not always clear, characteristic symptoms of the disease. The following rabbit diseases show signs of intestinal damage:
- Coccidiosis - detection of oocysts in the litter, blood inclusions, the characteristic age of the animal.
- Enterotoxemia is an acute course, the presence of a large amount of gases in the litter. Age 8-30 days. Detection of the causative agent - bacteria C. perfringens.
- Tizzer's disease - acute course, death 1-2 days after the onset of clinical signs. Detection of the pathogen in the feces - bacteria B. piliformis.
- Helminthiasis - there is no blood in the litter, the chronic course of the disease, the detection of worms or their eggs in the feces.
- Infectious enteritis of bacterial origin (colibacteriosis, dysentery, enterobacter, proteus) - affect young animals aged 6-10 weeks. Diarrhea of yellow or brownish color, rapid dehydration, increased thirst, decrease or increase in body temperature. The mucous membranes are pale. The highest mortality is observed from 5 to 9 weeks.
Coccidiosis in rabbits: treatment
As a therapy, veterinarians prescribe broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs that have, among other things, anti-coccidial effect. Among them:
- Sulfanilamides (Sulfaquinoxaline, Sulfachlorpyrazine) - in feed and drinking water. The recommended dose is 0.1 g per 1 kg of live weight. At the same time, “Monomycin” is prescribed in a dose of 25 thousand units / kg of weight. Spend two five-day courses with an interval of three days.
- Nitrofurans ("Nitrofurazon"). Dosage - 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of live weight.
Sour-milk products are included in the diet: whey at a dose of 25-30 ml per head, yogurt, ABA.
Not always antibacterial drugs can cure coccidiosis. Treatment in advanced cases is carried out with the use of narrowly targeted drugs - coccidiostatics.
Coccidiostatics in rabbit breeding
Such drugs have a certain toxicity and are quite expensive to manufacture, but differ in excellent therapeutic and prophylactic effect. For therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to use them with water, and for prevention they are mixed in premixes and given with food. When diagnosing coccidiosis, treatment is carried out with one of the following drugs (according to the active substance):
- Diclazuril (Solicox, Diacox).
- Amprolium (Brovitakoktsid, Koktsidiovit).
- Totlazuril (Baykoks, Koktsiprodin, Stop-koktsid).
Dosages of the drug depend on the concentration of the type of active substance. On average, the liquid form of coccidiostatics is produced in 2.5-5% concentration and given to animals with water at the rate of 10 mg of DV per 1 kg of live weight for 2-3 days in a row. For preventive purposes, the dose is halved, and the course is carried out a little longer. As part of the premix, coccidiostatics are introduced into the feed at a dose of 0.1% and fed during critical periods (change of feed, transfer to another room, weaning of rabbits). Ready-made mixtures can be purchased on the feed market and in veterinary pharmacies. In any case, carefully read the instructions and clarify whether the drug can be used specifically for rabbits. If the number of animals is small, and coccidiosis is detected in rabbits, treatment is carried out by giving an individual medicine. It is injected into the oral cavity using a syringe without a needle. Rabbits (the photo in the article demonstrates how to fix the head correctly) are placed on the table, they press their back, preventing the animal from fighting off its hind legs. The fluid is carefully injected into the corner of the mouth behind the lip.
Do not give more than 1 ml of liquid at a time.
Prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits
Particular attention is paid to the proper organization of growing technology. The incidence directly depends on the conditions in which the decorative rabbit is kept. Vaccinations do not always save even from viral diseases. The main way to prevent ailments is compliance with hygiene requirements. Prevention of a disease such as coccidiosis in rabbits is carried out using the following measures:
- Keeping animals on trellised floors.
- Prevention of crowding, compliance with planting standards (at least 0.5 square meters per animal).
- Keeping animals in dry, well-ventilated areas.
- Compliance with temperature conditions (rabbits do not tolerate temperatures above 20 ° C).
- Placing cells in the open air or providing them with ventilation of at least 3 cubic meters. per 1 kg of live weight per hour.
- Conducting daily cleaning of litter from cages and changing litter.
- Cleaning once a day the feeders and drinking bowls and scalding them with boiling water.
Are there vaccines for rabbits? Of course, if you have one decorative rabbit in your apartment , you do not need to be vaccinated . But for those who breed rabbits for daily bread, the question is very relevant.
Is there a vaccine for coccidiosis?
Coccidiosis vaccine for rabbits today does not exist. Although it is possible that with increasing demand such a drug will be invented. After all, scientists managed to create a vaccine for coccidiosis in chickens that meets the modern needs of chicken producers. Currently, the prevention of coccidiosis in rabbits is reduced to general measures for the prevention of infectious and invasive diseases, as well as to the preventive giving of coccidiostatic drugs.
Immunity in sick rabbits remains for life, animals are immune to reinfestation. The immunity is non-sterile, which means lifelong carriage of the pathogen in the body. Such a rabbit can easily infect an individual who has not previously been ill with the occurrence of concomitant factors (stress and so on).
Conditions provoking the disease
Coccidiosis in rabbits often occurs after vaccination against HBV and myxomatosis. This does not mean low quality of the vaccine, but indicates a hidden course of coccidiosis in the herd. Take measures to prevent the disease a week before vaccination, and you will avoid complications.
When walking on the grass, periodically move the cage to avoid the accumulation of pathogenic organisms in one place. Feeding should be complete, with a content of 15% coarse fibers and 20% protein substances. Be sure to have hay in the diet, even if the animals receive complete feed. Constant access to water is also required, despite the fact that rabbits get a significant portion of the fluid from the grass.
Compliance with the conditions of feeding and keeping will avoid such an unpleasant ailment as coccidiosis. If, however, for some reason, an outbreak of the disease occurred, then with a quick diagnosis and the use of effective drugs, the prognosis is favorable. Do not forget to isolate diseased animals and clean the cages with disinfectants. If possible, scald with boiling water all available places, and burn metal surfaces and equipment with an open flame using a gas burner or blowtorch.